Spyder Re-flash 2.0 How-To

Spyder Re-flash 2.0
What’s New In Re-Flash Tool 2.0?
• Updated user interface
- Removed some extraneous information columns in the discovery window
- All relevant destination firmware descriptions are filtered and viewable
without the need to navigate to the correct folder
• Updated firmware images
- Communication issue fixed in all Spyder Lon and full sized BACnet
 Some sites have reported Spyders “falling off the network” for a period of time
• The new firmware does NOT affect compatibility, so all options in the new re-flash tool include this fix
- Firmware upgrade image created for full sized BACnet version 6.20
 It was previously not possible to upgrade this version of Spyder BACnet
Re-Flash Tool
• Remember that Re-flashing for compatibility purposes can be
avoided by installing the latest Spyder Tool
- The only exception is if you have an older (pre-1220 date code)
Spyder and desire new features like compatibility with TR71/75;
then you MUST flash forward AND use the new tool to gain those
new features
• Download the Re-flash tool from the Forum
- Uninstall any previous version of Re-flash tool before installing 2.0
- Run the executable and the re-flash program plus all current re-
flash images will be installed
Runs on Win XP 32 bit, Win7 32 and 64 bit
• Re-Flash will erase the control program as well as any
bindings or balancing data
- Perform an upload of that data if it hasn’t previously been done
- Plan sufficient time to re-download/re-bind all re-flashed devices
Re-Flash Tool
• Here is what the re-flash tool will do
- Scan the network to find Spyders on the network
 Spyder Lon devices are discovered by their Program ID, if that has been
modified the user can open the UserDefinitions.ini file in the directory of
installation and add the new Program ID to the list
- Determine the current version of the Spyder firmware
- Filters the list of firmware images down to the only valid choices
for re-flashing the Spyder
Allows the user to choose one of those destinations
Downloads that firmware image to the Spyder at which point it will
be in a factory configured state
 Program ID’s on Spyder Lon devices will remain unchanged
Re-Flash Tool
• Failure to follow the steps below may result in a Spyder
which is not recoverable
- Ensure that nothing else is running on the PC used for re-flash
- Ensure power will not be interrupted to the PC, Spyders or the rest
of the communication network
Ensure that other PC’s are not flashing the same Spyder at the
same time
Disconnect the JACE from the Spyder’s Lon or BACnet network
• Tunneling through the JACE to re-flash is not supported
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• Open the tool (after disconnecting the JACE)
- A splash screen will display briefly
Select LON USB to use the
- Then the setup screen will display
Echelon USB Plug (Q7752C2007)
Select the Correct USB Plug
(ensure AX isn’t running a
station and occupying the
USB Plug)
Select the Node Address of
the USB Plug
Select the Domain of the network
Press Connect once correct
choices have been made
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• Discover devices
Select “Scan For Devices”
and only Spyder devices
will appear
This device was brand new
so no Device Name existed
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• Other Information
Use this button to automatically
select all Spyders with identical
re-flash versions (useful for batch
jobs, limit is 30 devices per batch)
Press this button to
select a new firmware
image to download
Use this button to automatically
de-select all devices
Lon network information
Neuron ID
Status, OS Number and Brand
Select devices to be re-flashed.
Only devices of identical
hardware can be re-flashed in a
single batch job.
Device Name (Blank if
new from factory, deleted
after re-flash)
Firmware currently
loaded in device
The flashing tool defaults to finding Lon Spyders
with the factory Program ID. If you’ve changed the
Program ID of a Lon Spyder within AX, the
UserDefinitions.ini file which by default resides in
“My Documents” e.g.
C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\ReflashTool2.0 of
the re-flash tool must be updated with the Program
ID’s of those Spyders or they will not be discovered.
See next page for details.
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• Adding a new Program ID to the Device Discovery
- Not necessary unless you’ve previously altered the Program ID
Double click on the UserDefinitions.ini file in
C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\ReflashTool2.0 of
the re-flash tool. Copy/Paste the existing Program
ID line below and then change the Program ID to
match the Spyder’s new Program ID.
“My Documents” Location:
For Windows XP its C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\My Documents\ReflashTool2.0
For Win7/Vista its C:\Users\[UserName]\My Documents\ReflashTool2.0
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• After “Download Firmware to Devices” is pressed
Select desired firmware
image to download. The
list is automatically
filtered so only valid
selections can be chosen
Any option you choose
will include the latest
firmware fixes, even if
you’re flashing back
Select “Start Downloads” to begin. If a download is
cancelled, the tool will complete downloading the current
device and cancel the re-flash of any remaining units
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• Start the download
- Re-flash will take about 13 minutes per device
Status window will pop up and
show job activity
Time Remaining is based on
previous re-flashes once a reflash has been completed
A Cancel will stop re-flash
operations AFTER the current
device has been re-flashed
Re-Flashing Spyder Lon
• Job Complete
Pre Re-Flash
Post Re-Flash
Firmware updated
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• Ensure your BACnet Router is setup properly
- Example for Contemporary Controls router shown below
 Set the IPv4 properties of your network card to use
 Open a web browser and type in the address bar
Selecting a higher MS/TP
Baudrate will speed up the
flashing process but add risk
if there are already devices
talking on the network
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• Open the tool (after disconnecting the JACE)
- A splash screen will display briefly
Select BACNET IP to use a
- Then the setup screen will display
BACnet router like the
Contemporary Controls router
Select Lowest/Highest device
ID’s to search for (may speed
up discovery of devices)
Select number of retries for
discovering devices
Select the Ethernet adapter
connected to the router (in
this case, the local LAN
connection on your PC)
Select the UDP Port (must
match UDP port on router).
Ensure UDP port not in use by
other tools like Niagara
Press Connect once correct
choices have been made
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• Discover devices
Select Scan For Devices
and only Spyder devices
will show up
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• Other Information
Use this button to automatically
select all Spyders with identical Reflash versions (useful for batch
jobs, limit is 30 devices per batch)
Press this button to
select a new firmware
image to download (must
first select a device)
Use this button to automatically
de-select all devices
Device Name (Blank if
new from factory, deleted
after re-flash)
BACnet Device ID
BACnet network information
Status, OS Number and Brand
Select devices to be re-flashed.
Only devices of identical reflash version can be re-flashed
in a single batch job.
Firmware image
currently loaded in
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• After “Download Firmware to Devices” is pressed
Select desired firmware
image to download. The
list is automatically
filtered so only valid
selections can be chosen
Any option you choose
will include the latest
firmware fixes, even if
you’re flashing back
Select “Start Downloads” to begin. If a download is
cancelled, the tool will complete downloading the current
device and cancel the re-flash of any remaining units
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• Start the download
- Re-flash will take about 3 minutes per device
Status window will pop up and
show job activity
Time Remaining is based on
previous re-flashes once a reflash has been completed
A Cancel will stop re-flash
operations AFTER the current
device has been re-flashed
Re-Flashing Spyder BACnet
• Job Complete
Pre Re-Flash
Post Re-Flash
Firmware updated
If You Encounter Problems
• Gather this information before starting a case
- From the Help  About Reflash Tool screen
 Reflash Tool version
 Reflash Definition File version
- From the Download Firmware screen
 Firmware Definition version
- From the main screen
 OS number, brand and firmware of the device in question
- Approximate date/time of the problem (local from the PC)
- Gather the following files from
C:\Users\[TheUser]\Documents\ReflashTool2.0 directory
 <projectName>.search.log.txt
 <projectName>.summary.log.txt
 <projectName>.transfer.log.txt