ENGL 2900: Methods for Teaching Writing The Collaborative Pedagogy The Collaborative Pedagogy Pedagogy: the study of being a teacher or the process of teaching. The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction. The Collaborative Pedagogy Collaborative pedagogy is a term used to describe classroom activities in which students work and learn together. The term can describe activities such as 1 on 1 peer tutoring or group work The Collaborative Pedagogy “Collaborative Learning” is linked to the open door policies of universities in the 1970s. The “individualistic” idea towards teaching did not work for the influx of “non-traditional” students into higher ed. Cultivated the idea that students who worked together, learned together. The Collaborative Pedagogy Collaborative Activities has its pitfalls. What are they? The Collaborative Pedagogy • Collaborative Activities has its pitfalls. What are they? - Requires greater monitoring on the part of the instructor - Instructions may need to be repeated several times - Students may be unwilling to share ideas - Counter-argues the romantic notion of the author as “hero” - The individual has sole ownership of the words and thoughts he/she produces - Collaborative learning considered by some to be a form of “plagiarism” The Collaborative Pedagogy Collaborative Learning has its advantages. What are they? The Collaborative Pedagogy Collaborative Learning has its advantages. What are they? - It is a way of engaging students more deeply in the text Provides social context in which students can experience and practice interaction It encourages the democratic process Prepares students for work-place tasks Focuses on the distribution of smaller responsibilities to achieve the greater goal Legitimizes the idea that we all have something to contribute rather than the notion that only 1 person has knowledge The Collaborative Pedagogy Why resistance? Some students may be resistant to collaborative work because many educational systems endorse a model of solitary authorship 2. They may be uncertain as to whether their classmates will accept them as co-authors 3. They may have a much higher opinion of their own writing "ability" than their classmates have. 1. The Collaborative Pedagogy Whatever the cause of their resistance, most of these students will benefit from the collaborative assignment if: A. they are given to understand how prevalent collaboration is in workplace writing B. how much their "individual" writing will benefit from having worked in a group and having seen firsthand how others articulate and solve writing problems C. how much more they can accomplish than if they were working alone – what Linda Hughes and Michael Lund call "a union that is greater than the . . . parts that composed it". The Collaborative Pedagogy Group Discussions Teacher should act as facilitator rather than judge Discussion questions should have a “variety” of correct answers Have students listen to responses and create new questions from the responses Seek student permission Groups should know their objectives Involve all students The Collaborative Pedagogy 3 Types of Collaborative Tasks: Labor Intensive tasks that need to be divided into smaller subtasks in order to be accomplished effectively and efficiently 2. Specialization Tasks that call for multiple areas of expertise 3. Synthesis Tasks that demand that divergent perspectives be brought together into a solution acceptable to the whole group or an outside group. 1. The Collaborative Pedagogy Collaborative Writing Activities Maybe announced and distributed early, but should not be started until a substantial portion of the term has passed. Resolve interpersonal tensions early Collaborative writing assignment should be one that is best accomplished by a group rather than an individual Set a time limit Make all students accountable The Collaborative Pedagogy Divide into small groups of about 5 people per group 1. 2. 3. 4. Collectively, select an object or item that you think your parents might object to you having. Make a list of pros identifying the benefits to you and your parents if your were to own the object/item Make a list of cons identifying the pitfalls to you and your parents if your were to own the object/item. Write a letter (1 letter per group) to your parents highlighting the advantages while downplaying the disadvantages. Be sure to address one of your cons (probably the most influential) and present a counterargument that might reduce the concern.