
Lessons 5.01-5.02
Make sure your Microphone and Sound is working
for participation in today’s session:
On the toolbar at the top of the screen, go to:
1. “Tools”
2. “Audio”
3. “Audio Setup Wizard”
Please sign in with FULL NAME
Example: Sue Perkid – Mrs. A. Mazing
Welcome to Florida!!!! Where do you live?
To Check Your Sound and Microphone “Tools” > “Audio” > “Audio Setup Wizard”
Session Expectations
• Be respectful of yourself and others:
• Use school-appropriate language, comments, symbols, etc.
• Be kind and courteous to others
• Participate in ALL activities during the session.
• Using a microphone is the preferred method of
discussion participation.
• In order to receive collaboration credit, you must stay for
the entire session.
• Take notes. You may use them on your assignments,
quizzes, and the final exam
• Today’s session will be about 1 hour.
Objectives for Learning for Lessons 5.01-5.03
In this session, students will learn to:
Create a writing plan for a news article.
Communicate a writing action plan.
Conduct effective research.
Evaluate the validity of research materials.
LA.B.2.4.3 write fluently for a variety of occasions, audiences, and purposes, making
appropriate choices regarding style, tone, level of detail, and organization.
LA.D.1.4.2 make appropriate adjustments in language use for social, academic, and life
situations, demonstrating sensitivity to gender and cultural bias.
LA.B.2.4.4 Select and use a variety of electronic media, such as the Internet, information
services, and desktop publishing software programs, to create, revise, retrieve, and
verify information.
LA.A.2.4.6 select and use appropriate study and research skills and tools according to
the type of information being gathered or organized, including almanacs, government
publications, microfiche, news sources, and information services.
When you are asked to write, what do you
need to know before getting started?
Inverted Pyramid of Details
Inverted Pyramid
First Sentence: Who, What, When,
Where, Why, How in 20-30 words
First paragraph: More
specifics about Who, What,
When, Where, Why, How
Other details of
How does a
format their
Final details
of minor
goes first
Example of Final Product in Module 5
Florida cops capture large cat-eating python
Port St. Lucie cops captured a 12 foot 120-pound python that was
responsible for the disappearance of many household cats.
Many officials have questioned whether this python was really
responsible for the disappearance of the household cats but have found
evidence of a dead cat that was seen under a waist bush. After seeing the
deceased cat the officials started asking other officers to help remove the
snake. The resident officials also questioned why they haven’t seen this
snake before regarding its colossal size and slow speed. Local residents
have suggested that this snake was released from another local resident.
Officers have found the snake to be 120 pounds.
In 2012 Burmese pythons were banned as a Florida state law and
coincidentally a local resident owned a license for the python that roamed
the neighborhood. The Burmese python has been caught and has been
kept for hold instead of releasing it into the wild. The officers have not
allowed any pythons into the wild in that area. The residents also assume
that the snakes in their area are increasing and some citizens are
releasing more and more snakes into the wild. The 12 foot 120-pound
python was one of the biggest snakes found in Florida.
Reminder: You will use the topic you select for all module 5 assignments!!!
How do I choose a topic for Module 5?
Consider yourself a hometown
reporter and write about an
event in your town or school.
Be sure that you can be
impartial and unbiased about
your topic.
Consider the 7 pillars of
7 Pillars of Newsworthiness
*If you are on your phone or tablet, you will not see the video playing. I will put
it in the chatbox for you to view later.
Review of 7 Pillars of Newsworthiness
How important it is
How touching it is
How close it is
How recent it is
How rare it is
How new it is
Human Interest
How influential it is
Circle the topics that would make
good topics for your article
A recent storm that
took out a bridge in
your town
The championship
football game that
happened in
A shooting 500
miles from your
Governor Rick
Scott reading to a
local group of
elementary school
A local charity
drive to collect
coats for kids
Let’s Brainstorm- Write your topic ideas for your
news report
Your 5.01 Assignment
I am sending you the 5.01 assignment, now.
When you see the pop-up box below, click “yes,”
2. Save it to your Desktop,
3. Open the file.
4. Give me a “green check” when you have opened
the file.
When you see this box,
click “yes”.
When you
have the file
open, give us
a “green
Reminder: You will use this topic for all of your module 5 assignments!!!
5.01 Assignment
You must choose a topic that interests you and then write a oneparagraph plan about what you intend to cover in your report
and why you intend to cover that topic. Remember that you need
to be able to remain impartial in your writing about this topic.
Ask yourself the following questions about how to write
your report:
1. What is my topic?
2. Who is my audience?
3. In what type of news medium should this story be presented
(newspaper, radio, television, etc.)?
4. Whom can I interview?
5. Where can I gather research?
6. How can I remain impartial about this topic, even though I
find it interesting?
Check In!
Comprehension Check
about Imagery:
Smiley Face = “I got this!”
Frowny Face = “One more
time, please.”
Throughout this lesson, you will be discussing
your ideas with a partner. This is part of your
collaboration credit. Pay attention to the name of
your partner when your teacher assigns him/her.
Partner A
Partner B
How to Private Message your Partner
Step 1
Step 2
Share with your partner:
1. Tell each other “hey”!
2. Introduce yourself and where
you live in Florida
3. What is a credible source?
Why do we need credible sources?
In an argument, why do we need to provide
research to support our claim?
• Credible sources make our claims valid; using
other people’s research shows that we aren’t
alone in our thoughts.
Why do we need to cite our research?
• We give credit where credit is due.
• Using other people’s ideas without giving them
credit is stealing. (plagiarism)
Does the web site express a specific opinion?
Opinion can often cloud the judgment of the person writing the information.
Be careful when using sources that express strong opinions.
How recently was the web site published?
If the web site is not current, it may have old facts that will not work well for
your research.
Is the author credible?
Look for an indication that the owner or writer of the web site is an authority
on this topic.
Does the web site provide documentation?
Check other web sites to see whether this information appears to be correct.
Look for references and statistics within the web site itself that will lend
credibility to its facts.
How do you verify that your sources are credible?
When you research, you search for
information. Journalists must take
this process seriously in order to
protect their credibility. A joke
among journalists is “If your mother
tells you she loves you, check the
source.” This is obviously meant to
be funny, but the joke hints at a
journalistic quandary. When you get
information from people you don’t
know or trust, how can you verify
what they tell you is true?
With your partner discuss if this is a credible source or not
• Web site Title: NO. The scuba diver did not burn in a tree
• I’m really tired of people calling me to ask whether such a thing could have
happened. Here’s the story: a scuba diver, out for a swim, gets picked up by a
helicopter bucket and dumped into a forest fire, where he burns to death. The
helicopter pilot was trying to get water to put out the fire, and he or she didn’t
notice a scuba diver in the waters below. Freak accident.
• Well, it’s a great story, but it’s not true. I’m not saying that a helicopter pilot would
always see every single person who’s swimming around in the water. But as the
distributor of those buckets that are used to put out forest fires, I can tell you that
no human being can fit inside of them. It simply is not possible. Please quit calling
my office to ask whether my products are safe.
• Date of Publish: web site updated 3 years back
• Author: Editor
• Documentation: Not Available
Look for answers to the following key questions:
1. Why was the web site created?
2. What option does the page represent?
3. Is the page current?
4. Who put up the web site?
5. How good is the information?
With your partner discuss if this is a credible source or not
Web site Title: Scuba diver in a tree – hoax?
Early last year firefighters battled raging flames in northern California, as nearly a third of national forest
burned to the ground. After weeks of round-the-clock efforts, the firefighters finally contained the deadly flames
and saved the rest of the trees and habitats.
California residents were relieved, and relief efforts to clean up and restore the damaged forest began nearly
immediately. Imagine the surprise and confusion when one of the cleanup volunteers found the charred
remains of a scuba diver – wearing full scuba gear – in one of the blackened branches of a sycamore tree!
How did this happen? Authorities puzzled over the mystery for several days before they identified the body as
that of a world-renowned scuba diver. He had been diving off the California coast during the raging fire, but he
had not entered the woods to anyone’s knowledge.
Finally, investigations showed that the diver had been caught in a bucket as fire-fighting helicopters pulled
water from the ocean to put out the flames. One moment the diver was enjoying his favorite pastime, and the
next he was being dropped into a burning tree!
At first glance, this email seems realistic – and shocking. That is a common combination for an urban legend.
The original writer hopes that you will fall for the joke and pass it along. In order to determine whether this
particular legend was truth or fiction, we called authorities throughout northern California to ask whether there
are any existing reports of such a thing taking place…
Look for answers to the following key questions:
1. Why was the web site created?
Date of Publish: web site updated last week
2. What option does the page represent?
Author: Editor, XYN News
3. Is the page current?
Documentation: Available
4. Who put up the web site?
5. How good is the information?
Your 5.02 Assignment
I am sending you the 5.02 assignment, now.
When you see the pop-up box below, click “yes,”
2. Save it to your Desktop,
3. Open the file.
4. Give me a “green check” when you have opened
the file.
When you see this box,
click “yes”.
When you
have the file
open, give us
a “green
With your partner, locate 1 credible
website that supports your topic
• When you have found your website, send it to our partner
for them to evaluate if they agree that it is a credible
• You will use this source with your news story.
Look for answers to the following key questions:
1. Why was the web site created?
2. What option does the page represent?
3. Is the page current?
4. Who put up the web site?
5. How good is the information?
Reminder: You will use this topic for all of your module 5 assignments!!!
5.02 Assignment
• For this assessment you must identify at least three
sources you intend to consult about your topic, as well as
at least two interview sources. These will be part of the
requirement for your assignment. Make sure all of your
sources are credible and will together provide a balanced
view of your topic without showing your opinion.
• Include a paragraph explaining your sources and your
selections for interviewees, how you will contact them,
and how they will add to the impartiality and credibility of
your story. Add secondary options for people you will
contact in case your first interview selections are not
available when the time comes.
5 Sources total: 2 interview sources and 3 credible research sources
Check In!
Comprehension Check
about Imagery:
Smiley Face = “I got this!”
Frowny Face = “One more
time, please.”
Let’s Review
It today’s lesson we have covered:
Lesson 5.01
– Create a writing plan for a news article.
– Communicate a writing action plan.
Lesson 5.02
– Conduct effective research.
– Evaluate the validity of research materials.
Save The Presentation for your notes
• Save these whiteboard screens
as PDF files.
– Go to File, Save, Whiteboard.
– Select “All Pages”
– Select Files of type: Whiteboard
Step 1
• Pay attention to where you saved this file.
Step 3
Step 2
Congratulations! We completed the
5.01 and 5.02 Live Lesson!
We are now taking the attendance
Thank you for coming! We hope to see you again soon!