Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire Learning Hub 2014-2015 Challenge Learning Hub dates Autumn Term 11/9/14 6/11/14 Spring term 15/1/15 26/2/15 Summer Term 23/4/15 4/6/14 Challenge Learning Hub Intended Outcomes To embed a culture of ‘growth mind-set’ across our learning community in order to raise aspirations and expectations of what students can achieve. To ensure high levels of challenge for all students in every lesson, every day. Todays Objectives Introduce the learning hub and the overall objectives for the year. What is growth mind-set? Determine the best way to measure the current mind-set Discuss what other schools are doing Analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of moving towards a growth mind-set Learning Hub blog Each learning hub will have a page in our T+L blog Blog to be updated half-termly All members are responsible for updating blog Can there be high levels of challenge in every lesson for all students if staff and students have a fixed mindset? Mindsets Video Fixed vs. growth mind-set traits from Dweck Fixed Growth Feels threatened by the success of others Find lessons and inspirations in the success of others Ignore useful feedback Learn from criticism See effort as fruitless or worthless See effort as the path to mastery Give up easily Persist in the face of setbacks Avoid challenge Embrace challenge Desire to look smart Desire to learn How to score your questionnaire 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 Strongl y Disagre 6 e Disagre e Mostly Disagre e Mostly Agree Agree 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. Strongl y agree Work out your score for each question How to score your questionnaire Tota l Ave Tota l Ave Tota l Ave Tota l Ave Tota l Ave 72 6 60 5 48 4 36 3 24 2 71 5.9 59 4.9 47 3.9 35 2.9 23 1.9 70 5.8 58 4.8 46 3.8 34 2.8 22 1.8 69 5.75 57 4.75 45 3.75 33 2.75 21 1.75 68 5.7 56 4.7 44 3.7 32 2.7 20 1.7 67 5.6 55 4.6 43 3.6 31 2.6 19 1.6 66 5.5 54 4.5 42 3.5 30 2.5 18 1.5 65 5.4 53 4.4 41 3.4 29 2.4 17 1.4 64 5.3 52 4.3 40 3.3 28 2.3 16 1.3 63 5.25 51 4.25 39 3.25 27 2.25 15 1.25 62 5.2 50 4.2 38 3.2 26 2.2 14 1.2 61 5.1 49 4.1 37 3.1 25 2.1 13 1.1 Fixed Mindset 1 Growth Mindset 6 Use the grid to work out your average score. Measuring staff and students mind-set – how will we do this? On the flip chart paper jot down your ideas about the following statement You are in a growth mind-set school; what does it look like….. feel like….. sound like….. SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Wish list What do we want our students to be…. What other schools have done Process praise Tutor time coaching Displays Growth Mindset Training students/staff and parents Learning journals The power of ‘YET’ Ethic of excellence Examples of challenge in school Implementation Challenge beliefs Teacher beliefs – fixed or growth? Student beliefs? • Make a wish list What do we want our students to become? Habits of mind • Create a culture Journey, ups and downs Trying new things, risk taking • Curriculum Challenge, effort, deliberate practice • Engage parents as co-mindsetters / community Displays Intelligence praise Process praise “Wow, that’s really good. Aren’t you clever?” “Wow, that’s really good. You must have tried really hard” “You got an A without trying – you must be great at Maths” “You finished that really quickly, well done” “You got an A without trying? You can’t be learning much” “You finished quickly. I’m sorry I wasted your time, let’s look at something harder” If doing well means I’m clever… …not doing well must mean I’m not clever? Process praise Effort and struggle Strategies and choices Choosing difficult over easy Persistence Resilience Improving Learning Values to communicate: Easy is a waste of time Challenging is worthwhile “Especially when tasks are demanding, the quality of pupils’ meta-cognitive skills rather than their intellectual abilities becomes the chief determinant of their learning outcomes” Hattie Half-term focus The power of ‘YET’ – using growth mind-set language. Trial displays in classrooms Process praise – trial with one class How are we going to engage students, staff and parents?