Word 2013 Core

Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Word 2013 Core
Courseware # 3250
Lesson 8: Using
Productivity Tools
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Lesson Objectives
• customize the Quick Access • create, edit and manage
Toolbar or the Ribbon
• create and edit building
• add or remove macros to
the Quick Access Toolbar
or the Ribbon
• use the Building Blocks
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Customizing Some Tools
• Click File, click Options, and click Quick Access Toolbar
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Customizing Some Tools
commands from
Click arrow to select category with
features to add.
Customize Quick
Access Toolbar
Click arrow to select if revised Quick
Access Toolbar will appear for current
or all documents.
Select command in left list box to add or in right list box
to remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Customizing Some Tools
Move Up/
Move Down
Rearrange buttons in order to appear on Quick
Access Toolbar.
Only available when importing toolbar but enables
you to customize commands in imported toolbar.
Show Quick
Select to display Quick Access Toolbar below
Access Toolbar ribbon instead of its default position above ribbon.
below the
Customizations Click Reset to restore Quick Access Toolbar to
default buttons. Use Import/Export to work with
customized toolbar.
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Customizing Some Tools
• Customizing the Ribbon
– Create new group and add/remove commands in
that group
– Can hide tab from
existing ribbon
– To customize
Ribbon, click File,
click Options and
click Customize
the Ribbon
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Customizing Some Tools
Choose commands Click arrow to select option which may contain
features to add to Ribbon.
Customize the
Click arrow to select which tabs in Ribbon to
customize: All Tabs displays list of all tabs available
that can be placed in Ribbon; Main Tabs contain
the most commonly used tabs; Tool Tabs list all
contextual tabs.
Select command in left list box to add or in right
list box to remove from Ribbon.
Rearrange buttons in right list box in order to
appear on tab.
Move Up/
Move Down
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Customizing Some Tools
Click to open Customize Keyboard dialog box, to
assign or change existing keyboard shortcuts for
selected commands.
New Tab
Create new custom tab for Ribbon.
New Group
Create new group for custom tab.
Rename selected item.
Click Reset to restore Ribbon to default
configuration. Use Import/Export button to work
with customized Ribbon used on system.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
• Reusable document content that can be inserted into
documents as needed
• Saves time and ensures consistency in documents
• Organized into galleries by type and category
– Pre-defined building blocks available in Quick Parts gallery
– Can also create own and add to Quick Parts Gallery
• Saved as part of document template
– Default template for all new Word documents is Normal
– Can save to Normal template, or as part of custom
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
• Using Quick Parts
– Building blocks you use often
– Quick Parts gallery accessible from
Text group on Insert tab
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
Insert building blocks categorized as
AutoText. To insert AutoText entry, on Insert
tab, click Quick Parts, point to AutoText,
then click AutoText entry from gallery.
Click from list of document properties
to insert. Document properties also
visible on Info tab in Backstage view.
To insert document property, on
Insert tab, click Quick Parts, point to
Document Property, then click
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
Use to display dynamic content. To insert field, on Insert
tab, click Quick Parts, click Field to open Field dialog
box. Select field from list box, then click OK.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
Click to open dialog box and manage, edit, and
maintain building blocks.
Selection to
Quick Parts
Click to save selected document text as custom
building block. Select document text, then on Insert tab
click Quick Parts, and click Save Selection to Quick
Part Gallery.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
• Provide name and description, or assign to particular
gallery and category
– When saved as quick part,
available for use in all other
documents created from
same template. To insert
quick part, on Insert tab, click
Quick Parts, locate quick part
in gallery, then click to insert
quick part
– Can also type name of quick
part and press F3 to insert quick
part into document
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
• Using the Building Blocks Organizer
– To view available Quick Parts, click Insert tab, click Quick
Parts in Text
group and then click
Building Blocks
Organizer. Click item
in list box to preview
in right pane
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Building Blocks
– Click column heading to sort list
– Use buttons below list box to work with currently selected
building block
– To modify building block, insert it into document, make
changes to building block, select it and then save as
building block again
– Ensure replacing correct
building block as cannot undo
– Exit Word to be prompted to
save all new entries into Building
Blocks.dotx template
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Recorded series of commands and actions grouped
together and saved as named Visual Basic module
• Can be short and simple entries to very elaborate chains
• Use Quick Parts to insert formatted text and graphics,
whereas use macros to record repetitive actions
• Make macros available to all documents, or only to
documents created from specific templates
• Also known as “scripts” as actions in macro are
commands that are followed in sequence from first to
last, like script
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Recording Macros
– Records all steps necessary to accomplish task and when
run, recorded steps executed in same order as recorded
– Can pause while recording macro
– Before recording macro:
• Plan and anticipate steps for task
• If macro complex, write down steps before recording
• Simplify macro by thinking ahead to avoid unnecessary steps
– May be easier to create several macros, each accomplishing part of
complex task
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• If macro to be available to all documents, save in Normal
• Can be created using Microsoft Visual Basic
– Programming language for creating diverse and complex
• View and record macros by clicking Macros in Macros
group of View tab
• To work with macros in depth, display Developer tab
– Click File, click Options, click Customize
Ribbon and then in Main Tabs list box,
click check box for Developer tab
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• To record macro:
– Click Developer tab, in Code group, click Record Macro,
– click View tab and in Macros group, click arrow for Macros
and click Record Macro, or
– double-click in status bar
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
Macro name
Enter name up to 80 letters or numbers – no
spaces or symbols.
Assign macro to
Assign to toolbar button or shortcut keystroke; can
also assign after macro created.
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Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• If assign macro to button, click Button:
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Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• To assign to keyboard shortcut:
Store macro in
Which template used to save macro.
Type description that can contain as many as 255
characters, but only about 100 characters will show
on status bar.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Once record mode active, mouse cursor changes to
– Every keystroke you type or press, and every option you
click, is now recorded into macro
• When finished recording steps for macro, stop record
– On Developer tab, in Code group, click Stop Recording,
– click
in status bar
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Running Macros
– Can run macro from Macros dialog box or pressing
shortcut key assigned
– To run or play macro:
• On Developer tab, in Code
group, click Macros, or
• press ALT+F8
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
Macro name
Macro list
Displays name of currently selected macro. If no
macros defined, field is blank. To create new macro
using Visual Basic Editor, type name for new macro,
and click Create.
Lists macros available for current document. If no
macros defined, list is empty.
Macros in
Lists available templates and documents that contain
macros. When creating new macro, choose location
where to store new macro.
Displays description for currently selected macro.
Runs selected macro.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
Step Into
Opens Visual Basic Editor and steps through each line of
code to view effect of each step in macro.
Opens selected macro in Code window of Visual Basic
Opens module in Code window to create new macro.
Removes selected macro.
Opens Organizer dialog box where you can copy macros
from one document or template to another, and delete or
rename macros.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Hint: If you assigned a macro to a button or keyboard
shortcut, you can also click the button or press the
keyboard shortcut to run the macro.
• To assign a keyboard shortcut to an existing macro, or to
change an existing assignment, you must access the
Customize Ribbon feature in Word Options.
• To keep macros easy to manage, consider deleting
macros you no longer need.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Editing Macros
– To edit macro: either record macro again or open Visual
Basic Editor to edit code
Macro Code window
Macro projects
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• In code window, move to where changes to be made
and to:
– Delete text: select text and press DELETE
– Insert line of code: move cursor to beginning of line where
to insert new line of text and press ENTER
– Indent line of code: press TAB
– Enter code: begin typing. If drop-down list appears, move
through list to select code
– Turn line of code into comment: type single apostrophe at
beginning of line
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
– To save changes:
• Click File and click Save Normal, or
• click
(Save Normal) in Visual Basic toolbar, or
• press CTRL+S
– To switch between Word and Visual Basic windows:
• Click View and click Microsoft Word, or
• click
(View Microsoft Word) in Visual Basic toolbar, or
• press ALT+F11
– To close and exit Microsoft Visual Basic window:
• Click File and click Close and Return to Microsoft Word, or
• click Close for Microsoft Visual Basic window
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Configuring Security for Macros
– To change security level:
• Click Developer tab, in Code group, click Macro Security, or
• click File, click Options, click Trust Center, click Trust Center
Settings, and click Macro Settings
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
Disable all macros
without notification
All macros disabled with no notification via security alert.
Disable all macros with
All macros disabled, but security alerts appear if macros
present in document.
Disable all macros
except digitally signed
Allows only macros that include digital signature to run, and
then, only if publisher is listed in list of Trusted Publishers.
Enable all macros (not
potentially dangerous
code can run)
All macros allowed to run; not recommended because it
makes computer vulnerable to any potentially malicious code
hidden in macro.
Trust access to the VBA
project object model
Allowing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code to read and
possibly insert new code into an existing VBA module.
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Understanding Macros
• Always maintain sufficient security level for macroenabled documents and exercise caution when enabling
• Disable all macros with notification displays warning
when you open document that contains macros
– Can then choose to enable macros if confident of content
– Recognize document saved as macro-enabled
document by icon associated with file
• If unsure of content when file displays icon, always scan with
antivirus program before opening document and enabling content
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Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Lesson Summary
customize the Quick Access Toolbar or the Ribbon
create and edit building blocks
use the Building Blocks Organizer
create, edit and manage macros
add or remove macros to the Quick Access Toolbar or
the Ribbon
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Review Questions
What is the difference between the commands that display
the drop-down menu for the Customize Quick Access
Toolbar button versus the commands that display on the
Customize Quick Access Toolbar screen within the Word
Options dialog box?
What is the purpose of the checkbox at the left of each
ribbon tab name in the Customize Ribbon screen of the
Word Options dialog box?
What could you do if you wanted to access those
commands you frequently use on the various ribbon tabs
from one location?
Explain what a Quick Part is.
© CCI Learning Solutions Inc.
Microsoft Office
Word 2013 Core
Review Questions
What is the purpose of the Building Blocks Organizer?
What is the purpose of the Building Blocks template?
How do macros differ from Quick Parts?
When recording a macro, how do you access items such as
commands or text?
How can you edit a macro?
10. Why is it important to check the settings for macro security?
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