Cosecha Amarga Cosecha Dulce: El programa Bracero 1942-1964 Q3 Unidad sobre la Inmigración La Jaula de Oro La Idea Central “Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.” 1. Write the above statement in your cuaderno (diario). 2. Think about the statement. 3. What do you think this means? Lines of Inquiry An inquiry into… Immigration in 1942-1965 The Bracero Program The Bracero Experience in the U.S. and in Mexico. Guiding Questions Who were the Braceros? Where did they come from? Why did they end up here? Who brought them here? What can we learn from their experiences? What was life like in Mexico and in the U.S. in the 1940’s? • How has immigration changed over time? • • • • • • Y ahora vamos a… • Fill in everything you know about immigration in the SQ (KWL) gráfica. • Luego, –Vamos a leer un poema en inglés y español. • Finalmente, –Escribe lo que quieres saber sobre la inmigración después de leer el poema.