Santal dwelling, Singhbhum, Jharkhand, India Gauri Bharat PhD student – WAM, UEA / Lecturer – FA, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India pagathiyu Noun, Neuter Paad (from pag, the foot- Sanskrit ) + tharvu (from sthar or stha – Sanskrit, to stand ) Pagathiyu basically means a tread of the staircase. The etymology of the word suggests that it relates to the dimensions of the human foot. It refers to a step or an arrangement of steps in a staircase. It also means a platform/ a stand/ a mount made out of wood, mud, plaster, or stone which allows connections between different plinth levels. Pagathiyu also defines a level drop between different spaces of the house ( level difference between chowk and a parshal ). On language and architectural concepts A dictionary of Gujarati terminology of architecture of the walled city of Ahmedabad Students’ work, FA – CEPT University, 2010 Settlements as networks Narratives of a four-legged kind: Animals and their networks in urban Ahmedabad Students’ work, FA – CEPT University, 2010 Settlements as networks Narratives of a four-legged kind: Animals and their networks in urban Ahmedabad Students’ work, FA – CEPT University, 2010