Parenting a crazy society

FAMILY LIFE WEEK Friday 6, 2015
One of the biggest challenges of the family in 2015 is
the effect the society is having on the family. Read 2
Timothy 3:1-2
Some family life issues: teen pregnancy, bullying,
violence, criminal activities, child sexual activity, abuse.
The manifestation of these family life issues has it’s
origin in poor parental and family foundations
There is a symbiotic relationship between the family
and the society. What happens in the family affects the
society and what happens in the society affects the
There is hope for the family and for the society! We
must do some family life things differently.
Use a better style of parenting. The Authoritative style
is the preferred parenting style. It involves;
High levels of responsiveness (warmth, reciprocity,
attachment, person-centered communication) and
High levels of demandingness (discipline, monitoring
and confrontation, correction)
This style of parenting requires lots of love, care,
hugs, kisses, listening, warmth and communication
It also involves the enforcement of rules, discipline,
boundaries and punishment.
Parents who raised their children using the authoritative
parenting style see children who are more balanced in
all areas of life.
They tend to do better in school.
They also tend to do better later in life
Their Christian life tend to be more dynamic.
This is the all round better approach to parenting
It works best when a mother and father work together
for their children. Yes fathers are need in this process.
The most difficult season of parenting is parenting
teenagers. It is difficult because both child and
parents are experiencing hormonal changes.
Some tips for teen parenting;
Catch them doing what you like rather than criticizing
them for what you don’t like.
Be direct when necessary.
Provide information rather than answers.
Be tolerant of high activity levels
Tips for teen parenting;
Engage in some activity with your teenagers.
Prepare them for self government/independence.
Establish the levels of authority in the home.
Know who their friends are.
Allow them to lead out in spiritual activities at home
Encourage in them a missions attitude for the
spiritually lost and socially vulnerable
Lead them to know Jesus personally
Some other considerations
One neglected area of parenting is sometimes
neglected to the determent of our children.
The wise man said that we should train our children
in the way they should go. Read Proverbs 22:6
As parents we need to see the positive direction that
our children are heading and encourage them in that
Train them how to be better citizens.
Our greatest parental function is to prepare our children
for the heaven.
God expects us to live godly lives before our children
and teach them the way to heaven, He will ask a
question of each parent, “where is the flock that was
given thee, thy beautiful flock?” Fundamentals of
Christian Education, 165
“The home then becomes as an Eden of bliss; the
family, a beautiful symbol of the family in heaven.”
Adventist Home, 28.
Let us harder for the care and salvation of our children