Requirements Engineering Requirements Engineering • The first step of each process model • What do we want to build? • They may range from a high-level abstract statement of a service or of a system constraint to a detailed mathematical functional specification: can be statements (“The system shall…”), diagrams, use cases, etc. • Can be used as basis for contacts, etc. Requirements specify external behavior • Functional requirements are statements of the services that the system must provide – “The system shall display the heart rate of the patient” • Non-functional requirements are constraints on the services and functions offered by the system – “The system shall display the heart rate of the patient within two seconds” – Performance, Scalability, Capacity, Availability Reliability, Recoverability, Maintainability, Serviceability, Security, Regulatory, Manageability • Exercise: list some functional and non-functional requirements for an iPhone Answer: list some functional and nonfunctional requirements for an iPhone • Functional: – – – – The system shall make a phone call The system shall receive a phone call The system shall allow the user to adjust volume etc • Non-functional: – The system shall boot up in 60 seconds or less – The system shall respond to touch within 1 second – etc Requirements qualities • Three Cs: – Clear – Consistent – Complete (internally and externally) • Use the SE principle of incrementality to derive requirements • Remember, they must all be externally visible – Why? They must all be testable Exercise • Give an unclear requirement, then fix it • Give an inconsistent set of requirements, then fix them • Give an incomplete requirement, then fix it* Answer • Unclear: “The background shall be blue” – There are many shades of blue…is #3333CC blue? – Fix: “The background shall be #0000FF” • Inconsistent: “The background shall be red” and, elsewhere “The background shall be a cool color” – Fix: “The background shall be #0000FF” • Incomplete: This is the hardest; it means we’re missing a requirement or information – Fix: …make sure you have all your requirements (externally complete) – Fix: …make sure you have enough info; include supporting documents when needed (i.e. what is 508 compliance?) (internally complete) Testable Requirements • Do not use vague terminology; “errors shall be minimized…” Property M eas ure Proces sed tran sactions /seco nd • Should NOT Speed User/Event res ponse time Screen refresh time K Bytes partially pass Size Number of RAM chips Ease of use Training time Number of help frames or fail R eliability Mean time to failure Probability of unavailability • Should have R ate of failure occurrence Availability R obustness Time to restart after failure a source Percentage of events causin g failure Portability Probability of data corruption on failure Percentage of target depend ent s tatements Number of target s ystems Requirements Validation • It’s cheapest to fix faults at this step, than later on (sometimes 100 times cheaper) – Are they testable? – Do any conflict? – Do they cover all aspects of the system? – Are they what the customer wanted? Quiz review • What is a functional requirement? • What is a non-functional requirement? • What do all requirements have to be? In-class exercises • Let’s imagine we have an ATM – Come up with 5 functional requirements – Show how each requirement could be improved – Show how each requirement could have been worse – Come up with 3 non-functional requirements – Do the same as above • Complete the exercises at • Complete the exercises at Assignment (time permitting) • Examine the Quiz Game description • In your teams, come up with at least seven functional requirements and at least two nonfunctional requirements – Remember the three Cs – Requirements specify external behavior – Requirements must be testable • Turn in this assignment through svn – See instructions and grading rubric on project page