U.S. History Chapter 3 – The Growth of a Young Nation 3-2 The Age of Jackson The Age of Jackson CA Standards: 11.2 Know the effects of industrialization... Objectives: •Describe the regional economic differences in the early United States • Summarize tensions between national and sectional interests. • Examine the crucial issues and events of Andrew Jackson’s presidency. • Identify the presidents that followed Jackson and the challenge they faced. Homework Write definition of Terms & Names found on page 130 of textbook Read pages 130 - 138 The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century Prepare for Open notebook Quiz The Age of Jackson Main Idea During a time of growing sectionalism, Andrew Jackson’s election in 1828 ushered in a new era of popular democracy. The Age of Jackson Why It Matters Now Jackson’s use of presidential powers laid the foundation for the modern presidency. The Age of Jackson Terms & Names page 120 Henry Clay American System John C. Calhoun Missouri Compromise Andrew Jackson Jacksonian Democracy Trail of Tears John Tyler John Q. Adams Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading The Age of Jackson Read Pages 37 & 38 Reading Study Guide Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading 1. How did the Industrial Revolution affect each region? • Manufacturing increased in the North. The Cotton Gin increased cotton production in the South. Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading 2. What government actions helped to unify the nation? • Henry Clay’s American System, the Erie Canal, and the Missouri Compromise helped unify the nation. Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading 3. What change in voting laws helped Jackson win the election of 1828? • Most states eased property requirements for voting – allowing many common people to vote. Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading 4. What is the spoils system? • The spoils system is when politicians give jobs to their friends and supporters after winning an election. Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading 5. Name three major issues of Jackson’s presidency? • The Indian Removal Act • The Nullification Crisis • President Jackson destroyed the National Bank Notes: 3-2 Guided Reading 6. How did Jackson’s actions cause economic problems during Van Buren’s presidency? • Bank failures from Jackson’s war on the National Bank contributed to the “Panic of 1837”, which hurt Van Buren’s presidency. Be prepared for open notebook quiz