Alliance Française Strategic Planning for Non-Profits Training October 2014 Successful Wine and Cheese events! Workshop Objectives Introduction: • Strategic Planning is a critical process for your Non-Profit to complete to ensure your leadership is aligned to the Objectives, Goals, Strategies and Measures that are important for you to be successful in meeting your Mission. Skill Definition: • I can effectively train my Board/Leadership team on the key components of a Strategic Plan • I can lead my Board/Leadership team through the steps of establishing a Strategic Plan • I can lead the prioritization of critical strategies to ensure effective delivery of the Strategic Plan Key Learning Points: • Your leadership team will be more effective on an ongoing basis if they are aligned on what is important • Strategic Planning is a multi-step process which will most likely take several sessions to complete • Being selective and strategic in what you choose to accomplish is more important than completing a great deal of random activities Strategic Planning Process Discover – Dream – Design – Document – Deliver (Jan-Feb) (March) (April) (2014-15) • Discover – – Three Surveys: Previous, Current Board and Members – Reviewed Summary of key themes with Board • Dream – – Drafted a Vision with a focus on Culture, Language and Friendship – Continue with “Dream” Today as we clarify – • What do we want to be known for?” Alliance Française de Cincinnati Culture Language Friendship Vision 2014 Alliance Française de Cincinnati Discover & Learn & Enjoy Appreciate Culture Language Live & Share Friendship Vision 2014 Discover & Explore Culture Visit Cultural Centers (Taft, Cincinnati Art Museum, ) Lectures Movie Night Learn & Appreciate Language French Institute Classes Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Music and Culture Classes Literature Classes Conversation Groups Live & Share Friendship Wine and Cheese Socials French Dinners French Celebrations 3 Focus Areas – Internal, External and Members • Internal Focus – Board work (examples below) – Establish Values and Operating Principles – Ensure smooth transition of leadership – Develop clear roles and responsibilities for all board members – Review and Update/Improve Code of Regulations – Document best practices or standard operating procedures for events – Conduct Annual Membership Drive 3 Focus Areas – Internal, External and Members • External Relationships to support AF – Alliance Française USA – Chicago • Provides Grants • Lectures and Activities – European Chamber of Commerce • Linkages to important Cincinnati Events – French Consulate • Positive relationship and connections to France 3 Focus Areas – Internal, External and Members • Provide an energizing experience for our members within the Alliance Française – Cultural – Language – Friendship Example of Agenda for Board Strategic Planning Session AF Board Alignment to the “Right” Strategic Plan with Owners Agenda Strategic Planning Process Ginger Juan Manuel 9:40 (15) Alliance Française - What do we want to be known for? Working Session – 10 words or less 9:55 (30) Review and Align - Objective – Goals Juan Manuel 10:25 (15) Break All 10:40 (25) Define 1-2 Strategies Tracy/Juan Manuel 11:05 (15) Key Priorities to support Strategies All 11:20 (15) Determine Most Important Priorities (Power Dot Exercise) Next Steps – By June Board Meeting Ownership for each Key Priority Tracy Wrap Up Ginger 9:00 (15) 9:15 (15) 9:30 (10) 11:35 (15) 11:50 (10) Welcome & Coffee Tracy All All Developing Objective, Goals, Strategies and Measures/Key Priorities Objective Goal Strategies Measures// Key Priorities OBJECTIVE, GOALS, STRATEGY, MEASURES/KEY PRIORITIES OBJECTIVE GOALS STRATEGIES MEASURES/ KEY PRIORITIES “What We Need to Achieve” “Quantitative Target of Progress toward Objective” “How We Will Achieve Our Objectives and Goals” “Numerical Target of Progress on Strategies” WORDS NUMBERS WORDS NUMBERS OBJECTIVE, GOALS, STRATEGY, MEASURES/KEY PRIORITIES OBJECTIVE GOALS To Reduce Poverty in Africa Poverty levels reduced from 55% to 40% by the end of the decade WORDS NUMBERS STRATEGIES MEASURES/ KEY PRIORITIES WORDS NUMBERS OBJECTIVE, GOALS, STRATEGY, MEASURES/KEY PRIORITIES OBJECTIVE To Reduce Poverty in Africa WORDS GOALS STRATEGIES Poverty levels 1. Increase reduced from literacy 55% to 40% 2. Promote by the end of Foreign the decade Investment 3. Access to microcredits NUMBERS WORDS MEASURES/ KEY PRIORITIES NUMBERS OBJECTIVE, GOALS, STRATEGY, MEASURES/KEY PRIORITIES OBJECTIVE To Reduce Poverty in Africa WORDS GOALS STRATEGIES Poverty levels 1. Increase reduced from literacy 55% to 40% 2. Promote by the end of Foreign the decade Investment 3. Access to microcredits NUMBERS WORDS MEASURES/ KEY PRIORITIES 1. 100 % children under 14 complete primary school 2. Reduce # of days to register a business from 75 to 15 3. 20% of banking loans for microcredits NUMBERS Developing Objective, Goals, Strategies, Measures/Key Priorities (Example – AF) Objective Celebrate French Culture and Friendship in Cinci/NKY Goal Strategy Measure / Key Priority Developing Objective, Goals, Strategies, Measures/Key Priorities (Example – AF) Objective Goal Celebrate French Culture and Friendship in Cinci/NKY Increase membership by 10% annually. Increase number of events by 10% annually. Strategy Measures / Key Priorities What do we want the Alliance Française to be known for? • Developing our Objective for the AF – Exercise – 7 min • Make groups of 3 • Review the Mission – Found on the One Pager • Summarize the Mission in as few words as possible – not more than 10 words. 6 words would be perfect!! • As you write down your objective – Write down Why you chose these words – Review back with Group – 8 min • Output is the Objective of the Alliance Française for 2014-2015! Developing Objective, Goals, Strategies, Measures/Key Priorities (Example – AF) O Promote French Language and Francophone culture and cultivate Friendship (in greater cinci) G 1. Increase Membership by 10% annually 2. Maintain Enrollment at Institute (55 students/session) 3. Increase membership participation at events by 10% annually. S M Objective, Goals, Strategies, Measures/Key Priorities Alliance Francaise de Cincinnati O Promote French Language and Francophone culture and cultivate Friendship (in greater cinci) G 1. Increase Membership by 10% annually 2. Maintain Enrollment at Institute (55 Students/session ) 3. Increase membership participation at events by 10% annually. S M OBJECTIVE, GOALS, STRATEGY, MEASURES/KEY PRIORITIES OBJECTIVE To Reduce Poverty in Africa WORDS GOALS STRATEGIES Poverty levels 1. Increase reduced from literacy 55% to 40% 2. Promote by the end of Foreign the decade Investment 3. Access to microcredits NUMBERS WORDS MEASURES/ KEY PRIORITIES 1. 100 % children under 14 complete primary school 2. Reduce # of days to register a business from 75 to 15 3. 20% of banking loans for microcredits NUMBERS Developing Objective, Goals, Strategies, Measures/Key Priorities (Example – AF) Objective Promote French Language and Francophone culture and cultivate Friendship (in greater cinci) Goal Strategy 1. Increase 1. Internal Board Membership by XXXXX 10% annually 2. External 2. Maintain Relations Enrollment at YYYYY Institute (55 3. Members Students/session) ZZZZZZ 3. Increase membership participation at events by 10% annually. Measures / Key Priorities Key Priorities (power dot exercise) • • • • • • Visits to Cultural Center Lectures Movie Night Wine and Cheese Socials Dinner at French Restaurants Annual French Celebrations – – – – – – Bastille Diner un Blanc Beaujolais Nouveau La Galette des Rois Chandeleur Mardi Gras • • French Institute – Language instruction Conversation groups • MUST HAVE - Internal Board Operations – Communication Team, – Membership Team, Ownership • Revisit in June with new Board Members and gain final commitment Capability and Capacity • Well running Board - Roles and Responsibilities • Resources – Board leadership and membership support • Timing - spacing and balance across the year • Linkage with external parties – EACC, AF USA, Consulate, • Reality check – already done last year vs. next years plan – need to ensure capacity! Alliance Française de Cincinnati – 2014 Objective Goals 1. Increase Membership by 10% annually Promote French Language and Francophone Culture while encouraging multi-national Friendships. 2. Maintain Enrollment at Institute (55 Students /session) 3. Increase membership attendance at events by 10% annually. Strategies 1a. Continue to increase Board strength 1b. Attract, Retain and Satisfy Members 1c. Maintain strong Alliances with key related organizations 2a. Develop Annual Institute Plan that encompasses expectations of students, teachers and francophone community 3a. Offer a variety of events that cater to different needs of the membership: • Language • Cultural / Educational • Friendship / Social • French Celebrations 3b. Develop an annual event plan which is agreed and communicated in advance. Measures / Key Priorities 1a. Charter required committees: • Planning * Institute • Communication * Nominating • Membership 1a. Document principles and policies 1b. Improve member registration process & Increase board involvement in recruiting & Conduct strong advertising 1c. Proactively work with EACC, AF USA, etc. to pre-plan events 2a. Ensure we have adequate grants to increase visibility and interest in learning French 2b. Survey Members/Students to gain their insights/desires 2c. Add convenient north class location 3a. Broaden membership involvement in planning events 3b. Hold one event per quarter in each area listed in the strategy. • • • • • • • • • Bastille Day - July Movie Night Visits to Cultural Centers Lectures Wine and Cheese Dinner at French Restaurants International Francophone Week - March Diner en Blanc - Fall Musique – June 21st Tools • Survey Examples – Board members and General Membership. The “free” version of Survey Monkey was used. • Event Planner – Excel based tracking sheet to capture planning details and learnings. • (Handouts of Surveys, Event Planner and OGSM and Training Documentation) Strategic Planning Questions • Why is having a Strategic Plan critical to your organization? List 2-3 things. • What is the Objective for your local AF to achieve this year? (Remember – this is a statement) • What is one Goal to support this Key Objective? (Remember – this is a number) • List one Strategy to help deliver the Goal stated above. • What are 2-3 Key Priorities that you want to see your organization complete this year to deliver the Strategy? Be very specific with your priorities and do not have too many Merci Beaucoup! • See me if you would like electronic copies of the materials • Handouts available