Integrating the Gridiron Lesson Plan

Integrating the Gridiron Lesson
UAC Teaching American History
February 6, 2013
Sugar Bowl Controversy Summary
• 1956 Sugar Bowl Controversy was the first integrated
Sugar Bowl. It involved Georgia Tech v. the University of
Pittsburgh. Bobby Grier (University of Pitt) was the first
black player to participate. Georgia’s governor Griffin
openly opposed Georgia Tech participating in an
integrated sports event. Georgia Tech’s regents decided
to allow the team to participate anyway. Georgia Tech
won the game, 7-0 with a questionable call/penalty
against Grier. This was the first Sugar Bowl that also
allowed an integrated press box. The stands were also
integrated with no race restrictions on tickets.
• 1898 Plessy v. Fergusson: Supreme Court upholds segregation, “separate
but equal”
• 1938-1942 African Americans view war as double victory:
– The fight of racism at home
– The fight of totalitarianism government
– UCLA football integrates 5 black students in team
• 1945 Supreme Court lifts restricted covenants in public housing allowing
for more integration nationwide
• 1947 African American, player of the year Rose Bowl
• 1954 Brown v Board; Emmitt Till Case (55)
• 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott/ Brown II
• 1956 Sugar Bowl Controversy—Student protest team integration
• 1957 Little Rock Nine
• 1960 Louisiana legislation banning integration of sports
• 1972 Alabama: First black Player to play on team: John Mitchell
Point of View: Media
• A. “The football team belongs to Georgia Tech, not to
coach Dodd and he should no more be faced with the
question of deciding the issue than a teacher should be
called upon to the racial policy of a school system.”
– Macon Telegraph, pg. 95
• B. There are an abundance of broader fronts on which
the issue of segregation can be fought.”
– Augusta Chronicle, p. 96
• Questions:
– 1. How does this text express bias or point of view?
– 2. How does this connect with what you know?
Segregationist Point of VIew
• “To take whatever steps necessary to preserve segregation.” Gov.
Marvin Griffin
• “…the Negro as a fellow player with white men is quiet and
unassertive; even though he may be the star of the team, he does
not assume too openly to lead…the negro mingles easily with white
participants, accepting inferior status and being content with it.”
• William Lewis (Integrated Amherst football in 1888)
• “There will be no mixing of the races in college classrooms in
Georgia as long as I am governor”
• Governor Marvin Griffin
• “If it’s wrong now, its wrong ten years from now.”
• On integration
• The Gentlemen’s Agreement: That is, black players sat out of games
when playing segregated opponents.
• Circa, 1938
Point of View: African Americans
• “I was on my own.”
– Bobby Grier (received little assistance from NAACP)
• African Americans fighting for desegregation on
numerous fronts. (Rosa Parks—desegregation).
• “Black sportswriters applauded the decision to
invite University of Pittsburgh yet remained
cautious about what restrictions might be placed
on Grier and his teammates”
• African American editor, “Second most important
event of 1955 behind only the murder of Emmitt
Till. Blacks will play or they will loose.”
• 1. What stance did the NAACP take on the
Grier issue?
• 2. What role did the Grier case play in the Civil
Rights Movement?
• Integrationists or Segregationist?
– Compare the difference between the behavior of
African American players on the quotes with the
behavior of African American players today. Different
or the same?
– Why the difference?
• Who are the “gentlemen” in the gentlemen’s
• Why did they want African American players to sit
out when playing Southern teams?
Historical Significance
• The Civil Rights movement in America was
focused in the South. Other parts of aware of the
events like the Emmitt Till murder, Montgomery
Bus Boycott, Birmingham Church bombing and
the Sugar Bowl controversy. Even though the
controversy took place in Georgia , sportswriters
and students took it the national level. People
were forced to decide what was more
important—segregation or having a winning
football team which meant playing African
American athletes. Becoming integrated meant
giving up the Jim Crow past. It was the beginning