By Zaina & Robin & Nazifa Psychology ~ changes in one’s behaviour and attitude Attitude: what you think Behaviour: what you do Operant Conditioning: consequences or rewards to enforce a desired behaviour Classic Conditioning: two stimuli repeated until the idea of one is linked to the other Cognitive Consistency: the desire to avoid conflict & confrontation; attitudes + beliefs = behaviour Cognitive Dissonance: conflict between ideas or beliefs at the same time, or behaviour doesn’t match belief(s) Psychology ~ changes in one’s behaviour and attitude Cognitive Dissonance: conflict between ideas or beliefs at the same time, or behaviour doesn’t match belief(s) Psychology ~ changes in one’s behaviour and attitude Classical & Operant Conditioning TED ED: Peggy Andover Operant Conditioning Example Big Bang Theory Anthropology ~ changes in cultures How social change occurs (according to anthropologists): Invention: new products, ideas and social patterns Discovery: finding something previously unknown Diffusion: exposing ideas, methods & tools from one culture to another Anthropology ~ changes in cultures How social change occurs (according to anthropologists): Acculturation: interchange of symbols, beliefs & customs; can occur by: Incorporation: freely borrowing Directed Change: forcing the unwilling Cultural Evolution: according to patterns in predictable ways VS. Sociology ~ changes of & in society Social Change: changes in beliefs, practices & how society is organized; refers to: Direction of change Rate of change Source of change: exogenous (outside) or endogenous (within) Controllability Sociology ~ changes of & in society Tension-Adaptation Theory: a part of society changes, causing tension -> tension is unsustainable and causes adaptation to re-instate balance Accumulation: build-up of knowledge & technology Diffusion of Innovation: something new becomes integrated into society Social Change (area of study) Social Change (area of study) Classification of Social Change: Sociocultural Evolution: idea that society advances by differing POVs or evolutionary means Paradigmatic Change: shifts in thought & belief process Social Change (area of study) Classification of Social Change: Social Revolution: use of peace or violence to establish fundamental social, economic & political change Social Movements: a large group that pushes for reform Social Change (area of study) Stages of Change Social Change (area of study) Prominent Theories: Hegelian: interaction of opposing forces create change Daoist: change is natural and imperceptible Kuhnian: stick with the old until the new comes along Marxist: constant struggle between social classes Heraclitan: change must occur in order to progress And the best Prezi award goes to… Molly and Emily!!! Check it out re&utm_medium=copy