
By: Ryan Damek
Concentration: 9th Grade Beginning English
Step 1: Review
the Rubric
The first thing that you need
to do before you begin any
writing assignment is to
review the rubric that is given
to you. In this case, you will
be using my rubric that is
designed to be very similar to
the state’s rubric on writing.
NOTE: When you take the
State’s Writing Assessment, a
rubric will be supplied so get
familiar with this process.
Click on the Below Link to
review the rubric that I will
be using on your writing
Mr. Damek’s Rubric
Step 2: Create a
Concept Map or
After you know the topic
that you will be writing on
and once you have
reviewed the rubric, you
are to create a concept map
or brainstorming list so
that your ideas are
organized and in front of
NOTE: If you skip this
step, there will oftentimes
be several repetitive
points throughout your
essay because it will not
be organized.
Click on the below two links
to see an example of both a
Concept Map and a
Brainstorming List.
Link: Concept Map
Link: Brainstorming List
A thesis statement is a sentence
that is located in your introductory
paragraph. This sentence is the
most important sentence in your
WHY? A thesis sentence is
important because it acts as a
compass in your essay. It lets the
reader know the direction that your
essay is going and puts in effect the
main idea of your essay. It is also a
great organization tool.
Click on the below link to
watch a video that goes into
further detail on what your
thesis should incorporate.
Video: Writing A Thesis
The introductory paragraph is the first
paragraph in your essay. The primary purpose
of an introductory paragraph is to attract the
reader's attention and identify the topic and
purpose of the essay. A thesis statement
typically appears at the end of an introductory
The 1st body paragraph is your second
paragraph in your essay. Your first body
paragraph needs to support the first point of
your three point thesis.
Example: Referring back to the concept map,
we need include the four reasons that support
the first point of our thesis and incorporate
those into this body paragraph. By doing this,
our reasoning will be well supported.
The 2nd body paragraph is your third
paragraph in your essay. Your second body
paragraph needs to support the second point of
your three point thesis.
Example: Referring back to the concept map,
we need include the four reasons that support
the second point of our thesis and incorporate
those into this body paragraph. By doing this,
our reasoning will be well supported.
The 3rd body paragraph is your fourth
paragraph in your essay. Your third body
paragraph needs to support the third point of
your three point thesis.
Example: Referring back to the concept map,
we need include the four reasons that support
the third point of our thesis and incorporate
those into this body paragraph. By doing this,
our reasoning will be well supported.
The final paragraph and sentences in your
essay. By re-stating your thesis in your
conclusion, the reader(s) of your essay will be
able to easily see your points/main ideas of
your essay.
Step 5: Working
with your
“Writers Colony”
After you review the rubric,
brainstorm, create your thesis,
and write your rough draft,
you will be placed into a
“writers colony” with 4 or 5
other students and you will
all peer edit each others work.
This concept will work in two
Fashion 1- Peer edit in class
-orFashion 2- Peer edit online
using your “writers colony”
Click on the below link to
see a “writers colony” blog
that I created. We will go
into more detail with these
at a later date.
Blog: Writer’s Colony
Additional Tips
For An A+
Reference quotes from
scholars/ well known people
that back up your stance.
Read your paper out loud
after every paragraph and
check for sentence flow and
word choice. Am I making
sense? Am I repeating
Have others read your paper
and let them give you
Make your paper stand out…
Be creative and interesting!
Click Below to watch a video
pertaining to other ways you
can organize your paper if
you do not like the concept
map or brainstorming idea.
Video: "The Hand" Writing
Summary Quiz: Damek Writing Workshop
What is the first thing I should do before I write my paper?
How many points should be in my thesis?
How many body paragraphs are needed in a five paragraph essay?
True or False: Is your thesis included in your introductory paragraph?
True or False: Is your thesis re-instated in your conclusion paragraph?
What should body paragraph one cover?
What should body paragraph two cover?
What should body paragraph three cover?
How many sentences on an average should be in each of my paragraphs?
What should I do before submitting my paper to the teacher?