How does PLTW teach GRIT?

Danielle Thompson
Lincoln High School
San Diego Unified School District
The role of the educator is not to save the
student, but rather to offer a support system,
role models, and opportunities to learn,
which will increase the likelihood of the
student’s success.
 API -617 (2012)
 Intercity urban school
 86% of students qualify for free
and/or reduced lunch
 1537 students (down from over
 High teacher turnover (over 50%
since 2011)
 15% passed Algebra 1 (up from
 32% passed ELA
 15% passed Biology/Life Science
(down from 27%)
 61% Hispanic
 28% Black
 7% Asian
 36% EL population
 16% Special Ed
Majority of students never do homework
Frequent absences
Lack of parent support and/or guidance
 Only 9% of parents have a 4-year degree
Lack of technology and/or Internet at home
General chaos of working in high poverty
Students are engaged in curriculum
Makes connections between concepts that
students so desperately need
hands-on experience
Students see real life connections -this isn’t
just about grades
Viable career choices
Teaches students “Grit”
Grit Studies
The tendency not to abandon tasks from
mere changeability. Not seeking something
because of novelty. Not “looking for a change.”
The tendency not to abandon tasks in the
face of obstacles. Perseverance, tenacity,
1.New ideas and projects sometimes
distract me from previous ones.
2.Setbacks don’t discourage me.
3.I am a hard worker.
4. I finish whatever I begin.
growth mindset”
— those who
“believe that we
can get better at
almost anything,
provided we
invest the
necessary time
and energy”
PBS Lesson 1.2.1 –
What is DNA?
 Students had the
“building blocks” of
DNA and were required
to assemble them with
the minimal directions
acting like Watson &
Constantly remind students that “IT IS OKAY
TO BE FRUSTRATED – Embrace it!”
Think of yourself as a guidebook, not an
 They call this “social intelligence”
▪ Was able to find solutions during conflicts with others
▪ Showed that s/he cared about the feelings of others
▪ Adapted to different social situations
STUDENT-LED – students must read the
directions in order to complete assignments
Students are repeatedly handed back their
work until it is passable.
 Was eager to explore new things
 Asked questions to help s/he learn better
 Took an active interest in learning
Low income students statistically score very
low on the GRIT scale.
PLTW teaches character
development which is just
as important as content!
Add information about Anna’s last meal to the Project 2.2.1
Autopsy Report – under the heading Gastrointestinal System.
Include a summary of how this finding could link to her diabetes
and her death.
Add information about Anna’s last meal to the Project 2.2.1 Autopsy Report
– under the heading Gastrointestinal System. Include a summary of how this
finding could link to her diabetes and her death.
a. What was Anna’s last meal?
b. How do you know? (add evidence from your lab!)
c. What type of Diabetes does Anna have?
d. How is her stomach content information linked to her Diabetes?
e. Could this have been linked to her death?
All directions that require something to
write/type is highlighted
Key vocabulary
Explicit Teaching of ALL material
Labs and activities take longer
In general, add at least 2 days to most activities
Embrace QUALITY over quantity
 When the culture has changed, quantity will occur
Field Trip To UCSD Hillcrest
medical Center
My student who was accepted
to the Perry Outreach 1/30
with over 300 applicants!
How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will
talk -Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
 A Framework for Understanding Poverty -Ruby
 Angela Duckworth's TED talk
 What if the Secret to Success is Failure? NYT
Danielle Thompson
Lincoln High School
Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences
Lincoln High School
San Diego
Phone (619) 266-6500 ext 2332