PALMETTO: Symbol of Courage

PALMETTO: Symbol of Courage
Objective: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the American Revolution
and South Carolina’s role in the development of the new American nation.
Book Summary: This is a story about when the
British sailed to Charleston Harbor with the hopes
of capturing the colony of the South for the King
of England. At Sullivan’s Island there stood a little
fort which was built from sand and Palmetto
Trees, and was only built with 3 walls! The battle
ensues and against all odds the fort successfully
defeats the British and defends the South.
Setting: June 28, 1776 Sullivan’s Island, South
Carolina as British warships sail towards
Charleston Harbor
Author: Kate Salley Palmer
Book: Palmetto: Symbol of Courage
Links to Primary Sources:
City: Central, South Carolina
•Charleston Harbor 1776
Publisher: Warbranch Press, Inc. • Fort Moultrie Walls
• Sergeant William Jasper •Charleston Harbor 2012
Date: 2005
Samantha Smigel
Spring 2012
Isn’t it just a tree?
• Consider what a palmetto
tree looks like.
• Complete a KWL chart
before and after reading.
– What do you already know
about palmetto trees and
their impact on the war?
– What do you want to know
about palmetto trees, and
how it got to be on our
state flag.
– After reading complete the
column about what you
have learned about
palmetto trees.
Would you take this leap of faith?
• When Sergeant William Jasper leapt over
the fort walls to rescue the flag he took a
risk running in front of enemy fire.
• In groups, role play what this scene would
have been like for William Jasper. Discuss
what he would have been feeling and
thinking at that moment.
What’s changed
in 236 years?
• Construct a
comparing and
contrasting the
two maps.
(Click on each to
zoom in more)
• Pay attention to
the changes in
cities, and roads,
and the similarities
in landforms,
oceans, and rivers.
South Carolina Standards
• Standard 3-3 The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the American Revolution
and South Carolina’s role in the development
of the new American nation.
• 3-3.3 Summarize the course of the American Revolution
in South Carolina, including the role of William Jasper
and Fort Moultrie; the occupation of Charles Town by
the British; the partisan warfare of Thomas Sumter,
Andrew Pickens, and Francis Marion; and the battles of
Cowpens, Kings Mountain, and Eutaw Springs.
• Primary Sources
• Other Resources
• Reviewer
– Ellie Gunkel