Family Values and Norms

Family Values and Norms
BY: Imam Rosyada & Marta C. D
The definition of family values and
 Value
Value (value) is abstract conceptions in human,
about what that constitutes good and considered
bad. In another formulation, the value is a belief
in something, whether something is appropriate
or inappropriate, it is important or not
important, noble or despicable.
Something that can be objects, people, actions,
experiences, and so on (1).
 While the value of family is a system of ideas,
attitudes, and beliefs about the value of a
whole or a concept that consciously or
unconsciously tying keep inside the entire
family in a common culture (2).
These values serve as general guidelines for
behavior and in family values are guiding the
development of rules and family values.
 The definition of norms
Norm is a measurement used by communities to measure
whether actions taken are reasonable and actions are
acceptable or deviant actions (3).
Norms are patterns of behavior considered to be the rights of
a particular society and patterns of such behavior is based on
the value of the family.
Family culture is a source of value systems and norms of
principal of a family. Instead, the family group is a major
source of belief systems, values, and norms that define
individual understanding on various things (2).
Different values and norms of family
 Norma is forced
 value is subjective
For example, in a family is required to
dinner together in a single table. So the
children and all family members must
comply with this. This is done because the
parents think that eating together is very
good to increase the sense of togetherness
and openness.
Problems that may arise
 The difference of values of cultural background in the family
The problem that often arises in the family is the conflict of
values. Such as when there is a family that consists of a
Javanese and another comes from a family that embraces
Bataknese culture. There are so many differences that arise
between them. For example, in terms of language and
communication. Javanese people accustomed to
communicating with a soft voice, calm, and slowly. When
married with the Bataknese, in the early days of marriage will
feel the difference with the Batak people in terms of
communication. People accustomed Bataknese communicates
with a rough, loud voice.
 Differences generation
The value is not static. Values developed in accordance with
the development. This will lead to different values embraced
by a generation with the previous generation. For example
different values adopted by the grandfather and grandson.
Grandfather uphold traditional values but his grandson holds
the value of the developing or emerging (2).
Benefits data for nurses
 Providing knowledge to the nurses about the values and
norms shared by members of the family
 By knowing the values and norms are adopted, the nurse will
know about the language used, nonverbal language indicated
by the client. Cleaning habits, eating habits, abstinence of
certain foods, the perception of pain associated with daily
activities, etc. (4)
 By knowing the values and norms are adopted, the nurse can
adjust to the values and norms adopted by these families and
know the background of the use of values and norms within
the family.
 By knowing the values and norms within a family will allow
nurses in the nursing process next.
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