the presentation

Health and wellbeing network meetings
August 2014
NHS Employers Programme
Engagement: Promoting partnership working in the NHS and increasing
engagement in the health and wellbeing agenda across the country.
NHS Employers Programme
Management Behaviours: Supporting NHS organisations to maximise the
competence and confident of managers when dealing with the health and
wellbeing of employees.
NHS Employers Programme
Leaders Leading the Way: Demonstrating to NHS organisations that top
leaders are leading by example.
NHS Employers Programme
Measuring the Impact: Enabling organisations to robustly measure and
evaluate health and wellbeing interventions.
NHS Employers Programme
Behaviour Change: Influencing positive health and wellbeing behaviours.
Additional work
Sickness absence tool for
Sickness absence tool for
Sickness absence tool for
Evaluating health and wellbeing
interventions for healthcare staff
NHS Employers commissioned Zeal Solutions to:
1. Gather some evidence, through interviews with NHS trusts, on the level and
type of evaluation activity conducted
2. Establish some of the key challenges/barriers that may prevent trusts from
carrying out evaluations
3. Identify some key best principles that will support all trusts and help to
improve evaluation activity
4. Offer any recommendations to support a more standardised and positive
approach towards the evaluation of health and wellbeing interventions
across the NHS
5. Conducting an evaluation of the ‘PhysioPlus’ service at Sheffield Teaching
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
6. Writing up the evaluation process and findings in the form of a case study
so that it can be accessed more widely across the NHS.
Principles of best practice –
intervention evaluation
1. Ensure the purpose of the evaluation is determined
2. Establish your evaluation criteria
3. Plan, prepare and where possible, document the evaluation design
4. Look for change
5. Consider the long term impacts of an intervention
6. Consider the bigger picture
7. Senior management engagement
8. Build a capacity and capability for evaluation
9. Ensure there is focus on process as well as on the outcome
10. Effective communication and understanding of evaluation findings.
Metrics and demographics
What are metrics?
How health and wellbeing can be measured
Key questions to ask before you start
The Electronic Staff Record (ESR)
The Health and Social Care Information Centre
NHS examples
What are demographics?
Why use them?
Where to start?
NHS examples
Useful links
Space to Think:
Implementing NICE public health guidance
Space to Think: Implementing NICE
public health guidance
On your tables you will have a road map
Spend the next 40 minutes considering the questions under
each heading
Think about what NHS Employers could offer to you
Share good practice and note down if willing to share
Summary and Close
Follow NHSE_Jen
Connect to Jennifer Gardner/Gemma Wright/Rachel