Alibrandi-themes - Mrs

Looking for Alibrandi
 Read page 65
 What doesn’t Michael want in his life?
 Why should Josie “cringe”?
 Find quotes from the book that illustrate Josie’s and John
Barton’s relationships with their fathers. What similarities and
differences are there?
 There are similarities and differences in Josie’s relationship with
Michael when compared to John’s with Mr Barton.
 Until the later stages of the novel neither father has any real
understanding of their child. However, once Michael moves past
his initial shock at discovering he is the father of a 17 year old he
does seek a deeper connection with his daughter. Josie and
Michael forge a deeper relationship based on their understanding
of one another as people. Allowing Michael into her life allows
Josie to grow as a person and gives Christina some much needed
 Both fathers have high expectations of their children. Mr Barton
expects John to achieve the things he has; to follow in his
footsteps. This places a great deal of stress on John who feels
extremely pressured resulting in his drastic actions. Michael’s
expectations of Josie are very different… he wants her to be a
well-rounded person with high moral standards of herself as well as
 A third father that enters the picture is Christina’s.
He unfairly treated her throughout her youth for a
mistake Nonna made.
 Like Josie, Christina is a child who lives without her
real father and knowledge of him. This forges a
parallel between the two. Marcus Sanford
fathered Christina but this is kept from her and
Christina never understands why her father could
not love or accept her.
Relationships… Parent-Child
Many would say that Josie and her mother are two of the most
prominent characters in the novel. Their relationship provides the
story’s focal point. Many sections feature the two of them discussing
issues, arguing and consoling each other. The great variety of roles a
mother plays is strongly emphasised in the story.
Admiration- pg 10 and 216- On page 10 we see Josie’s admiration of
her mother based on the physical showing us that Josie is only looking
at her on a superficial level. However, her second description shows
development- she is now able to see her mother on more than a
physical/superficial level, instead, she admires her courage and
 Conflict- pg 11-13, 98-99- The pair frequently
argue but two are given in deeper detail. The
first argument shows Christina acting as a
mother- the fight quickly set aside. The second
argument is a highly emotional one. Christina is
going on her first date in 17+ years. Josie is
deeply hurt by the notion that her mother feels
the need for companionship outside of her and
lashes out. This argument damages the
relationship between mother and daughter for
some time.
 Comforter and confidante- pg 14, 71-72, 113, 194, 237
 Analyse what the incidents above show us about the
relationship between Christina and Josie.
 Manipulation- pg 110-111- who is manipulating who and to
what end?
 Protector- pg 112, 121, 130- Christina spends a lot of time
protecting her daughter from speculation and her mother.
Does Josie protect Christina?
“When a person thinks more of the past
than the future, they are finally old.”
 Josie’s Nonna certainly discusses the past
throughout the story. Re-read pgs 74-79, 114-117,
 Why do you think she emphasises the past so
 Using the above definition, it’s probably true that
‘Nonna’ is old. Write an imaginary conversation
with your grandmother that reflects her attitude
to life.
The love interest…
 Read pages 209 and 213.
 Strong words capture Josie’s emotions. They give an edge to
the intensity of her feelings. You can hear her shouting and
visualise her aggressive stance.
 Update your comparison table showing the similarities and
differences that exist between Jacob and John.
 Write a paragraph analysing Josie’s relationship with John.
Provide supporting quotes.
 Write a paragraph analysing Josie’s relationship with Jacob.
Provide supporting evidence from the novel.
 Our identity is an important part of each of us.
Throughout the text Josie searches for answers to
who she is. The lack of a father figure early in her
life leaves her with holes in her understanding of
herself. Josie feels caught between worlds; the
Australian and the Italian; the rich and the poor;
the traditional and the modern.
 What incidents/events allow Josie to achieve her
sense of emancipation and achieve an
understanding of who she is? Give details.
 In ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ we see:
 Josie believes that she is being judged because of her
illegitimacy. However, readers learn that these judgments are
predominantly made by Nonna and her peers. It is Nonna’s
ongoing judgment of her that causes the lack of a father to be
so hurtful for Josie. Ironically, the scholarship that Josie worked
so hard for also puts her in the path of those that judge how she
came into the world (a Catholic school).
 Secondly, racisim. Josie is both the judged and the judge. She
makes assumptions about others based on their ‘lack’ of
ethnicity. She judges Jacob for being a “European Australian”
but what about John? Josie is also called a ‘wog’. Michael
seeks to teach Josie that people are people and should not be
judged without knowledge of each individual- a lesson that
allows Josie to become more comfortable with herself.
 Draw a mind map showing how racisim is explored throughout
the novel.
 How does Josie learn valuable lessons about
 What are the lessons she learns?
Tradition versus Modernity
 There are two sides of Josie and two worlds she lives within.
Construct a table which explores the two sides/worlds of Josie as
Tomato day
Mr Barton