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Providing feedback with SETU
Student Evaluation of Teaching
and Units (SETU)
What is SETU?
 SETU is simple. It’s an online
survey enabling you to provide
feedback on unit experiences
and teaching staff.
 SETU assists with both unit
design and delivery and teacher
 SETU works to improve learning
outcomes for Monash students.
SETU makes a difference
Through student feedback changes were made
to Unit NUR 1010 at the Peninsula campus.
Students wanted more:
 assignment details
 lab and peer activity time
 direction for their final exam.
Staff responded by:
 providing more examples
 updating clinical lab sessions
 developing a practice exam.
How SETU data is used
At University level:
 monitoring quality
 requesting improvements.
At Faculty/Department level:
 taking appropriate action
 notifying students of outcomes.
At Unit Co/Teaching Staff level:
 monitoring student experience
 implementing change.
How to participate in SETU
Taking part is easy:
1. Login to:
Choose unit/s to evaluate.
Choose staff to evaluate.
Select your response.
Provide your comments.
Your comments are valued:
 constructive feedback welcome
 remember our Equal Opp. Policy.
Confidentiality and SETU results
Don’t worry!
 Your feedback isn’t linked to
either your ID or name.
Find survey results online:
 Select semester, faculty and unit
 See responses and overall scores
for each survey question.
Need more SETU incentive?
Become a winner!
 Win a $500 gift card or 1 of 5 $100
gift cards.
 Simply complete one evaluation
to enter the prize draw.
What are you waiting for?
 Provide your feedback today!
 Survey closes Fri 31 October *.
* Main survey round (S2-01) - survey closing dates differ for other calendar types.