Signing Up & Using Pinterest

PCNA: Signing Up & Using Pinterest
Hello 
In this tutorial we are going to cover signing up for a Pinterest account & discuss how
to use it.
We find that many have “heard” of Pinterest- but don’t know what it actually is.
In short, Pinterest is: A pinboard-style photo-sharing website / smartphone app that
lets users who have signed up create & manage collections of images based on
theme- such as events, interests, and hobbies. Other users can browse these collections
(called “boards”) for images and “re-pin” them to one of their own boards if they
Now then, if you’re intrigued – lets continue.
You can browse other peoples “pins” (more on that later), without need for signup.
However, in order to create your own pinboard(s) of things we need to create an
account. Head over to (or download the Android/iOS app).
You can signup for an account by
using your existing Facebook account,
or with an existing email. I am going
to signup using my email.
Just your typical signup form- enter your details, and click “SIGNUP”
Note that leaving this box checked will
allow Pinterest to track/follow the
website you visit on the web.
Keep clicking next to advance
through each step of Pinterest’s
Pinterest will then give you a little handy rundown of how the service works.
Pinterest gives you a run over in the tutorial of what
“Pins” are essentially:
• “Pins are like little visual bookmarks”
• Pins come from other websites/users & yourself
• You can pin things like: “recipes, travel ideas, the
perfect glasses—you can even pin other
people's pins!”
You should now of arrived at the home screen of Pinterest after completing the tour.
Click here to browse a specific
category of pins.
Once you have pinned things
they will show up on this
Search for an pin (item, subject,
recipe, etc.), or person here
Click on your Name to view Your
Pins, Boards, Likes, Or find your
friends to follow.
Lets have a look at how to get started with “pins”
Type a search for something that interests you in the search bar.
From this screen, you can browse pins that others have posted using your search term,
you can also look at other’s “boards” (collections of pins)- and follow one that you
see & like.
Once you see something
you like, you can “Pin It”
to your own pinboard.
When you try to pin something for the first time, you will have to create “board” of
sorts, where you want to keep it. You can create more and more boards to keep your
interests separate. For example, this pin I am going to put in a board called “Web
Design Inspiration”, and I will continue to add web design pins that inspire me to it.
That said, I am not going to put all my favorite –for example- recipes in this “Web
Design Inspiration” board, rather I would create a separate “Fav Recipes” board for
those pins.
Along with following your friends or other users on Pinterest, you can also follow
specific boards that people have created.
Just Click the
“Boards” tab in
your search
I am now shown all of
the boards that have
“Web Design” in their
If I follow a board,
every time the owner
of it adds a pin to it, it
will show up on my
Pinterest feed.
If you see pins from someone that continually interest you, you might want to follow
their whole account, to do so just click on their name, then click the “Follow All” button.
The difference between this and just following one of their boards is that all of the
pins they post in all of their boards will show on your feed.
You can also search for someone by using the search bar and then clicking on the
“Pinners” tab on the search results page.
You can also add your friends from Facebook or Twitter by clicking on your name in
the upper right menu, and then clicking “Find Friends”
Don’t forget that you can also add your own pins to Pinterest.
You can upload something from your computer, pin a website, or quickly create a new
pin board from the “+” menu at the top of the screen beside your name.
That concludes this tutorial.
Hopefully you know have a good understanding of how to:
oNavigate Pinterest
oHow to pin
oHow to follow boards & other members
oHow to find your friends from Facebook and Twitter
oWhere to go to upload your own pins
Happy pinning!
Jaiden Leach
THANKS! || PCNA 2013