Reptiles Tree Frogs Snakes Lizards Parrots Orioles Penguins Elephants Monkeys Polar Bears Sharks Clownfish Starfish REPTILES Tree frogs live in the rainforest. They use their bright colors to hide from predators. ACTIVITY REPTILES Click on the tree frog. Click on the tree frog. Click on the tree frog. Click on the tree frog. PREDATOR Something that survives by killing other animals. REPTILES Penguins live near the water. They like cold weather. BIRDS Parrots live in the rainforest. They have a lot of beautiful feathers. ACTIVITY BIRDS Print the pictures of the parrots and color them in. Orioles are the Maryland state bird. They like to eat caterpillars, spiders, and fruit. BIRDS MAMMALS MAMMALS MAMMALS Sharks live underwater. Not all sharks are dangerous carnivores. Some sharks, like nurse sharks and whale sharks only eat plankton. FISH CARNIVORE Something that eats meat PLANKTON Tiny plants and animals that float around in water Starfish live in salt water. If anything happens to one of their arms, they can regenerate a new one. FISH Regenerate To make a new __________ Clownfish live in salt water. They hide in poisonous plants called anemones to stay safe from predators. FISH By Mary Andrucyk and Meridith Gregory We can use this slide show as a vocabulary-enhancing lesson for lower level ESL students or elementary level students as they learn to read.