Introduction Task Process My Five Senses Kindergarten WebQuest Stephanie Roa Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction If you get lost on our journey, click one of the Five Sense to the left to take you back to where you need to go! For further questions contact Ms. Stephanie at Hey Kids! Grab your binoculars, put on your jungle hat, and come join our explorer team, search for animals, and what they do during their day. While we are on our journey, can you identify each of the five senses? Let’s go! Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Your Tasks 1. Write and define our five senses; bring to class! 2. Make a poster showing the five senses and add pictures lots of activities you like to do with each. Bring poster to class to hang up! 3. Bring one small thing that is your favorite for each sense for an About Me activity. Five items total! PROCESS Introduction Task Process There are eight steps! After each step, return to “Process” tab to move on. For grading go to: “Evaluation” tab Step 7: Surf the web some more! Look at the different senses, find what we can do with each; Create a poster! Draw or print lots of pictures of activities we can do with each one! Step 8: Find one item for each of your senses that is your favorite! Step 1: Surf the web! Find out what our five senses are, write them down, and define each. Evaluation * Click on each of the explorers to lead you into the jungle! Conclusion Step 2: James Two Questions: 1. What animal? 2. What sense? Step 6: Monica Step 4: Xavier Step 5: Tony Step 3: Lily Introduction Evaluation How was your journey? What did you learn about the five senses on your way? Task Area 0 1 2 3 4 5 Process Name the five Senses Name 0 of the 5 senses Name 1 of the 5 senses Name 2 of the 5 senses Name 3 of the 5 senses Name 4 of the 5 senses Name all 5 senses: Touch, Taste, Hear, Smell, Sight Define what each sense is Knows 0 of what the 5 senses is used for Knows what 1 of the 5 senses is used for Knows what 2 of the 5 senses are used for Knows what 3 of the 5 senses are used for Knows what 4 of the 5 senses are used for Knows what all of the senses are used for Poster Content 0-1 sense labeled with no pictures 1-2 senses labeled with few pictures 2-3 senses labeled with few pictures 3-4 senses labeled with few pictures 4-5 senses labeled with many pictures Each of the 5 senses labeled with many pictures “About Me” activity items 0 of 5 items 1 of 5 items 2 of 5 items 3 of 5 items 4 of 5 items 5 of 5 items Evaluation Conclusion Total Points Possible: 20 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Conclusion WE DID IT! That was great! We have seen a variety of animals and learned about our five senses as well! 1. Are you able to name all five senses? 2. Do you know what each of them is used for? 3. Can you pick out specific activities we can do for each? Double check: - Your senses and definitions - know them for class - Your poster is labeled and has lots of pictures for the five senses - Five different items that are your favorite Introduction Task Can you identify these graceful animals drinking at the river? a. Lions b. Giraffes Process Evaluation Conclusion c. Bears d. Zebras 1. Their hearing? Boy, they sure are thirsty and love fresh water! What sense is used to drink water? 2. Their smell? 3. Their sight? 4. Their touch? 5. Their taste? Introduction Task Process Evaluation 1. His taste Conclusion What type of animal is that peeking through the brush? a. Elephant b. Hippopotamus c. Horse d. Rhinoceros 2. His hearing 3. His sight 4. His touch 5. His smell Introduction Task Whoa! He is looking right at us! Do you know what sense he is using to look at us? What animal do you see in this jungle floor brush setting? a. Rattle Snake b. A Lizard c. An Alligator d. A Frog Process 1. His taste 2. His sight 3. His hearing Evaluation Conclusion 4. His touch 5. His smell Introduction Task Process Evaluation Cool! He is hanging from that tree branch! What sense would we use to feel and hang like him? Can you identify the animal is this picture? a. Koala Bear Conclusion 1. His sight? 2. His taste? 3. His hearing? 4. His touch? 5. His smell? b. Monkey c. Lizard d. Sloth Introduction Task Process Evaluation What type of animals are these flying around and sitting in the trees of the forest? These animals are making such lovely a. Monkeys sounds! They can b. Birds make specific sounds c. Cheetahs so they can listen to each other. What are d. Bugs they using? Conclusion 1. Their taste 2. Their hearing 3. Their touch 4. Their smell 5. Their sight