Challenge Master Training - DI Scoring Program Web Page


Score Room

Challenge Master’s Training


Sherri Guerra& Manny Alvarez

Liberally plagiarised from many experts


This material is intended as a starting point for Score Room CMs to use in their training and score room setup.

There are


possible ways to run score rooms

– This is material is primarily based on experiences in NH, MA,CT & TX

– Feel free to modify or use as you need

Additional detailed documentation and planning guides are at:

Overview of the Training

Score Room Mission

2015 Challenges

Score Room Goals

 What’s New

Scoring Considerations

Paperwork Flow

Staffing & other random thoughts

Setting up & using the Score Program

Computer & Network Suggestions

2015 Challenges

Technical Challenge:

Creature Feature

Scientific Challenge:

Making Waves

Fine Arts Challenge:

Feary Tales

Improvisational Challenge:

The Improv Games

Structural Challenge:

Lose to Win

Early Learning Challenge:

Animal Mish Mash

Service Learning Challenge:


Example Challenges

& Colors

• A: Creature Feature (Creature)

• B: Making Waves (Waves)

• C: Feary Tales (Feary)




• D: The Improve Games (Improv) Pink/Red

• E: Lose to Win (L2Win) Green

• PO: BrandAid (Brand)

• IC

• Score room

• Animal Mish Mash (Animal)





We like to color code everything for easy sorting. Consult your RD/AD for their choice of colors!

The Score Room’s Role in the


• In many ways, the score room is the “nerve center” of the tournament

– It has the best overall view of how the day is flowing

– Can provide early notice of any trouble spots to TD

• Score Room Challenge Master has to communicate with everyone

– Tournament, Affiliate, Regional Directors

– Challenge Masters

– Head Appraisers

– Score room personnel

Score Room Challenge Master

Team player, detail-oriented, computer literate, technically capable, general knowledge of the challenges, difficult to fluster, good communication skills

Needs to be involved early just as any other challenge master

Should become a member of discoring egroup

Define the score room policies and procedures

Review with your RD and Tournament Director to make sure they agree and support

Collect and test the hardware and software needed to score the tournament, well before the tournament date

Lead the training of the score room personnel

Score Room Primary Goal

• The primary goal of a DI Score Room is to provide the announcer at the conclusion of a tournament with an accurate list of place finishes for the teams that competed at that tournament

• Maintain the confidentiality of the scores.

Never leave paperwork unattended

• Help keep the tournament running smoothly

• And to get everyone home at a reasonable hour

Secondary Goals

Produce scores that can be posted or distributed for teams to review after the tournament

Produce a synopsis of the results that can be posted on a website or released to the media

Produce a historical record of the tournament

What’s New this year

A new Auto-update feature has been added. When the Scoring Program is started, it will query the program web page to check for any changes to the challenges that have been released by the developers. If any are found, you will be prompted to allow the program to download and install those updates.

You can check the version of the challenges you are using in the Help->About window by selecting the Versions tab.

New Filters have been added to the Challenge/Level Windows and the All Teams

Window to allow display of only those teams that are scheduled earlier than a certain TC Time or IC Time. This along with the TC Done and IC Done filters will allow a display of team packets that are late to the score room.

Removed Going Forward indication for High IC awards. In the past, when HighIC

Awards were printed on the announcement sheets, the team was marked as Going

Forward if they also placed high enough. This often pre-announced the first place team because the HighIC award were presented first.

Updated the feature to export and import Appraiser CSV files. It is now more user friendly, and tolerant of missing files or blank appraiser settings. Please give this feature a try for setting up your appraisers this year.

DI Scoring Team Axiom

• People make errors

– range errors

– math errors

– data entry errors

• To catch the errors, every action needs to be done twice and compared for the same answer

Computers Instead of Calculators

• DI scoring program supports entering all the appraisers’ scores directly into the computer: for both Challenges and IC

• Number crunching is the single most error prone step of working with scores

• It is labor intensive, since has to be done again in the score room (people make mistakes)

We do not use number crunchers in Team

Challenge or IC at all!

Scoring Program Logistics

• Appraisers and Appraisal Team Organizers do no calculations (except weight calculation for structure problem)

• Eliminates score calculation errors

• All scores entered into program twice

– Second entry verified against first entry

• Team Manager and Head Appraiser score sheets printed for the challenge room

• Master Sheet also printed to remain with the


How should you organize and run your score room?

• There are almost as many ways to run a successful Score Room as there are Score Room

Challenge Masters.

• 3 Common Methods

– Centralized

– Distributed

– Hybrid

• Your Site Layout and Score room team level of experience influence what method will work best for your tournament

‒ You may choose to use some combination of these methods


• Packets created at each site then sent to the Score Room for all computer entry.

• All scores entered into the Scoring Program twice with different

Computer Operators on different computers. Results compared automatically.

• After entry, a Team Manager and Head Appraiser copy of the

Master Sheet is printed and returned to the challenge site.

• Advantage

– First and Second Packet entry in the same room. Central control, score room can react quickly if packets get held up.

• Disadvantage

– Does not work well with multiple remote sites. Can be delays getting packets back to site. May be more packet traffic between sites and score room.


• 2 computers at each challenge site. Computer Operators at each site enter scores twice and check against each other automatically.

• Master Sheets and packets are sent to the Score Room after complete. Team Manager and Head Appraiser copies remain at site

• Score Room merges results from each challenge site to create overall tournament results.

• Advantage

– First and Second Packet entry in the same room. Very quick turn around on any errors. No packet hold ups.

• Disadvantage

Difficult Score Room oversight. All data entry and checking is done at the site, can be noisy, distracting and pressured by appraiser team. Need multiple computers for sites and a summary computer in Score Room.


• 1 or more computers at each site or group of sites.

• Appraisal Team Organizer checks all entries for legibility and completeness.

• Computer Operator enters results once, then prints a HA & TM copy.

These are marked Preliminary / Unverified. Packet and a Score Room copy are sent to Score Room to be checked and entered for the 2nd time.

• Results are cross checked by electronic means (network or USB drive) and checksum.

• Score Room completes the tournament summary.

• Advantage

– First entry done at the site for quick detection of appraiser errors and turnaround of questions. Minimizes packet travel. Computers at site and Score Room eliminate math errors. 2nd entry done in controlled environment.

• Disadvantage

– Requires more computer equipment and personal. Distributed IT can be difficult. Team

Manager copy printed before 2nd entry. Cross checks require use of a network or USB drives.

Paperwork Flow - Central








Appraisal Team



Logs all

Time(s) In

Time(s) Out

Gate Keeper

Checker (optional)

Head Appraiser

Team Manager

Results TM, HA

Score Room

Paper Work Manager

Final Score storage area

File Manager

Data Entry 1 Data Entry 2

Central Score Room Sample Layout

Gate Keeper

Check In



Data Entry 1

Check and Backup


Score Room

Printer / Copier

Data Entry 2



Data Entry 1

Data Entry 2

Data Entry 1 Data Entry 2

Final Score storage area

Paperwork Flow - Hybrid






Team Manager

Head Appraiser

Appraisal Team


Checker (optional)



Data Entry 1


Network or USB Flash Drive electronic check

Logs all

Time(s) In

Time(s) Out

Gate Keeper

Checker (optional)

Score Room

Paper Work Manager

Data Entry 2

File Manager

Final Score storage area

Paper Flow Suggestions

• Check-in

– Log each score packet into the score room, with time in

– Scoring Program can print log sheets to help

– Check-in program also available from the scoring website

• Verify any calculations done by appraisers

– Always double check structure weights and check mark counts

– Use a calculator (windows or hand held)

– Can be done a checker or any another person.

– Initial next to the checked value

Paper Flow Suggestions


• Return incorrect packets for corrections

– Flag packet with a red sticky dot

» Highlights need for immediate action by head appraiser

» Lets the score room expedite it on return

– Sticky note describing error on page with the error

– Any time an appraiser’s intention is not crystal clear

– Must be logged out, and then back in, with times

– Can fix math errors in the score room, but notify the challenge room Head Appraiser

– Range errors, etc., get returned to challenge room

• File score packets for easy retrieval

– Count on having to retrieve at least one packet for rework late in the day, when things are already hectic


Sticker Management

Good packet after 1 st entry – put a green sticker on packet

Bad packet during 1 st entry – put a red sticker on packet – return for problem resolution

Good packet after 2 nd entry and check – initial green sticker – Send to File

Bad packet during 2 nd entry – add red sticker – return for problem resolution


Problem resolved and re-run through 1 st entry – add a green sticker

Good packet after 2 nd entry and check – initial green sticker – Send to file

Making up the Score Packet

Team label on the upper left corner of envelope

• Please put the papers in this order it really helps

– Deductions worksheet

– Check-in sheet (Structure only)

– Weight held sheet (Structure only – not this year!)

– Appraisers sheets

» In alphabetical/numeric order

– Prep area sheet

– Everything else last

» No score-relevant information


Status Dots

– Stickies on the special stickies sheet stay at the appraisal site to give back to

Team manager with team scores

» ONLY positive comments! Trash inappropriate ones…

Returning the Team and Head

Appraiser Scores

• After successful entry and check of data, Head

Appraiser and Team copies of scores need to be printed.

– Return these copies to the appraisal site

• Use of color coded folders for runners is effective

– Fold score sheets so just team and challenge name can be seen

• Separate envelopes for each team are also an option

Knowing when you are done

Team Challenge

A: Assembly Required

Assembly Required

Assembly Required

Assembly Required

B: Solar Stage

Solar Stage

Solar Stage

Solar Stage

Solar Stage

C: Attractions





D: News to Me

News to Me

News to Me

News to Me

News to Me

E: Breaking




PO: World Canvas

PO: World Canvas

PO: World Canvas






















Challenge Master /


Cell Phones All Pkts In

Score Room

All Pkts 2nd

Entry Done

All Packets


Merge Done Master



Michael & Sheryl

Tom Jones

Gary West

Linda Smith

Julio & Hunter










Score Team







Charlotte & Jetta XXX-XXXX




Mike & Melena







Use separate sheets for IC and TC















Minimum Score Room Staffing

• 1 Score room leader

• 2 data entry people for every ~75 teams to be scored (YMMV)

This Covers TC and IC entry.

• 1 Paperwork Manager

– paperwork check in/out and distribution

– check structure weights calculations

– score packet filing

• Site

– 1 Appraisal Team Organizer per TC challenge room

– 1 Score Runner per TC challenge room (volunteers work well)

» Sometimes runners can be shared across rooms if close together

• Optional

– 1 Score Checker / Challenge

– 1 or more Techie guys to setup equipment and answer the normal help calls.

Miscellaneous thoughts…

• Supply computers and calculators, require their use!

• Consider outlawing staplers and pencils in challenge rooms

– Score room should not have to remove staples

– If a score is erased and re-written without being initialed, it needs to go back to the appraiser for validation. Ink pens help here!

• Provide 9 x 12 manila envelopes to store and transport each team’s paperwork

– Safe, secure, easily filled

• Use pre-printed labels on all team paperwork

– Print the labels from the same database you create the scoring files from, so they’re consistent

Scheduling of Awards


• Leave adequate time after the last competing team; we prefer at least 1 hour 15 minutes from last team start

– Performance runs 8 to 10 minutes

– 10 minutes for appraisers to work with the kids and fill out forms

– 15+ minutes to process in score room and return verified scores to challenge room for the TM.

– TM has 30 minutes to review and potentially request


– And rooms occasionally run late!!!

End of Tournament Score Room


• Do Final Merge and verify all teams entered

• Do final check of merged data against merged 1 st entry data

• Make Final Backup and save to USB Key (or 2)

• Print Results for Award Ceremony (ordered for presenter)

• Print Results for RD (may need multiple Copies)

• Optionally

• Printing place certificates

• Printing special awards (DaVinci's, etc.)

• Preparing results for the media and/or presentation

• Posting scores for viewing

• Other score distribution

• Recommend you bring laptop and USB key to Award

Ceremony. There may be last minute questions!

Scheduling The Tournament

• DIschedule by Chuck Bowler

– Utilizes a .csv file of your teams to help you schedule teams and rooms. Can be the same file you normally use as input to DI Scoring program

– Enforces times between IC and TC

– Highlights when a Team Manager has conflicts with multiple teams

– Exports a file that can be used as the input to the DI Scoring program

– Takes a little effort, but is a BIG improvement over manual scheduling

– More information: Sign up for

Yahoo group on DI Tournament Scheduling by sending a blank e-mail to



For More Info

Destination ImagiNation scoring discussions, including questions about and problem reports for the scoring program should occur on the

email list.

To use this list, all Score Masters must be registered with DI


Registration on the list is completely automated. Only people registered as Score Masters can be subscribed.

Setting up and Using the

DI Score Program

More detail available at

What Hardware ?

2 Data entry computers per 75 scored teams

– An experienced data entry person can handle 100 teams in a day (TC and IC) based on scheduling of teams

– Challenges can be combined on a single computer

– Challenges can be split by levels across multiple computers

– Computers are always configured in pairs

• Laptops work great ( built in battery backup)

• Windows 8.1, 8, 2000, Vista, XP or 7, or Mac OS only

• Pentium-class, 1Ghz or better

• 256 MB memory for Windows

What Hardware


• AntiVirus Software installed and current

• Administrative access (need to be able to install program and printer drivers) Make sure to check out school computers before use!

• 80 MB Free disk space

• 1024 x 768 (or better) monitor recommended unless using summary mode

REAL keyboards and mice!!

– Numeric Keypad (10-Pad) is a real plus.

What Hardware


• Printers

– One per challenge if no network

– Two minimum, even with network

• Other possible equipment

– Access to a copier

– Check-in computer

– Certificate printing computer

– Master computer for backups and to merge results

• Macs are supported!

– OS-X required; see the discoring web site for more detailed information.

More about hardware

• Why 2 sets of hardware?

– Each step has to be done twice by different people to guard against errors.

– If something can possibly go wrong, it will, 15 minutes before the awards ceremony.

• Extras: Don’t leave home without them!

– Printer cartridges, toner, paper, extension cords, power strips, USB keys, highlighters…

Dark Chocolate!

– Soft copy of all forms used in the tournament so extras can be printed if needed

Before Tournament Day

• Create the schedule in CSV format, save it on a

USB memory key.

• Always, always, always, try out the program

– On the hardware you’ll be using

– With your data

– Before the tournament!!!

– Then reload the machine with fresh data files when you know everything’s OK

Tips & Tricks

Consult the considerable documentation

– written by a professional

– there are topics for tournament directors and score room leads covers preparing to score, running a score room, using the program, scoring rules

Run a sample tournament in as much detail as possible before the real thing!

Create your schedule in Excel or DIschedule

– export it as comma separated values (save as csv) easy to import into the scoring program

Print labels for your appraisers from same data

– saves the appraisers time, reduces errors and eye strain

Join the DI Scoring email list

Practice using quick search with the team number and train your computer operators using it. It’s much faster and more accurate then using team names!

Enter teams into the Score Program

• For more information:

• Easiest to use Excel or other spreadsheet

– Save the file as “CSV”; all spreadsheets can do it

• First row is header, then one row for each team

• Up to 10 columns (4 required)



Memb Name

Team Num

Town (opt)

TC Time (opt.)

IC Time (opt.)

Competitive Y/N (opt.)

– TM Name(s) (opt.)

Team Name (opt.)

Setting up the Tournament

 The Tournament Wizard is your step by step guide to create or modify your tournament

Setting up Tournament


• Use to set up options for your tournament

Setting up Tournament


Setting up backup, check and merge directories

Allows Backups to multiple sources

Setting up Appraisers

Best to assign a single appraiser for entering Other Deductions!

All Challenge Level Window a VERY useful tool!

Use with Quick Search!

Tournament Summary Window

Scoreboard for the tournament

 number of teams number whose scores are incomplete when they should finish when the scores were printed

Drill down to a challenge level

Drilling Down to Enter Scores

List of teams in a challenge level

 performance time status

 being scored?

TC done?

IC Done?

Entering Scores

Data entry of all appraisers’ scores

Computer verifies ranges

Verifies appraiser agreement for objective scores

Computer calculates it all

Computer scales the final results and prints them

Error Checking

Entering Item-Specific Deductions

• Click on the square checkbox to the left of the item’s title

• Fill in the deduction value and the reason

Note that deductions can be a percent of the awarded score (not the max score!)

Click on “OK” to close the deduction dialog box

Instant Challenge

IC Scores calculated

1 st set instant challenge to be used

Note: No information about the challenge is shown in the score program. Preserves IC confidentiality

• The rest works just like Team Challenge.


• You may have multiple computers with results

Merge allows you to bring all results together in your master tournament to print results

Creature Waves Feary Improv L2Win Brand




Merge Continued

Backup Material

Computer &

Network Suggestions

These are just one way to setup, feel free to skip if you already have a setup that works for you!

Setting up Master Computer

1) Connect computer to network

2) Download and install DI Scoring Program

3) Locate tournament .csv from scheduling program, or ??.

4) Run DI Scoring Program

Use tournament wizard to set up tournament

Set up appraisers

Set up preferences as desired (printing, colors, look and feel, scoring, backup and check)

5) Save and exit scoring program

6) Copy Score Program, Tournament and DIPrefs to a shared directory

7) Set up the remaining computers

8) Map drives to each of the 2 nd entry computers used: TC and IC. (M:,

N:, O:, P:, Q: ...)

9) Run DI Scoring Program to set up the merge

10) Make test entries into 1 st and 2 nd entry computers

11) Verify checks and backups are occurring

12) Run a test merge

Setting up your Score Room Computers

1) Connect computer to network

2) Install DI Scoring Program

(from master computer)

3) Copy tournament to DI Programs directory from master

– Share this directory with everyone (read only)

4) Copy DIPrefs.xml from master

– Score program Help→About→System→user.home shows location for it

– Usually c:\users\<username> or c:\Documents and Settings\<username>

5) Create Directory for backup from other computer

(C:\DI Programs\Backup)

– Share this directory with everyone (read/write)

6) Install printer if 2 nd entry computer

7) Do steps 1-6 on remaining computers

8) Map drive for Backup (B:)

(Need directory on other system already)

9) Map drive for Check (K:) if 2 nd entry computer

(to 1 st entry tournament directory)

10) Run DI Scoring Program




Set Tournament to proper directory

Set Backup to B: and set time for backups

Set Check to K: if 2 nd entry computer

Wireless Network

Hardware for Network

Wired Network

Data Entry 1 Data Entry 1 Data Entry 1

Wireless Router (Access Point) –

Serves IP Addresses and allows communication between connected computers.

Data Entry 2 Data Entry 2 Data Entry 2

Router – Serves IP

Addresses to connected computers. One is required for the network.

Switch – Increases number of ports available to network

Requires more configuration

Less Hardware needed

Requires wireless laptop capability (some wireless routers have wired capability)

Requires more hardware (cables)

Less Configuration needed

Connects to any laptop

Setting up the Wireless Router

Access the router to configure

Connect computer to router with a cable

Using web browser go to given in router owners manual)

Sign on as admin (password in owners manual)

(or IP address

Linksys uses blank username and password admin

Configure the router

Set the SSID (Capital)

Set the security to WPA or WPA2. Don't use WEP. It is too easy to break.

Set the password to something tough like 'Capital R3gi0n


Enable the DHCP server

Change the router password. Sticker on router with router username, password, SSID and WPA password.

Other settings can be left alone

Connecting to Wireless Router

On laptop with wireless capability

Laptop TCP/IP setting should be ‘Obtain IP Address


(This is the default setting)

Select wireless connections in lower right task bar

Find SSID in list of networks

Connect to network using Security (WPA) password selected for router

Configure as Home Network or Private Network

If desired, computer name can be changed in

My Computer→System Properties→ Computer name

(will require a computer reboot)

Connecting to Wired Router

Connect laptop with Ethernet cable to switch or router

Select network connections in lower right taskbar

Open Network and Sharing Center

Configure as Home Network or Private Network

If desired, computer name can be changed in

My Computer-> System Properties-> Computer name

(will require a computer reboot)

Mapping Network Drives

Windows 8.1, 8

– In File Explorer (Window Key-E) Select This PC

– Select 'Map network drive' from top toolbar

Windows 7:

– Start → Computer

– Select 'Map network drive' from top toolbar

Windows 2000, XP, Vista

– Start → My computer → Tools → Map network Drive

Select drive letter (B: for backup, K: for check)

Browse for correct computer and directory

Select 'reconnect at logon'
