Professional Accounting Supplementary School (PASS) Information/Study Plan Session 2014 UFE Program Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Agenda 1) Who is PASS? 2) Introduction to the UFE 3) Outline of PASS Program 4) Studying for the UFE 5) Preparing a study plan Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 2 Who is PASS? PASS began offering UFE courses in 1989 PASS courses are offered in all of the large 4 firms – PWC, KPMG, EY and Deloitte & Touche and numerous mid-size firms PASS courses are offered across Canada Michael Levi, co-director of PASS, former Gold Medalist Instructors have professional UFE marking experience Consistent excellent feedback from students Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 3 Introduction to the UFE UFE tests candidate’s ability to demonstrate competencies rather than simply testing knowledge Competency describes what a candidate can do or accomplish Goal of competency approach: test candidates ability to apply knowledge rather than simply recite knowledge Competencies that a candidate must demonstrate are included in the UFE Candidates’ Competency Map Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 4 Competency Map’s Main Components Two main components: 1. Pervasive qualities 2. Specific technical competencies Pervasive Qualities: • Represents qualities all CA’s are expected to bring to any task • Includes: – CA’s ethical behaviour and professionalism – Personal attributes – Professional skills (e.g. Good judgement, effective communication, etc) Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 5 Specific Competencies Include six areas of technical expertise: 1. Governance, Strategy and Risk Management 2. Performance Measurement and Reporting 3. Assurance 4. Finance 5. Management decision making 6. Taxation Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 6 UFE Competence KNOWLEDGE Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School PERVASIVE QUALITIES & SKILLS Study Plan UFE COMPETENCE 7 Information Technology (IT) Not a separate competency. Primarily incorporated into MDM and Assurance. Two of the primary indicators must relate to information technology. Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 8 Performance Measurement Consists primarily of financial accounting Also includes divisional and non financial reporting For financial reporting need to know CICA handbook • Part I – IFRS • Part II – ASPE • Part III – NPO Accounting Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 9 Adoption of International Standards IFRS Part I of the Handbook Candidates responsible for all IFRSs and interpretations, with some exclusions Exclusions listed in competency map, in knowledge reference list for PMR Exclusions generally relate to industry specific standards or unusual / complex situations Candidates not responsible for IFRS for small and medium-sized entities Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 10 Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises ASPE Part II of the Handbook Candidates responsible for all ASPE, with similar exclusions to IFRS Exclusions listed in the competency map, in knowledge reference list for PMR Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 11 Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations Part III of the handbook includes specific standards for NPOs - effective January 1, 2012 NPOs have the option of applying (A) Part 1 (IFRS) or (B) Part III May be asked specifically to apply Part I versus Part III or may need to consider what is best for client Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 12 Assurance Candidates are responsible for Part 1 only which includes all CASs and older GAAS Handbook sections carried forward A few exclusions are listed in knowledge reference list for assurance Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 13 Structure of SOA SOA consists of 2 papers over 2 days First day is 5 hour comprehensive simulation (Approx 15-20 pages) Next day: 4 hour paper consisting of a number of simulations (Approx 60 to 90 minutes each) 3 simulations on second day All cases will test more than one competency Each day is weighted 50% Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 14 Structure of UFE UFE consists of 3 papers over 3 days First day is 5 hour comprehensive simulation (Approx 12-20 pages) Next two days: 4 hour papers consisting of a number of simulations (Approx 60 to 90 minutes each) 3 simulations per multi day All cases will test more than one competency Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 15 Competencies Weightings CKE and SOA Competency Weighting Governance, Strategy and Risk Management 5% Performance Measurement and Reporting 25% Assurance 30% Finance 10% Management Decision Making 15% Taxation 15% Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 16 Competencies Weightings UFE Competency Weighting Governance, Strategy and Risk Management 5% - 10% Performance Measurement and Reporting 20% - 30% Assurance 25% - 35% Finance 10% - 20% Management Decision Making 10% - 20% Taxation 10% - 20% Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 17 Level of Proficiency Cases will reflect ‘normal circumstances’ Means that entity, situation, event or transaction is of a size or degree of complexity appropriate for entry level CA Entity may be • Private corporation, partnership or proprietorship • Small public corporation or division of public corporation • Public sector or NPO • Individual Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 18 Outline of PASS Ontario Program Program consists of 4 Components: 1. 2. 3. 4. CKE Course Winter UFE Course SOA Course Summer Comprehensive Course Program provides training for all Exams necessary for obtaining CA Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 19 Course Delivery Formats 3 Course Formats (1) In-Class (2) Live Online (3) Video ** Students can combine any of the above options ** Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 20 CKE Course 12 full days of instruction Technical review of all 6 competencies 3 simulated 100 question practice multiple choice exams Comprehensive binder with technical summaries and hundreds of multiple choice questions Course offered either: Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School (1) In-Class (2) Live Online (3) Video Study Plan 21 Winter UFE Course Provides opportunity for early start Learn how the UFE is marked and basic UFE case writing techniques Practice writing multi competency and comp cases Write 2 multi competency exams and one comp – professionally marked and debriefed in class 5 days of instruction – although part of UFE course, also very helpful for SOA Course offered either: Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School (1) In-Class (2) Live Online (3) Video 22 SOA Course Learn how the SOA is marked Instruction on how the SOA differs from the UFE and specific techniques relevant to the SOA exam Write simulated multi competency cases and comp specifically designed for the SOA • 4 multi competency cases and 1 comprehensive paper – professionally marked and debriefed in class 3 Days of Instruction Course offered either: Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School (1) In-Class (2) Live Online (3) Video 23 Summer Comprehensive UFE Course Provides all the tools you need to pass the UFE Consists of writing practice cases and ``technique sessions`` Write 2 multi exams (3 questions each) and 2 comps - Cases marked professionally and debriefed in class Personal counselling session with professional marker – will tell you what you need to do to pass Receive comprehensive binder and detailed UFE guides for 2007 - 2013 UFE All sessions recorded and videos available 11 days of Instruction Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School 24 UFE Technique Sessions Provides specific techniques for excelling on UFE cases: • • • • • • Audit Integration – key points for getting depth in assurance Financial Accounting Integration – essential techniques for analyzing issues in sufficient depth Numerical Methods – learn how to number crunch efficiently and effectively How to Write a Comp – develop structured approach Taxation Strategies in UFE Cases – review common tax scenarios that come up in UFE and how to attack them All sessions recorded and videos available Sessions are not intended to be technical Accounting PASS | Professional Study Plan Supplementary School 25 Comp writing Course Intended to provide extra help with writing the Comp Write 2 extra comps – marked and debriefed Personal counselling session with comp marker Walk through comp with instructor All sessions recorded and videos available 3 extra days of instruction (if taken with UFE Comprehensive Course) Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 26 PASS Programs A program includes a combination of courses By signing up for a program students can save money compared with taking courses individually as discounts are built into the programs Students can combine in-class and online courses in their program Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 27 PASS Programs (continued) There are four programs for first time writers Complete Ontario Program Ontario CKE, SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) UFE Program Winter/SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) UFE Program SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) UFE Program Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 28 PASS Programs (continued) Ontario Program Includes CKE, Winter UFE, SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) Course Ideal program for first time writers, as provides all the courses students need to get through the UFE Ontario CKE, SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) UFE Program Similar to Ontario program but excludes winter UFE Program Good program for students who have firm programs in the winter or are too busy in the winter to participate in the winter UFE Course Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 29 PASS Programs (continued) Winter/SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) UFE Program SOA and UFE training same as for the Ontario program, but excludes CKE Course Appropriate for students who don’t need to write the CKE – they have already passed it or go to a University where they are exempt SOA and Comprehensive (Summer) UFE Program For students who do not need to write the CKE and are also not able to participate in the winter UFE – in most cases would be appropriate for students who are still in school Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 30 Pass Team Ira Walfish Michael Levi Jethro Bushenbaum Narmin Multani Liz Farrell Laura Simione Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 31 Studying for the Provincial Program Exams / UFE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. New style required relative to University Balancing technical study with case writing – Winter versus Summer Writing full 4 hours versus one case at a time Use of study group Technical study sources and old UFEs Preparing a study plan Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 32 Example of Study Plan Will present example of study plan for “Average Joe” Plan needs to be tailored to suit your needs Means considering a number of factors including: When you are writing the CKE - January or May, 2014 Timing of busy season Personal commitments - family, weddings etc. Vacations How much time off work you can take, for each of the exams Example of plan for “Keener” and “Chiller” available on PASS website Accounting PASS | Professional Supplementary School Study Plan 33