TEACHER EVALUATION & DEVELOPMENT (T.E.D.) OBSERVATION WORKSHOP FOCUS POINTS FOR WORKSHOP 1 Workshop 1— Today NYS Teaching Standards Rubric: Standards 1 & 2 Formal Observation Lesson Plan Format Evidence/Data Collection Binder Pre-Conference Questions Overview of Workshops 2 & 3 DATA/EVIDENCE COLLECTION BINDER Why is this important to YOU? DATA/EVIDENCE COLLECTION BINDER “HELP ME HELP YOU” All teachers should provide administrators with cumulative evidence to be used for summative evaluation. This is one way to ensure that any and all professional duties and professional growth are being recognized • Evidence of student learning (student work/projects) • Professional Development/Training workshops (MLP printouts) • Certificates/artifacts from workshops not in MLP • Participation in school/district events • Course transcripts APPR GUIDELINES 40 POINTS ON ASSESSMENTS: 20 points – Growth measurement Could be state exam, NWEA, or district developed SLO 20 points – Local measurement Could be NWEA, collaboratively developed SLO APPR GUIDELINES 60 PERCENT—OTHER MEASURES 50 points from lesson plans, observations, assessment artifacts, and teacher/administrator conversations. Artifacts from teacher evidence collection/data binder. (Student work, teacher’s assessments, etc., unit plans, etc) 10 points for professional development and school community involvement from teacher artifacts from teacher evidence collection/data binder and teacher/administrator conversations. (Statement of involvement with school community on letterhead, MLP records, course completion certificates, etc.) 60 POINTS FROM SUMMATIVE REPORT Based on NYSUT rubric 7 Standards; 36 Elements (25 on lesson & planning); 78 Indicators Each element must have at least one indicator marked. If more indicators are marked, then an average will be determined based on weighted HEDI score. This report can and probably will be continually updated through May. This part must be completed no later than the last day of school with your locally selected assessment scores completed. Summative ratings by law must be completed by September 1 When observations occur, there will no longer be an overall rating on the observations. Each indicator noted will have its own rating. The rating formula is weighted, and weighted in our favor. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 1 KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT LEARNING Indicator Developing Effective I.1A —Describes and plans using knowledge of developmental characteristics of students Teacher describes orally and applies in planning, some knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the age group Teacher describes orally and applies in planning, an accurate knowledge of the typical developmental characteristics of the age group, as well as exceptions to the general patterns. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 1 KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT LEARNING Indicator Developing Effective I.2A—Uses strategies to support learning and language acquisition Teacher designs lessons to include some instructional strategies that support the learning and language acquisition needs of some students. Teacher is able to adjust instruction by implementing one or two additional strategies. Teacher designs lessons to include several instructional strategies that support the learning and language acquisition needs of most students. Teacher is able to adjust instruction by adapting and/or adding strategies to meet the needs of specific students. I.2B—Uses current research Teacher cites limited or dated research to plan and explain instructional decisions. Teacher cites current research to plan and explain instructional decisions. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 1 KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT LEARNING Indicator Developing Effective I.3A—Plans for student strengths, interests, and experiences to meet diverse learning needs of each student Teacher’ plans vary or modify instruction to meet the strengths, interests, experiences, and diverse learning needs of some students. Teacher’ plans vary or modify instruction to meet the strengths, interests, experiences, and diverse learning needs of most students. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 1 KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT LEARNING Indicator Developing Effective I.4A—Communicates with parents, guardians, and/or caregivers. Teacher occasionally communicates directly with student’s parents, guardians, and/or caregivers to enhance student learning. Communication is occasionally modified to meet the needs of the family. Teacher regularly communicates directly with student’s parents, guardians, and/or caregivers to enhance student learning. Communication is frequent and uses multiple modes of contact to accommodate the needs of the family. I.5A—Incorporates the knowledge of school community and environmental factors Teacher incorporates general knowledge of the school community when planning and implementing instruction. Teacher incorporates detailed and specific knowledge of the school community when planning and implementing instruction reflecting a deep understanding of the school community. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 1 KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS AND STUDENT LEARNING Indicator Developing Effective I.5B—Incorporates multiple perspectives Teacher considers students’ personal and family experiences when planning delivery of content by incorporating more than one perspective. Teacher considers students’ personal and family experiences when planning delivery of content by incorporating multiple perspectives. I.6A—Understands technological literacy and its impact on student learning Teacher plans the use of available technological tools and communication strategies to engage some students and/or to assist them in becoming critical users of quality information. Teachers’ knowledge of the 21st Century skills is rudimentary. (basic) Teacher plans the use of available technological tools and communication strategies to engage most students, and to assist them in becoming critical users of quality information. Teacher’s knowledge of 21st Century Skills is current and embedded in the communication strategies. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT & INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Indicator Developing Effective II.1A—Understands key discipline concepts, themes, learning standards and key disciplinary language Teacher has a rudimentary understanding and use in planning of the key discipline concepts, and/or themes, and occasionally plans instruction that allows students to use and comprehend key disciplinary language Teacher understands and plans key discipline concepts, and themes, in the discipline and can relate them to one another. Teacher plans instruction that allows students to be cognitively engaged in their use and comprehension of key disciplinary language II.1B—Uses current developments in pedagogy and content Teacher has a limited understanding of current content related pedagogy and cites limited or dated research to explain planned instructional decisions. Teacher understands current content related pedagogy and cites current research to explain planned instructional decisions. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT & INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Indicator Developing II.2A—Incorporates diverse Teacher plans some instruction to facilitate social and cultural students’ ability to develop perspectives diverse social and cultural perspectives. Instruction may or may not be aligned with 21st Century Skills. II.2B—Incorporates Individual and collaborative critical thinking and problem solving. Teacher plans occasional opportunities for students to engage in individual and collaborative critical thinking and problem solving Effective Teacher plans most instruction to facilitate students’ ability to develop diverse social and cultural perspectives. Teacher incorporates perspectives from a variety of disciplines and embeds interdisciplinary skills in instruction to align with 21st Century Skills. Teacher plans frequent opportunities for students to engage in individual and collaborative critical thinking and problem solving that align with 21st Century skills. The Teacher models effective interpersonal skills. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT & INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Indicator Developing Effective II.2C—Incorporates disciplinary and crossdisciplinary learning experiences Teacher creates occasional learning experiences for students to apply disciplinary and crossdisciplinary knowledge to personal experiences and real world problems. Teacher creates regular learning experiences for students to apply disciplinary and crossdisciplinary knowledge to personal experiences and real world problems. II.3A—Designs learning experiences that connect to students life experiences Teacher attempts to design learning experiences that make connections between the content and students life experiences: some connections may be inappropriate. Occasional connections to the 21st Century skills are included. Teacher frequently designs learning experiences that make appropriate connections between the content and students life experiences. There are frequent connections to 21st Century skills. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT & INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Indicator Developing Effective II.3B—Designs selfdirected learning experiences Teacher designs limited learning experiences that engage students in selfdirected learning Teacher designs frequent learning experiences that engage students in challenging, self-directed learning. II.4A—Articulates learning objectives/goals with learning standards Teacher is able to design learning experiences and articulate how some learning objectives are aligned with learning standards and has designed some opportunities for students to achieve the learning goals. Teacher is able to design all learning experiences and articulate how the learning objectives are aligned with learning standards and includes several different opportunities for students to achieve the learning goals including application of 21st Century skills. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT & INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Indicator Developing Effective II.5A—Designs instruction using current levels of students understanding Teacher uses students’ responses to questions, discussion or other work, and may not consider common misconceptions when planning instruction. Teacher uses students’ responses to questions, discussion or other work, and considers common misconceptions when planning instruction. II.5B—Designs learning experiences using prior knowledge Teacher designs some learning experiences that connect prior content knowledge to new learning. Teacher designs learning experiences that connect prior content knowledge to new learning within and across disciplines. NYSUT RUBRIC STANDARD 2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT & INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Indicator Developing Effective II.6A—Organizes time Teacher considers time allocations but those times may be either too long or too short to achieve learning goals. Teacher assigns reasonable time allocations to achieve the learning goals and adjusts if students need more or less time. II.6B—Selects materials and resources Teacher selects curricular materials and resources that align with student learning standards. Teacher occasionally adapts materials and resources to meet diverse learning needs. Teacher selects curricular materials and resources that align with student learning standards. Teacher regularly adapts materials and resources to meet diverse learning needs. TED LESSON PLAN Curriculum Standard(s): Identify the curriculum standards to be taught; connect to other standards within or outside of the discipline. • • • • Common Core NYS Standards AP Standards National Standards Student/Class Profile: Identify any accommodation in instruction to meet student learning needs. • Class size • Number of Students with IEPs/504 Plans • Number of ELLs & Appropriate Level • Behavior Issues Learning Outcomes: Identify the important concepts and skills that students will be expected to learn. • AIM—Should be a question • SWBAT/Objectives Assessments: Identify the formative and/or summative assessments used to determine student progress towards achieving the learning outcomes of the lesson. • Formative • Ungraded, On the spot, Informs instruction • Summative • Graded, At the end of lesson/unit TED LESSON PLAN Cognitive Engagement: Include: Warm-up or opening to lesson, activities to engage students in the intended learning outcomes, closure activity. Procedures and activities that move students to a higher level of thinking • Key Questions, Do Now/Motivation, Learning Activities, Bloom’s Taxonomy Adjustments/Modifications: How you address student needs Identify ways in which you may adjust • Differentiation, scaffolding, the lesson if formative assessments anticipated “hurdles”, SIOP warrant modification. Groups: How will students be grouped for each activity of the lesson? Types of groups & rationale • Pairing, cooperative learning groups, group size, etc. Resources: Identify resources and materials needed for the lesson. Tools that are used to enhance instruction • CDs, DVDS, websites, Smartboards, etc PRE-CONFERENCE QUESTIONS TED BOOKLET, PAGE 8 1. IDENTIFY THE C U R R I C U LU M STA N DA R D S TO B E TAU G H T A N D H OW THEY CONNECT TO OTHER STA N DA R D S W I T H I N O R OUTSIDE OF THE DISCIPLINE. Learning & Curriculum standards Use indicators to guide answers 2. HOW HAS STUDENT A C H I E V E M E N T D ATA INFORMED YOU INSTRUCTION, AND HOW DOES THIS LESSON S P E C I F I C A L LY A D D R E S S THE NEEDS IDENTIFIED FROM A REVIEW OF THE D ATA ? Use indicators to guide answers PRE-CONFERENCE QUESTIONS TED BOOKLET, PAGE 8 3 . W H AT D O YO U WANT STUDENTS TO L E A R N A S A R E S U LT OF THIS LESSON? 4. HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF STUDENTS ARE LEARNING THE EXPECTED OUTCOME? Learning Outcomes Formative assessments Use indicators to guide answers Summative assessments Use indicators to guide answers PRE-CONFERENCE QUESTIONS TED BOOKLET, PAGE 8 5. HOW DO YOU PLAN TO C O G N I T I V E LY E N G A G E STUDENTS IN THE C O N T E N T ? W H AT W I L L T H E STUDENTS DO? 6. HOW WILL Cognitive engagements & activities Adjustments/ Modifications Use indicators to guide answers D I F F E R E N T I AT I O N B E USED TO MEET STUDENT NEEDS? Use indicators to guide answers PRE-CONFERENCE QUESTIONS TED BOOKLET, PAGE 8 7. W H A T ASSESSMENTS WILL BE USED? 8. HOW WILL YOU U S E T H E R E S U LT S O F ASSESSMENT TO ADJUST INSTRUCTION? Questions/discussion throughout lesson Item analysis Homework and quiz Unit tests/projects/essay Use indicators to guide answers Short/long term adjustments Data-driven Use indicators to guide answers PRE-CONFERENCE QUESTIONS TED BOOKLET, PAGE 8 9 . O N W H AT A R E A S WOULD YOU LIKE SPECIFIC FEEDBACK? Professional growth in classroom • Class management • Questioning techniques • Formative/Summative assessment ideas Connecting curriculum to class instruction • Use indicators to guide answers PRE-CONFERENCE QUESTIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED AND ANSWERS PREPARED PRIOR TO THE PRECONFERENCE. • THEY WILL BE D I S C U S S E D AT P R E CONFERENCE WITH THE A D M I N I ST R ATO R • T HEY S ET T HE STAGE F O R W H AT TO LO O K O U T FOR IN THE LESSON O B S E R VAT I O N WHAT TO EXPECT IN WORKSHOP 2 • Teachers will “tag” a lesson plan using the NYSUT rubric standards 1 and 2 • Rate the lesson plan according to HEDI WHAT TO EXPECT IN WORKSHOP 3 • • • • Watch video of a lesson being taught Scribe and Tag the evidence Discuss Pre- and Post-Conference questions Discuss how “missing” evidence can be introduced during the postconference