Shakespeare*s Julius Caesar


An Overview

Elizabethan Times

 Time for heroes—Men were:

 Witty, eloquent

 Examined own nature

 Adventurers, fencers, poets, conversationalists

• Women had lower social status, despite nation being run by a Queen

Elizabethan Times

 Great Chain of Being (social structure)

 Royalty, nobility, peasantry considered different species from each other

Upset in Great Chain portended (warned) by signs and nature

 Weather, unusual animal behavior, etc.

 Divine Rule of Kings

 Reigning monarch was God’s agent

 Rebelling against monarch = rebelling against God; upset of the great chain

Elizabethan Times

 England in a succession crisis

 Queen Elizabeth left no heirs, refused to marry

 People feared another War of the Roses (long bloody battle-rival families fighting for crown)

 British people very concerned about this problem

• Shakespeare could not comment directly on England’s political affairs; did so indirectly in theater

Elizabethan Times

 1599 very important year

Globe Theater completed

Julius Caesar first performed

• Caesar very popular subject

 Writers saw numerous similarities to England’s situation

Political uncertainty due to lack of heir

First attempts at colonization (Roanoke 1585)

Shakespeare’s Caesar

 Primary source for information on Caesar

 Plutarch’s Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans

• Written in blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter)

• Often shifts from poetry to prose

 Create mood, establish the status of a character, etc.

Shakespeare’s Caesar

 Play begins in medias res (in the middle of something)

 Figurative language

 Simile

 Metaphor

 Irony

Dramatic Irony: audience knows something characters do not

Situational Irony: when what happens is different than what is expected

Verbal Irony: speaker says something but means another

The Tragic Hero

 Aristotle’s definition

 A god, demi-god, hero, high-ranking official

 Rises to high position then falls from position, usually to utter desolation or death

• Two forces equally powerful in classic tragedy

- Hero’s tragic flaw (hamartia)

- Fate

Tragic Hero

 During Renaissance, people felt less like pawns, more in charge of their destinies

 Elizabethan tragic hero responsible for own downfall, rather than fate

 “Waste of human potential” tragic to Elizabethans

 Contrast between destiny and free will recurring theme in play
