TAZ/TAD delineation program overview Overview • Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) and Traffic Analysis District (TAD) delineation criteria and guidelines – Why define them? What are they? – Criteria and guidelines – How the criteria and guidelines are built into rules and checks in the MTPS • High level process/flow of the TAZ delineation program • Schedule 2 TAZs and TADs Why define them? What are they? • Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs): – a basic spatial unit of analysis representing an area containing similar kinds of land use and commuter travel – 5-year CTPP data • Traffic Analysis Districts: – aggregates of similar TAZs – 3-year CTPP data 3 Criteria & Guidelines TAZ TAD Notes Aggregates of… 2010 census blocks 2010 TAZs Overlap TAZs may not overlap (one TAZ assigned/ block) TADs may not overlap (one TAD assigned / TAZ) Nest within & cover the entire area of… Counties State DOT/ MPO coverage State DOT and MPO coverage is one or more complete counties. TADs may cross county boundaries. Codes Unique within county Unique within State DOT/ MPO coverage TAZ and TAD codes are up to 8 characters, alphanumeric, and padded with leading zeros Minimum thresholds Resident or worker* population > 600 suggested Resident or worker* population > 20,000 Data reliability and availability improves as resident and worker population increases * 2000 block-level worker estimates were interpolated to 2010 block boundaries. 4 Criteria & Guidelines Aggregates of… TAZ TAD 2010 census blocks 2010 TAZs Notes 5 Criteria & Guidelines TAZ TAD TAZs may not overlap (one TAZ assigned/ block) TADs may not overlap (one TAD assigned / TAZ) Notes Aggregates of… Overlap Interactively, one can only assign an area to one TAZ or one TAD. Adding an area assigned to an existing TAZ or TAD to a different TAZ or TAD will remove it from the original TAZ/TAD. 6 Criteria & Guidelines TAZ TAD Notes Counties State DOT/ MPO coverage State DOT and MPO coverage is one or more complete counties. TADs may cross county boundaries. Aggregates of.. Overlap Nest within & cover the entire area of… Nest within: • TAZ delineation - will not allow you to select geography in two different counties when creating or editing a TAZ • TAD delineation – will not allow you to delineate TADs outside the county coverage (in setup file) Cover area of: 7 Criteria & Guidelines TAZ TAD Notes Unique within county Unique within State DOT/ MPO coverage TAZ and TAD codes are up to 8 characters, alphanumeric, and padded with leading zeros Aggregates of… Overlap Nests within … Codes 8 Criteria & Guidelines TAZ TAD Notes Resident or worker* population > 600 (suggested) Resident or worker* population > 20,000 Data reliability and availability improves as resident and worker population increases Aggregates of… Overlap Nests within … Codes Minimum thresholds * 2000 block-level worker estimates were interpolated to 2010 block boundaries. 9 Additional checks • Contiguity • Compactness 10 High level TAZ/TAD delineation process/flow 1 2 Check the AASHTO website spreadsheets to confirm expected county coverage for 2010 TAZ/TAD delineation. Let us know ASAP if not what you expect. Receive email from GEO TAZ team with customized setup file, and instructions to call for MTPS download username/password. Mid-March through April 3 Open setup file and confirm correct county coverage in “CoreCountyCoverage” 5 4 Call GEO TAZ Team for MTPS download username/password Download the MTPS software, partnership shapefiles (counties specified in setup files), and user documentation from Census Bureau’s website, save to local drive 6 Save setup file to the same local drive folder as the partnership shapefiles (e.g., “TAZlayers”) 11 High Level TAZ/TAD delineation process/flow (2) Can divide work among multiple staff members prior to delineation (by editing the setup file (for dividing work on complete counties or administratively assigning county – parts) a Choose startup methods for TAZs and/or TADs - TAZs: 2000 TAZs, 2010 tracts, 2010 block groups, scratch, BEFs - TADs (no TAZs): 2010 tracts, 2010 block groups - TADs (with TAZs): scratch and BEFs 4 Run setup for the MTPS, and Delineate TAZs and TADs b c Delineate TAZs e Run TAD verification checks d Run TAZ verification checks Delineate TADs f “Report Changes” (i.e., create output files) 12 High Level TAZ/TAD delineation process/flow (3) 5 FTP output files to Census Bureau, follow up with email Within 90 days from receipt of setup file email: mid-June to early-July 6 Census Bureau will run verification checks on submissions, and will contact program participant with any problems or issues that do not have clear fixes 13 TAZ/TAD Delineation Timeline • February 25 & 28: Web-based TAZ delineation software training • March – April: Delineation materials available starting in March • June – July: Delineation submission returned to Census Bureau within 90 days of delineation material availability (i.e., receipt of setup file email) 14 Questions? GEO TAZ team: geo.taz.list@census.gov 301.763.1099 15