Primary and Secondary Colors



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• Gain the student’s interest and attention by showing the videos linked on the next page.

• After viewing the videos, tell the student they will be learning more about primary and secondary colors.

• Make sure you are viewing this as a slide show, so you will be able to see the animation on each slide. Go through the slide show before you show to your student so that you will be familiar with what the animation looks like.

• Directions for specific slides:

– On slide 6, talk about each primary color that appears when you click the mouse.

Tell the student that these are the primary colors.

– On slide 7, talk about what happens when you mix the colors as they appear when you click the mouse.

– On slide 8, talk about each secondary color that appears when you click the mouse. Tell the student that these are the secondary colors.

– On slides 9 to 12, read the title of the slide as a direction or question to your student. The student should find the correct color on the page. This is called receptive identification. When you click the mouse, the correct color will be emphasized.

– On slides 13 to 18, the student should fill in the blank with either “primary” or

“secondary” color. You can read the sentence, and stop at the blank to let the student say the answer. This is called expressive identification. When you click the mouse, the correct word will appear in the blank.

Primary and Secondary Color Videos

• Start introducing the concept with a fun video, such as this song about primary and secondary colors from Sesame Street

( ) or from Barney

( )

• You can then move to a more instructional video.

Here’s a very visual and concrete demonstration of mixing paint colors to make new colors. Made for ESL students, but I also think it would be great for students with autism:

Primary Colors

Red Yellow Blue

Mixing Primary Colors

Red + Yellow = Orange

Red + Blue = Purple

Blue + Yellow = Green

Secondary Colors

Purple Green Orange

Which one is a primary color?

Green Orange

Point to a secondary color.

Red Yellow


Find a primary color.


Show me a secondary color.

Yellow Blue

Purple is a ___________ color.

Red is a ___________ color.

Yellow is a ___________ color.

Green is a ___________ color.

Orange is a ___________ color.

Blue is a ___________ color.

Great job with primary and secondary colors!
