9th December Transition Powerpoint

Primary and Secondary School
Monday 9th December
 To discuss way in which we can strategically
strengthen and organise the transition between
primary and secondary school’s in the collaborative
Where are you now?
Complete the transition audit to be handed in to Unity.
 Who are your primary/secondary partners
 What sort of relationship do you currently have and
what collaborative work do you currently do
Be prepared to feedback in 5 minutes to your partner
then in pairs to the group in 10 minutes
My History
 Secondary school head of maths
 Started to build a relationship with primary partners
 Put together a proposal to head for whole school
transition work
 Developed a strong relationship between all schools
and formed our own ‘collaborative’
My timeline/Process
 Observations
 Maths Days in year 6 at my secondary school
 Secondary school teacher going to teach during spring and
summer term
 Project work with year 6 of all primary partners
 Junior Maths Challenge
 Lead Transition person named in each school
 Whole school approach introduced – ICT/English and Maths
 Twilight Sessions for leads
 Primary Liaison lesson involving Maths, English and ICT
 Summer School for last 2 weeks of school term and during
holidays for vulnerable school students
 Transition booklet for all year 6 students entering NOA
Consistency of routes through calculation in Maths
Appropriate texts chosen in English
Consistency of AFL used
Consistency of behaviour expectations and students being
introduced to behaviour policy in year 6
Consistency of presentation in books (there was a huge decline
in presentation standards from primary to secondary)
Smoother transition of students, less of a dip in results
Increased confidence in students entering the school and clearer
understanding of what to expect
Up-skilling of teachers
Sharing good practise
Students experiencing curriculum continuity
 Have a LEAD of transition for the collaborative
 Develop lead transition partners in each of the
collaborative schools?
 Create network sessions and twilight sessions for key
members of staff? Weekly? Monthly? Termly?
 Different focus each meeting?
 Summer Holiday work/booklets
 One off lessons?
 G & T primary workshops?
 Bridging Materials
 Holding Assemblies
 Year 6 teachers supported by secondary school
teachers to promote more independent learning
 Ensuring all information received from year 6
teachers is passed on
 Summer term enrichment programmes
Your proposals for the collaborative
In pairs of three discuss how you think we could
take this forward?
What should our next steps be as a
Brainstorm on post it notes and feedback in 15