ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING I KODE: MKB.4006-3-10-2 DOSEN PENGAMPU: YAMON, S.Pd., M.Pd WHAT IS A LANGUAGE TEST? • LANGUAGE TEST IS DEFINED AS ANY MEANS OF CHECKING WHAT STUDENTS CAN DO WITH THE LANGUAGE. WHAT IS LANGUAGE TESTING? • LANGUAGE TESTING MEANS ANY ACTIVITY OF CHECKING WHAT STUDENTS CAN DO WITH THE LANGUAGE BEING LEARNED. WHEN TO TEST? • CAN BE BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER THE LANGUAGE TEACHING TAKING PLACE. WHO TEST/HOW MANY STUDENTS SHOULD BE TESTED? • TEACHER(S), INSTITUTION, AND/OR GOVERNMENT • CAN BE ONE OR MORE THAN ONE STUDENTS WHAT TO TEST? • THE TEST SHOULD REPRESENTS MATERIALS SHOULD BE TESTED. WHERE TO TEST? • CAN BE OUTDOOR, IN CLASSROOM, IN THE LABORATORY, AND/OR IN THE EXAMINATION ROOM HOW TO TEST? • THE TEST SHOULD BE VALID AND RELIABLE. • VALID MEANS THE TEST SHOULD TEST WHAT SHOULD BE TESTED • RELIABLE MEANS THE RESULT OF TEST SHOULD BE CONSISTENT/BELIEVABLE WHY TEST? • TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH THE STUDENTS HAVE LEANRNED. IT DEPENDS ON THE PURPOSE OF TESTING. TEACHING AND TESTING • WHO/WHAT WE TEACH IN ANY LANGUAGE CLASSES • WHO/WHAT WE TEST IN ANY LANGUAGE CLASSES RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TESTING AND TEACHING • Teaching and testing can not be compartmentalized. Testing can be carried out while and after teaching. Teacher tests because he/she teaches. ORAL TEACHING MATERIALS LG SKILLS & COMPONENETS TESTING WRITTEN TARGET COMPETENCY (INDICATORS) LANGUAGE TEACHING AIMS TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE • TESTING AIMS TO MEASURE STUDENTS LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AND COMMUNICATIVE PERFORMANCE. TESTING LANGUAGE SKILLS 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION: short utterances, dialogues, talks and lectures accompanied with pictures. 2. SPEAKING: interiew, conversation, picture description, role play, problem solving pair/group work. 3. READING: a. Comprehension a set of test to test students to understand gist of a text and to extract key information on specific points and Reading Aloud to test students accuracy on pronunciation, stressing, intonation, and punctuation. 4. WRITING: letters, reports, memos, messages, instuctions, and accounts of past events. JENIS-JENIS TES BAHASA I. Berdasarkan kriteria tujuan penyelenggaraan: a. Tes Seleksi (selection Test) b. Tes Penempatan (placement test) c. Tes hasil belajar (achievement test) d. Tes Diagnosis (diagnostic test) e. Tes Ujicoba (try out test) II. Berdasarkan tahapan dan waktu penyelenggaraan: a. Tes Masuk (Potential Test) b. Tes Formatif (formative test) = UH c. Tes Sumatif (Sumative Test) = UTS d. Tes awal (Pre-test) e. Tes akhir (Post-Test) III. Berdasarkan cara mengerjakannya: a. Tes tetulis (Written Test) b. Tes Lisan (oral test) IV. Berdasarkan cara penyusunannya a. Test buatan guru (teacher-made test) b. Tes terstandar (Standardized test) V. Berdasarkan kriteria jumlah peserta: a. Tes perorangan (individual test) b. Tes kelompok (group test) VI. Berdasarkan cara penilaiannya: a. Tes subyektif (subjective test) b. Tes objektif (Objectuve test) VII. Berdasarkan kriteria bentuk jawaban: a. Tes Esei (essay test) jawaban panjang b. Tes jawaban singkat (short answer) c. Yes / no d. True – false e. Matching f. Multiple choice g. Dictation h. Cloze test i. Completion VIII. Berdasarkan acuan penilaian: a. Tes Acuan Norma (PAN/Norm Reference) b. Tes Acuaqn Patokan (PAP/Criterion reference) IX. Berdasarkan kriteria cara pandang bahasa: a. Tes discrit (Discrete Test) = each lg component b. Tes Integratif (Integrative Test) = integrated lg components c. Tes pragmatik (Phragmatic test) d. Tes komunikasi (Communicative test) TEST VALIDITY • Validity of a test refers to the extent to which it measures what it supposed to measure. • Valid means appropriate, relevant, suitable, or true. TYPES OF VALIDITY 1. Face validity: bgm test tampak bagus bagi pembuatnya dan bagi yang dites. 2. Content validity: the representative sample of the course materials and the relationship between the test and teaching objective being achieved. 3. Construct validity: the capacity of test to measure certain specific trait of ability or language skill. 4. Empirical or statistical validity: a validity obtained from the result of a comparison between the result of test with the scores of another similar test by establishing certain criteria. 5. Concurrent validity: the score of a test result that related to the scores of a test that is already established at about the same time. 6. Predictive validity: the degree to which the result of test can predict how success an individual in the future. RELIABILITY • Reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained from the establishment of equivalent instruments to the same object and testees administered in different time. MIDTEST 1. What is language testing? 2. What is the relation between teaching and testing? 3. What a language teacher should test? 4. Why testing is important? 5. Why a test should be valid and reliable?