The Circle Maker Presentation

True Legend of Honi The Circle Maker, a
first century Jewish sage whose bold
prayer ended a drought and saved a
 Batterson states, “Bold prayers honor
God, and God honors bold prayers. God
isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or
boldest prayers. He is offended by
anything less.
Dream Big: Is there a Limit to God’s Power?
 “At
some point, most of us stop living out of
imagination and start living out of memory.
Instead of creating the future, we start
repeating the past. Instead of living by faith,
we live by logic. Instead of going after our
dreams, we stop circling Jericho.”
Dream Big: Is there a Limit to God’s Power?
“The size of prayers depends on the size of our
“Our date of death is not the date etched on our
tombstone. The day we stop dreaming is the
day we start dying.”
“If you want to keep growing spiritually, you
need to keep stretching. How? By going after
dreams that are bigger than you are.”
Praying Hard is Praying through
 “Praying
hard is more than words; it’s blood,
sweat and tears. Praying hard is two
dimensional: praying like it depends on God,
and working like it depends on you.”
 “Reading
is the way you get through the
Bible; prayer is the way you get the Bible
through you.”
Praying Hard is Praying through
“Praying hard is asking God to make your life
harder. The harder you pray, the harder you
will have to work. And that is a blessing from
“Where do you feel like you need God least?
Where are you most proficient, most
sufficient? Maybe that’s where God wants
you to trust Him to do something beyond
your ability.”
The Key to dreaming big and praying hard is
Thinking Long
“Praying is planting. Each prayer is like a seed that
gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a
season, but it eventually bears fruit that blesses
future generations.”
 “Instead
of thinking in terms of time, we must
think in terms of eternity. Instead of thinking
in terms of ourselves, we must think in
terms of our children and grandchildren”
The Key to dreaming big and praying hard is
Thinking Long = Life Goal List
“Prayers naturally turn into goals, and goals
naturally turns into prayers. Goals give you a
prayer target.”
“Show me your vision, and I’ll show you your
“Goals are dreams with deadlines. If dreams are
the destination, goals are the GPS that gets you
10 Steps to Goal Setting as we Circle our
Life Goals
Start with Prayer - If you set goals in the context of prayer, there
is a much higher likelihood that your goals will honor God.
Check Your Motives- Take a long, honest look in the mirror and
make sure you’re going after your goals for the right reasons
Think in Categories- Family, Influential, experiential, physical
and travel
 Be
Specific- Just like our prayers, our goals need to be specific.
If a goal isn’t measurable, we have no way of knowing whether we’ve
accomplished it.
10 Steps to Goal Setting as we Circle our
Life Goals
Write it Down- “The shortest pencil is longer than the longest
memory.” If you’ve not written down your goals, you haven’t really set
Include Others- I’ve discovered that when you go after a goal
with another person, it doubles your joy.
Celebrate along the Way- When you accomplish a goal,
celebrate it. We should celebrate with the same intensity with
which we pray.
10 Steps to Goal Setting as we Circle our
Life Goals
Dream Big- You need some God-sized goals that qualify as crazy.
Here’s why: big goals turn us in to big people.
Think Long- Honi the Circle Maker grappled with this question: Is it
possible for a man to dream continuously for seventy years?
“Instead of living by default, goals help us live by design. Instead of
living out of memory, goals help us live out of imagination.”
Pray Hard- Goal setting begins and ends with prayer