BY: BRENDAN, HANNAH, KENNEDY, AND JACOB TODAY WE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT THE HOMO ERECTUS. WE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT THEIR DAILY LIFE, DATES AND PLACES OF EXISTENCE, DESCRIPTION OF APPEARENCE, AND MORE.YOU WILL LEARN THINGS YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF BEFORE! AFTER THIS SLIDE SHOW, YOU WILL LOOK AT HOMO ERECTUS IN A DIFFERENT WAY!!!! Homo Erectus lived about 1,600,000 to about 250,000 years ago.(1) They lived in Africa and then migrated to Asia and eventually to Europe.(2) The time they migrated to Asia was approximately 1,000,000 years ago.(3) Homo Erectus has more modern arm and leg proportions, smaller jaws and a more projecting nose than earlier hominids.(4) Homo Erectus man was about the same size as modern humans, although they only had twothirds the size of our brains.(5) The average height was approximately 5’10”(6) Homo Erectus built huts next to an existing natural cave that was next to the hillside.(7) A rock cave could be made into a workshop.(8) The cave also provided shelter in bad weather.(9) Homo Erectus ate wild animals and also plants growing in the wild.(10) They also started to eat fruit that was hanging on the trees.(11) Before the Homo Erectus came, people ate insects.(12) Homo Erectus man was probably the first hunter.(13) Homo Erectus lived in caves and were famous hunters.(14) They used fire a lot in their daily life.(15) They lived in groups that ranged from 20 to 30 individuals. (16) They were very intelligent and adapted to their environment easily.(17) The Homo Erectus used hand axes and stone tools like that used during our history.(18) Crude choppers or hammer-stones of varying size were the simplest tools, fitting easily into the hand and with an edge formed by removing flakes from either side along one face (side of the stone).(19) Their tool-making skills were considerably improved.(20) Their weapons included stone axes and knives.(21) The Homo Erectus were the first to have fire.(23) At first they made fire by natural resources, but later learned how to make it themselves.(24) They used it for warmth, light, and to cook meat.(25) They were the first people to wear clothing.(26) Homo Erectus made clothing out of animal hide and tied it in knots so it wouldn’t fall down.(27) They used their clothing to keep warm.(28) The first languages spoken by Homo Erectus likely developed around 500,000 years ago.(29) This was a dramatic development of mankind.(30) Later Homo Erectus began to make grunting sounds and gestures as their language.(31) Ceremonies they had were to honor marriage or other things.(32) To celebrate these ceremonies they dressed in their best wearable items.(33) In addition to marriage, Homo Erectus celebrated friendship and birth of new humans.(34) Homo Erectus painted people hunting or people coming back from the big hunts.(35) They also painted animals such as buffalo, deer, and antelope.(36) They did not carve much; they only carved weapons and some pictures.(37) The symbols were more like a form of communication than art. 1. WHY DID THE HOMO ERECTUS MIGRATE TO ASIA THEN EUROPE? 2.WHAT WAS ONE ANIMAL THE HOMO ERECTUS PAINTED AND WHY? 3. WHAT CHANGE IN THE BODY MADE THE HOMO ERECTUS STAND UP RIGHT? 1. Because of the changing landscape of the African savanna, Homo Erectus drifted north and east to other continents. 2. The animal Homo Erectus often painted was antelope. They painted it because they hunted them a lot . 3. Homo Erectus' arms were shorter than hominids before him, which allowed him to stand up straight. We learned a lot about the Homo Erectus . One thing that we learned is that they were the first group of early Hominids to make fire. We also learned that their nickname was “upright” man. We learned that they ate wild animals, such as antelope, and wild plants, such as roots of a plant species . We had a lot of fun learning about Homo Erectus, and we learned a lot!!!!! 1) “Homo Erectus,” 2)Ibid. 3)Ibid. 4)Ibid. 5)”Homo Erectus,” 6)Ibid. 7) 8)Ibid. 9)Ibid. 10) 11)”Homo Erectus,” 12)Ibid. 13)Ibid. 14)Ibid. 15)Ibid. 16)Ibid. 17)Ibid. 18)Idid. 19) 20)Ibid. 21)Ibid. 22)Ibid. 23) 24)Ibid. 25)Ibid. 26)Ibid. 27)Ibid. 28)Ibid. 29)Ibid. 30) 31)Ibid. 32)Ibid . 33)Ibid. 34) 35)Ibid. 36) 37)Ibid. “ THANK YOU TO: GOOGLE.COM, ASK.COM, STANFORD.EDU/HOMOERECTUS.COM, KIDSPAST.COM, MRDONN.ORG AND OF COURSE, MS.MCCLURE