PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT YOU CAN CHANGE ALL THINGS FOR THE BETTER WHEN YOU CHANGE YOURSELF FOR THE BETTER JIM ROHN “INCOME SELDOM EXCEEDS YOUR OWN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT” “WHAT YOU BECOME IS MUCH MORE VALUABLE THAN WHAT YOU GET” “TO HAVE MORE THAN YOU’VE GOT, BECOME MORE THAN YOU ARE” JIM ROHN “UNLESS YOU CHANGE HOW YOU ARE, YOU’LL ALWAYS HAVE WHAT YOU’VE GOT” “IT’S HARD TO KEEP THAT WHICH HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED THROUGH PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT” “SUCCESS IS SOMETHING YOU ATTRACT” JIM ROHN “WORK HARDER ON YOURSELF THAN YOU DO ON YOUR JOB” If you work hard on your job, you can make a living… and that’s noble. But if you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune…and that’s exciting! Ask yourself, “What could I become?” GROWING PERSONALLY Is there a magic bullet to do this? Is there a quick fix to do this? Can I find a quantum leap method to do this? Do I have to change to do this? Is there a magic formula, a secret to do this? THE MISSING INGREDIENT Has the information always been available? Do little things matter? Do I really want something more? Am I making the same choices over and over? Do I have the right philosophy? THE SECRET INGREDIENT The secret is to change the way you think. Once you do, then you will take the steps you need to take, to lead you to the how-to’s you need. If you don’t change your thinking, no amount of how-to’s will offer a real solution. It’s not the “hows,” it’s how you do the “hows.” The secret ingredient is your philosophy. What you know, how you hold what you know, and how it affects what you do. YOUR PHILOSOPHY ATTITUDES A value-driven attitude says, “What can I do to help you?” “I will work harder, and then I expect you’ll pay me more.” An entitled attitude says, “What have you done for me lately?” “Pay me more, and then maybe I’ll work harder.” Show me what a man does, and I’ll show you what his philosophy is. FAILURE The formula for success is quite simple: double your rate of failure. –Thomas J. Watson, Sr. (founder of IBM) Babe Ruth set a world record for home runs, he also led the league in strikeouts. Successful people fail their way to the top! THE SLIGHT EDGE PHILOSOPHY Your philosophy is your view of life, something beyond feelings and attitudes. Your philosophy drives your attitudes and feelings, which drive your actions. The Slight Edge - understand patience, understand little steps, compounded do make a difference. That they not only make a difference—they make all the difference. THE SLIGHT EDGE PHILOSOPHY Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. There is a natural progression to everything in life: plant, cultivate, harvest. THE SLIGHT EDGE PHILOSOPHY Having faith in the process of simple, positive actions repeated over time. Successful people do the simple things that are easy to do. Read just ten pages of a good book, a book aimed at improving your life, everyday. What you do everyday matters. The difference between success and failure is so subtle, most people miss it. EASY TO DO-EASY NOT TO DO Everything you need to do to transform your life is easy to do. Here’s the problem: every action that is easy to do, is also easy not to do. That’s the choice you face every day, every hour: A simple, positive action, repeated over time. A simple error in judgment, repeated over time. THE SLIGHT EDGE Understand and apply the Sight Edge, your life will become filled with hundreds of thousands of small, seemingly insignificant actions—all of them easy to do, is also easy not to do. If you don’t do them, you won’t suffer, or fail or blow it—today. But that simple error in judgment, compounded over time will ruin your chances for success. It’s never too late to start. It’s always too late to wait. THE COST OF WAITING EASY TO DO PUT $2000 in an IRA FOR 6 YEARS SIX YEARS OF WAITING COST YOU THIRTYTHREE YEARS OF INVESTING AND $54,OOO $ IS TIME ON YOUR SIDE Time is the most powerful force there is for change. Time will either promote you or expose you. Knowing is the secret of time. If I stay on this road long enough, I’ll get the results I seek. It’s not a question of your mood or your feelings. And it’s not a question of will power. It’s a question of simply knowing. “INSTANT LIFE” The story of two twin sons being offered a million dollars cash now or a penny that would compound over 30 days. 95% of the people would take the right-now money – the quantum leap. Right now is a killer. We have come dangerously close to losing touch with reality and believing we can have instant life. RIGHT CHOICES-RIGHT ACTIONS Not a dramatic thing, no immediate feedback No or little noticeable impact on how your day goes for you Compounded over time, will take you higher and higher up the success cure of this real-time movie called “your life.” Ridiculously easy, But it’s just as easy not to do. DISCIPLINES OR ERRORS PLANT, CULIVATE, HARVEST Everyone wants to plant and instantly harvest How long will it take? Chances are it will take longer than you want it to. We keep overlooking the step of cultivating. And that, unlike planting and harvesting, takes place only through the patience dimension of TIME. THE QUANTUM LEAP MYTH “some day” doesn’t exist, never has, never will. There is no “some day.” There is only today. You’re looking for the winning lottery ticket in a game that isn’t a lottery. No success is immediate. Nor is any failure instantaneous. They are both products of the Slight Edge. Believing in the “big break” is worse than simply being futile. SLIGHT EDGE PRINCIPALS Show up — 80% of success is showing up. Be Consistent — the natural companion of showing up. Consistency Yields Results. Have a good Attitude — it’s the difference maker. Negativity is everywhere. Beware of the cuckoos, there is one born every minute. Be passionate about delivering happiness. SLIGHT EDGE PRINCIPALS Be Committed for a Long Period of Time. Practice the first three principals for a long time. Success doesn’t come overnight. Slow down realize that you are not going to feel the results of your actions immediately. Have Faith and a Burning Desire. Desire is what gets you up early and keeps you up late. Successful people look at a problem and see opportunity. SLIGHT EDGE PRINCIPALS Be willing to pay the price. The price of neglect is far worse than the price of commitment. The price of neglect is pretty brutal. Practice Slight Edge Integrity. Doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you. Do the little things when nobody is watching. Paying attention to your daily habits. SEVEN PRINCIPALS ABOVE and BELOW SUCCESS 5% A few simple disciplines Repeated every day FAILURE 95% A few simple errors in judgment Repeated every day SUCCESS--FAILURE RESPONSIBILTY--BLAME FUTURE--PAST SLIGHT EDGE LIFE PATHS TWO LIFE PATHS Which one are you on, in the middle you say? Sorry, there is no middle. You are either going up or down. Notice the early part of both the curves are fairly flat, neither up nor down. Is your life on the success curve or the failure curve? LETS BE HONEST--REAL Take a Honest look at your personal development. Be Real the Slight Edge is working right now for you or against you. Is your Personal Development on the success curve or the failure curve. Did you realize, improving your Personal Development will improve all areas of your life At any time you can choose to change which side of the curve you are on. MAKE THE CHOICE NOW Because right now, this very minute, can be the time you look back on as the moment your life changed for the better– forever Easy to do—Easy not to do