Techniques to Determine Pricing Strategies

Techniques to
determine pricing
strategies within
a social franchise
October 23rd 2014
Cebu, Philippines
Spin of the wheel…..
….Magic Formulae
Session Objectives
Discussion: The impact of changing price
price on the goals of a social franchising network
Discussion: The impact of changing price
on the goals of a social franchising network
Health Impact
Cost Effectiveness
Health Market Expansion
Pricing: How do private sector
franchises manage price?
Pricing: Case Example McDonald’s
Franchisor Pricing/Revenue
Franchisors earn revenue from many sources,
and therefore pricing of these income sources
is important. Revenue streams including:
• Franchise Fees
• Franchise Royalty Fees
• Advertising and Marketing Administrative
• Services provided to Franchises
• Sales of Products & Supplies
• Training Fees
• Sales of Promotional Items
• Rebates from Suppliers
McDonalds Pricing Policy
The official stance on McDonald’s pricing policy
is highlighted within the company’s mission
“being in touch with the pricing of our
competitors allows us to price our products
correctly, balancing quality and value.”
McDonalds Global Pricing Strategies
• McDonald’s know that, despite the cost savings
inherent in standardization, success is often
attributed to being able to adapt to a specific
• This is true for its pricing strategy, which is one of
localization rather than globalization.
McDonalds Local Pricing Strategies
1. Value Pricing - Pricing method based on
the perceived worth of goods or services to
its intended customers.
2. Product Line Pricing – Bundling, Value
Meals, Super-Sizing
3. Promotional Pricing – most McDonalds
offer some type of promotional pricing
scheme which change regularly
4. Penetration Pricing - Penetration Pricing
When McDonald’s first began to break into
the coffee market
Value Pricing: why Big Macs are not priced
the same in every country
1. Differing tax, labor, and
transportation costs can all distort
prices however the value of a
country’s currency is not what drives
pricing strategies
2. Essentially, every population values
the Big Mac differently.
– For some McD’s is a luxury family-time
– For others McD’s is a cheap on-the-go
3. McD’s understand Value Across Different Demographics.
Value Pricing: why Big Macs are not priced
the same in every country
How McDonald’s sets prices in a new
The process that McDonald’s use to determine price:
• Selecting price objective ( market Share)
• Analyzing competitors costs, prices and offers
• Determining Positioning and Demand
• Estimate Costs
• Selecting a final price
Is the price of a Big Mac the same in
all outlets within a country?
Price Differences within a country
• The franchisor can and does
define a maximum retain
• The Franchisor uses
promotions (e.g. Dollar
Menus) to control prices in
franchisee-owned outlets
(making it expensive for
franchisees to drop out)
• Franchisor-owned directly set
and control prices.
• In franchisee-owned outlets
– franchisees have flexibility over
– Generally charge more than
corporate owned outlets
Price Differences within a country
Company-owned outlets
• Considers future customers as
an important source of future
profits (regardless of the
specific outlet they visit).
• Focus on long-term customer
• Lower prices and higher quality
• Dollar Menu - attracts patrons
with a low willingness to pay.
(Considered as a management
tool to achieve a high degree
of price unity)
Franchised outlets
• Franchisee cares about future
customers only as long as they
visit their own outlet.
• Focus on maximizing shortterm profits
• Higher prices and lower quality
• Dollar Menu – Constrains
ability of franchisees to set
high prices
Pricing Strategies
within a social
I want your
franchise to be
We are a health
organization that
needs to consider
the public health
goals of a social
I need to make enough
money to send my kids to
I don’t have
much money…
I want your social
franchise to be
I don’t have
much money…
We are a health
organization that
needs to consider
the public health
goals of a social
I need to make enough
money to send my kids to
Do Pricing Strategies Matter?
Do we capitalize on the same revenue
streams as a for-profit franchise?
Private sector franchisors earn revenue from many sources, and
therefore pricing of these income sources is important. Revenue
streams include:
• Franchise Fees
• Franchise Royalty Fees
• Advertising and Marketing
Administrative Fees
• Services provided to Franchises
• Sales of Products & Supplies
• Training Fees
• Sales of Promotional Items
• Rebates from Suppliers
Supply-Side Pricing
Supply Side Pricing: Pricing strategies which aim to
alter the incentives of healthcare providers to
provide certain services.
Loyalty-type Schemes
Performance Based Financing schemes
Client registration fees
Demand-Side Pricing
Demand Side Pricing: Pricing strategies aimed at
manipulating patient co-payments for a given
Conditional cash payments
Travel reimbursement
Bundling of services
Enforcing Price
Laissez-faire? Policing? Manipulating?
Session Objectives