Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt Answers - MHS

Constitution Day
Scavenger Hunt
List three goals of the
Constitution (Preamble).
Form a more Perfect Union
Establish Justice
Insure domestic Tranquility
Provide for the Common Defense
Promote the General Welfare
Secure the Blessings of Liberty
What are the qualifications for a member of the
House of Representatives?
1. Be at least 25 years old
2. Be a citizen for at least 7 years
3. Be a resident in the state you want to represent
How old does someone have
to be to be a senator?
At least 30 years old
Be a resident of the state they represent
Perhaps, the Founding Fathers were looking for
individuals with more experience and maturity to run
the Senate.
List two powers of Congress
List two powers denied to
List two qualifications to be
President of the United States
1. be at least 35 years old
2. 2. be a natural-born US citizen (Born in the U.S.)
3. 3. live in the US for 14 years.
List two powers of the President
What is treason?
Basically: it means to betray one’s Country.
List the 5 Freedoms contained
in the First Amendment
Which amendment gives Americans the
right to bear arms?
Which amendment guarantees due process of law
for an accused person?
Which amendment guarantees the right to a
speedy trial in Criminal Cases?
Which amendment prevents cruel and
unusual punishment?
The Eighth Amendment, protects against excessive bail
and cruel and unusual punishment.
Which amendment ended slavery?
The Thirteenth Amendment (1865)
What right did the 15th
Amendment guarantee?
Government cannot prevent a
person from voting because of
race, color, or condition of
previous servitude.
Did this allow all Black men
the right to vote?
Which amendment brought
about the federal income tax?
The 16th Amendment
How were senators chosen before
the 17th Amendment in 1913?
State legislators use to be the ones who selected our
senators. Now, the people directly vote for the senators
from their state.
The 18th Amendment banned alcohol in the United States.
Why do you think this amendment was repealed?
Which amendment made alcohol legal again?
The 21st Amendment
Which amendment brought about women’s
suffrage? What does suffrage mean?
The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.
What did the 26th Amendment do? Why
do you think this amendment was passed?
Extended the right to
vote to 18-year-olds.
How was this a
fundamental change?