Pablo Neruda Chile’s most beloved poet Chile • About twice the size of Montana • Pop. of 15 million • 89% Roman Catholic The life and times of Pablo Neruda • Born in Parral, Chile in 1904 • Father was a government railway worker • Published poems under a false name More fun facts about Neruda • • • • Began long career as diplomat in 1927 Influenced by Spanish Surrealists Died of Leukemia in 1973 Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971 Original name: Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto Surrealism Surrealism attempts to: • shock the mind into a new way of thinking • Free the mind from conscious control • Blend the concepts of fantasy and reality Pablo Neruda - The Odist Ode - A poem of celebration Keats Ode to a Grecian Urn Neruda Ode to My socks