WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
What do all these people have in common?
Joe Jonas
Nick Jonas
Hilary Duff
Jordin Sparks
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Sex before marriage
Both Christians and Muslims are
against sex before marriage as it
can be seen as devaluing and it
goes against what is written in the
holy books. Also the purpose of sex
is to have children and both
religions argue that the best place
to bring up a child is in a marriage.
Some Christians decide to wear
purity rings to show their
commitment to not having sex
before marriage.
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to sex
Watch this clip from twilight
While watching the clip think about these
What does Bella think about them having
Why does she think this?
What does Edward think about having
Why does he think this?
Are Edward’s views old fashioned?
Does this make them any less valid?
Who has the most convincing argument?
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christians and sex
According to the Bible… God INVENTED sex
So God created male and female. And
God blessed them, and God said unto them,
Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the
earth,. . And God saw everything that He
had made, and that it was very good .
(Genesis 1:21-26; 2:18; 1:27-31).
Many passages of the Bible are quite
erotic, including the Song of
Solomon: He had 700 wives and 300
“My love shall lie all night between my breasts.”
“My beloved rises like the Tower of Lebanon.”
“I sat down under him with great delight and his fruit
was sweet to my taste.”
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to sex
Christians believe Sex is a gift from God.
And is holy and sacred; it is special and
should be reserved between just two
people at any one time.
Christian teaching is generally that sexual
intercourse is wrong unless it happens within a
Casual sex or promiscuity is seen as devaluing both
people and sex, and is therefore unacceptable.
The purpose of sex for Christians is to have
children, strictly within a marriage though
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to pre-marital sex
Most Christians believe sex before marriage is wrong
• Sex was given to humans by God for the purpose of
having children. It should only happen between married
couples so that children are born into a family
• The Bible teaches that fornication (sex before marriage )
is wrong
• All churches say that sex before marriage is a sin
Some Christians believe that sex before marriage is all right
as long as the couple love each other, and are in a long
term relationship and intend to marry eventually.
They believe this because:
• Jesus taught that love is the most important thing
• The church has to come to terms with modern life
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to extra-marital sex
What is extra-marital sex?
All Christians believe that adultery is wrong because:
• It breaks the wedding vows
• It breaks one of the ten commandments (thou shall not
commit adultery)
There are no other viewpoints on adultery all Christians
believe it is wrong
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to sex
Match up the sentences in your books
Christians believe Sex
Christian teaching is generally that sex intercourse is
Casual sex or promiscuity is seen as
It breaks the wedding vows and It breaks one of the ten
commandments (thou shall not commit adultery)
Is a sin
Devaluing both people and sex and is unacceptable
Is a gift from God and is sacred
The purpose of sex for Christians
Sex was given to humans by God for the purpose of
having children
Jesus taught that love is the most important thing and the
church has come to terms with modern attitudes
The Bible teaches that
It should only happen between married couples so that
children are born into a family
All churches say that sex before marriage
is to have children, strictly within a marriage though
Some Christians believe that sex before marriage is all
right as long as the
couple love each other
Unless it’s within a marriage
All Christians believe that adultery is wrong because
Success criteria:
sex before marriage is wrong
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
What are these and why might they be a problem for
some Christians?
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to contraception
The Bible does not specifically forbid the use of Contraception
Protestant Christians (this includes Church of
England, Methodist etc) generally believe that
contraception is acceptable
They believe that Any form of contraception is
allowable as long as both partners agree to it
Protestant Christians feel that contraception is
a good way of controlling family size and
ensuring the well being of the couple
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to contraception
HOWEVER, Roman Catholics believe that
contraception is not in keeping with human
It is natural that conception should
happen as a result of sex and therefore
contraception should not be used
because it is unnatural
The only acceptable form of contraception is having sex
when the woman is not fertile
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Christian attitudes to sex
Create an advice leaflet for young Christians (14- 16yrs
old) who are confused about their faiths stance on sex
Include Christian teachings on:
The purpose of sex
Pre-marital sex
Extra-marital sex
Purity rings
You must explain the reasons for the Christian beliefs on
these topics
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes
WALT: Explain Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage (SOM), promiscuity, adultery and
Exam practice
The (c) question
“Christians shouldn’t have sex outside of marriage”
Give two reasons why a Christian might agree or disagree
with this statement
Success criteria:
To achieve a C grade: You need to be able to recognise and explain key words
To achieve a B grade: You need to be able to give two different attitudes to SOM and contraception
To achieve an A grade: You need to be able to give reasons for Christian attitudes