Total Solution Acsys Technologies Company Ltd EN1303(G5) Associated Problems Problems Solutions Copied Keys = Risk of Theft Acsys Keys = Cannot be copied Lost / Stolen Keys Acsys Keys can easily be Deleted Conventional Locks = Risk of Intrusion bumping / picking Acsys Locks are Impossible to pick or bump Doors left open = Risk of Theft Acsys Locks and Keys tell you Who didn’t lock the door Large installations require a Bundle of Keys Acsys Keys can open up to 100,000 Acsys Locks Staff going to Restricted areas Control Who can open What Door at What Time Access control systems installations are Lengthy / Dirty / Noisy Acsys Locks are Wire-Free and can be installed in less than 1 minute Why Acsys? USE ONE KEY FOR EVERY DOOR NO WIRING, EASY TO INSTALL ONE SOLUTION FOR EVERY DOOR Office Gates NO MORE KEY BUNDLES CHECK WHERE THE KEY WAS USED AND WHEN Home Car Park Containers MECHANICAL LOST KEY = LOCK CHANGE ? Where and When was it used ??? ? LOST ACSYSKEY = NO LOCK CHANGE 3 The Intelligent Key AcsysKeys have built-in Clock and Calendar Keys can be programmed to be Time-limited (08:00 – 18:00) and / or Temporary (Monday – Friday) AcsysKeys have built-in memory that stores the last 1000 accesslogs to inform you WHERE the Key went, at WHAT time and WHICH day and if the access was granted or refused. LED light on the AcsysKeys gives user information: GREEN – ACCESS GRANTED ORANGE – ACCESS DENIED AT THIS TIME RED – ACCESS DENIED 4 blinks (color depending on the above) – LOW BATTERY AcsysKeys can be fitted with a Proximity / RFID coil allowing the user to use the key as a badge (optional) AcsysKeys are IMPOSSIBLE to copy as they are Electronically Encrypted This data can be stored on the system database and exported AcsysKeys are fitted with a chip that can be programmed to open up to The ONLY power source for the Acsys system comes from the key Battery life-time = 2 years 100,000 doors Optional Keypad Key – security against fraudulent usage at the same or different times 4 The Intelligent Lock The communication between the AcsysLocks and AcsysKeys is encrypted using AES 128-bit Encryption Making the communication very secure The AcsysLock can be installed in LESS than 1 minute in a Euro – Din case lock AcsysLocks CANNOT be BUMPED or PICKED and are very hard to DRILL LOST / STOLEN AcsysKeys can be DELETED from the system and BLACKLISTED on the AcsysLocks where it had access AcsysLocks Have a built-in chip that stores the last 1000 events that can be downloaded from the lock WHO wen WHERE and WHEN? Since there is no power in the locks We can offer Euro – Din cylinders and padlocks in various sizes All models are Wire-free EASY to install EASY to Maintain The Double Entry and Button Locks are available in sizes ranging from 60mm to 140 mm 5 The Acsys Solution Desktop Office management (Indoor) USB CONTROL CENTER Control IP Programmer Building entrance (Outdoor ) SERVER MS-SQL Encrypted Database Who goes Where and When LAN / VPN Laptop Remote Sites (Outdoor) Export Reports 3G Verify Handheld Programmer Who went Where and When SD Card Check and Analyze Access logs to know WHO went WHERE and WHEN SD Card 6 Products Specifications – Keys SPECIFICATIONS Materials: Key housing – reinforced ABS Key blade in stainless steel Splash Water resistant Operating Temperature: -10oC to +50oC LED Information: Green: Access Granted Orange: Access refused because no access during that time period Red: Access Refused 4 blinks(Color depends on the above): Low Battery State Dimensions: Dimensions: 65 x 35 x 18mm Weight: 30g Power source: Power source: Two 1.5v batteries Battery type : LR1/MN9100 Autonomy : 2 years Memory : Tracking history of the last 1000 logs Rohs and CE compliant, manufactured to ISO standards. Powered by 2 x LR1 batteries 7 Products Specifications – LOCKS SPECIFICATIONS Materials: Made of Brass with stainless steel plating Opening codes are purely electronic Operating Temperature: -20oC to + 65oC Dimensions: 10/30mm to 10/70mm for single entry locks 30/30mm to 70/70mm for double-entry & button locks European standards Single Entry MECHATRONIC Lock Double Entry MECHATRONIC Lock Power source: None; powered by inserting key. Memory : Tracking history of the last 1000 logs Memory of blacklisted keys: 500 banned keys Rohs and CE compliant, manufactured to ISO standards. Button MECHATRONIC Lock EASY TO INSTALL Step 1 : remove screw Step 2 : remove old lock Step 3 : insert Acsys lock Step 4 : insert screw INSTANT ACCESS CONTROL 8 Products Specifications – PADLOCKS ACSYS PADLOCK PL3 ACSYS PADLOCK PL5 SPECIFICATIONS Materials: Shell in case hardened steel Shackle in case hardened boron steel Fitted with a 30/10 stainless steel cylinder Power source: None; powered by inserting key. Memory : Tracking history of the last 1000 logs Memory of blacklisted keys: 500 banned keys Rohs and CE compliant, manufactured to ISO standards. 9 Acsys Dual-Technology solution Acsys Key + Proximity/RFID = Acsys ProxKey Use your key as a badge And use your key on a lock 10 ACSYS Advantages Control WHERE users can enter Control WHEN users can enter Mon- Fri 24hrs Tuesday 4:0018:00 24hrs/ 7/7-365 Mon-- Fri 08:00-17:00 07/2012 No Access Mon-- Fri 08:00-20:00 Control WHEN THE USERS ARE USING THEIR KEYS AND WHERE 锁和钥匙管理软件 11 Better security, better life! Contact us: UTIS -Riyadh WWW.UTIS-GROUP.COM INFO@UTIS-GROUP.COM +966-534996600