Senior Design Group 16 Client / Adviser: Dr. Tom Daniels Brenton Hankins, Rick Hanton, Harsh Goel, Jeff Kramer Freshmen computer engineering college students and high school students need an interesting way to be introduced to programming and problem solving. In the past, Iowa State students have been taught to create simple programs in the C programming language that use Nintendo Wiimotes as input devices. Software needs to be developed similar to Wii Wrap, but uses the Microsoft Kinect™ sensor as input to student-written programs. RGB Webcam Camera 640x480 @ 30 Hz (center) IR Projector Projects Grid for Depth Mapping IR Camera at 640x480 @ 30 Hz collects depth data (right) Microphones give room audio Small Panning motor turns sensor bar from side to side Onboard image preprocessing Projector power draw requires extra AC power Wii Remote / Wiimote 11 buttons + Power Roll/Pitch/Yaw Gyro Infrared Sensor Speaker (unsupported) Optional Nunchuck Three Modules: 1. Hardware interface to read in raw data (provided) 2. Interface simplification / data processing 3. Graphical interface to display output Issue: Decrease delay in printf output Solution: Added a fflush(stdout) statement immediately after printf Issue: IR data becomes erratic if sensor loses source for one frame of data Solution: Save last good frame of IR data (x,y) and loop the last good data until new data arrives OpenKinect ◦ Tricky to get started with in windows ◦ Natively supports Unix ◦ Body tracking not built-in ◦ Needs a calibration pose for body tracking ◦ No event when new Video or Depth frame is available Microsoft Kinect SDK ◦ Sample Projects ◦ Documentation ◦ Simple installer ◦ Natively supports Windows ◦ Full body tracking built-in Data Available ◦ RGB Video Frames (640x480 max resolution) ◦ Depth (mm) Data Frames (320x240 max resolution) ◦ Skeletal tracking points (20 points per player) How we get the data ◦ Pass an event object to alert us when new data is available ◦ Pass a video/depth/skeleton frame pointer to read in next frame ◦ Run event loop and process each frame as RGB/Depth/Skeleton data Windows File Mapping is an inter-process communication tool that maps a block of memory by name Shared Memory in Kinect Wrap ◦ File Mapping is set up by Kinect Wrap backend program with a specific name for each block ◦ Backend gets data from Kinect SDK and dumps it into shared memory space when each new frame becomes available ◦ Our API Library copies frame from shared memory into local memory space for student program to use. Provides an easy-to-use interface for students while maximizing functionality Functions: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ getVideoFrame(rgb** pFrame) getDepthFrame(short** pFrame) getSkeleton(Point3D* pSkel) setOutputDisplay(rgb** pFrame) setOutputText(char* sText) setPixel(rgb** pFrame, int x, int y, KCOLOR color) Kinect Wrap Library is a static Windows library that students must include their C projects Library handles backend processing of API Abstracts all of the technical workings of the Kinect SDK, File Mapping API, and GUI design Abstracts away the details of drawing Kinect data via a graphical API Kinect GUI receives data via shared memory Data is drawn as a grid of vertices, each with a custom RGB value via DirectX Intend to port GUI code to OpenGL and work on constructing a more intuitive GUI in future Field Testing ◦ Compared time delay of data transmission between the current and previous iterations of the Wii Wrap code. ◦ Found the apparent delay seen in the Wii Wrap GUI to be significantly decreased. ◦ Test results corroborated by CPRE 185 lab TAs during classroom use. ◦ No previous functionality was affected by these changes. Assumed that the Kinect SDK functions deliver correct data from Kinect sensor Shared Memory ◦ Wrote known data into shared memory space with one program and had second program read it out and verify that the data has not been altered Student API Interface ◦ Verified that buffers of known data sent to the student program are not altered before being read ◦ Verified that a known function run by student code produces the expected output frame data given a known input frame GUI Output ◦ Tested whether frames were being updated consistently by writing specific colors to known pixels in a given output frame setPixel() ◦ Tested for boundary values. ◦ Attempted to set pixels outside the frame (640x480) ◦ Attempted to set pixel RGB values outside of 0-255 getVideoFrame() & setOutputDisplay() ◦ Check that output frame RGB data matches input data ◦ Found that with simple student processing code, any reduction in output fps from device frame rate is minimal getDepthFrame() ◦ Used a plane at a known distance from the Kinect to find how accurate the depth values in mm are vs. reality. int main() { KinectLib_Init(); // Initialize the library rgb* frame[VIDEO_HEIGHT]; // Create 2D frame of rgb data short* dframe[DEPTH_HEIGHT]; // Create 2D frame of short depth data Point3D* skeleton; // Create array of skeleton data while(1){ getVideoFrame(frame); // Map video frame to pointers getDepthFrame(dframe); // Map depth frame to pointers if(skeletonTracked()) { skeleton = getSkeleton(); // Map Skeleton data } setPixel(frame, 23, 18, BLUE); // Arbitrarily set pixel (23, 18) to Blue displayVideoFrame(frame); // Display the modified video frame in the GUI } KinectLib_Destroy(); return 1; } // Destroy Kinect library instance Multi-Kinect Support More comprehensive GUI program Additional Library Functionality Create code to share Kinect data over Ethernet