Composition Begins with a general statement Follows with specifics The general statement is the TOPIC SENTENCE The specifics are DETAILS that prove the topic sentence Topic sentence needs keywords for the topic, cp, and point of development Beneficial and harmful links exist between human health and ocean health. While several important medical treatments are based on chemicals discovered in marine animals, increasingly common phenomena such as harmful algal blooms have demonstrated their negative impact on human health. The health of marine ecosystems is affected by human activities such as pollution, global warming, and over fishing. But human health in turn depends on thriving ocean ecosystems. Begins with many specifics Ends with a general statement The specifics are details that will help lead to a conclusion The general statement at the end is the TOPIC SENTENCE or the CONCLUSION drawn from the details Oceans have ingredients which can benefit human health. Several important medical treatments are based on chemicals discovered in marine animals. On the other hand, increasingly common phenomena such as harmful algal blooms have demonstrated their negative impact on human health. The health of marine ecosystems is affected by human activities such as pollution, global warming, and over fishing. But at the same time, human health depends on thriving ocean ecosystems. We need a better understanding of the many ways marine organisms affect human health, both positively by providing drugs and bio-products, and negatively by causing human ailments. Begins with a general statement Follows with specifics Ends with a general statement The general statement is the TOPIC SENTENCE The specifics are DETAILS that prove the topic sentence The general statement at the end is the CLINCHER SENTENCE or the CONCLUSION drawn from the details Begins with specifics General statement is in the middle of the paragraph Ends with specifics This paragraph usually reflects a cause and effect relationship The topic sentence is in the middle of the paragraph. KEYWORDS Topic Controlling purpose Type of paper Point of development Transitional word EXAMPLE The first type of violence used by the Ku Klux Klan that instilled fear into the freedmen was appearing at night dressed in white. •POD 1 – Using white robes A.Topic sentence – The KKK used white robes to frighten Freedmen and show their white supremacy. B.-Identify the klan members C. what they believed in (POD 1 card 1) D.– why they wore white (POD 1 card 2) this frightened freedmen (POD 1 card 3) NOTE: Read your note cards then put them aside. Without the note cards, write the paragraph without looking at them. When completed, look at your notes and document or insert direct quotes. The first type of violence used by the Ku Klux Klan that instilled fear into the freedmen was appearing at night dressed in white. Most of the members of the KKK were WASP, white, Anglo-Saxon protestants. They saw the color “white” as a symbol of purity. Since the klan wanted to keep the race pure, the white robes became a representation of their believing that the white race was the pure and superior race. In addition, the members did not want their identities known so the robes served a second purpose of hiding the faces of the klan members. Consequently, these white robed men whose identities were concealed, rode toward the homes of black men at night carrying torches appearing through the dark as ghostlike spirits haunting and frightening the blacks they tormented into following the Jim Crow laws that governed the South after Reconstruction. With MLA, after a paraphrase or direct quote, the citations need to appear to give credit to the author. The information appears like this (last 4). The period goes AFTER the ). The first type of violence used by the Ku Klux Klan that instilled fear into the freedmen was appearing at night dressed in white. Most of the members of the KKK were WASP, white, Anglo-Saxon protestants. They “saw the color “white” as a symbol of purity” (Smith 2). Since the klan wanted to keep the race pure, the white robes became a representation of their believing that the white race was the pure and superior race (Jones 4-5). In addition, the members did not want their identities known so the robes served a second purpose of hiding the faces of the klan members. Consequently, these white robed men whose identities were concealed, rode toward the homes of black men at night carrying torches appearing through the dark as ghost-like spirits haunting and frightening the blacks they tormented into following the Jim Crow laws that governed the South after Reconstruction (“Rider” ¶). To explain An explanatory paragraph is a paragraph that explains a certain issue, tells how or why something happens, and explores the causes and effects of certain events. To entertain To argue or persuade Definition Description Chronological Spatial Analytical Compare Contrast Statistics Cause and effect Single example Multiple examples Problem/solution Question/answer Cause Effect since because due to as a result of thus therefore hence if...then Similarities Differences similar to both also as well too in contrast however on the other hand differs from while unlike Order Time first, second, third... in the beginning then before at last finally recently when previously afterwards Topic sentence Definition Example Topic sentence Definition Statistics Topic sentence Examples Topic sentence Events in chronological order Topic sentence Decription Cause Topic sentence Effect Effect Topic sentence cause Topic sentence Element one of comparison Transition Element two of comparison Clincher Topic sentence Element one of contrast Transition Element two of contrast Clincher