Pinwheels for Peace Project

Pinwheels for Peace
War & Violence
 Everyday we are faced with images or violence.
 Video games, television, magazines, newspapers,
and movies all include dramatic images of violence
and war.
 This form of violence has now become part of our
society and a way of life that easily accepted.
View images from the Vietnam War
Journal Writing
 Take in the images from the Vietnam War.
 Reflect of the mood and feelings that came
over you when watching.
 Write for 5 minutes about
 How you felt
 What images effected you the most
 What the images made you think about in your
own life
 It is my goal
 to change our view of violence and war, to not be
accepted so easily.
 to focus on peace and understanding of all people.
 Definition of PEACE
a state of calm
no anxiety
free of violence
free of conflict or disagreement
Watch image slideshow of Peace and Kindness
Journal Writing
 Take in the images and quotes from the Peace and
Kindness slideshow.
 Reflect of the mood and feelings that came over you
when watching.
 Write for 5 minutes about
 How you felt
 What images or quotes effected you the most
 What the images or quotes made you think about in
your own life
Peer Share
 Decide with a neighbor who is going to be
 Santa Clause
 Easter Bunny
 Santa Clause share with your neighbor what
you reflected on and wrote about the War
 Easter Bunny share with your neighbor what
you reflected on and wrote about the Peace
and Kindness slideshow.
Courage Characters
 Fold a paper into 4 pieces
 In each square write the names of the main
characters from each of our stories
Hatchet – Brian
Passage to Freedom – Mr. Sugihara
Climb or Die – Jake and Danielle
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doy
le – Charlotte
 Brainstorm, discuss, and write about when each
character was at peace & when they weren’t.
 Share whole group.
 To kick off our project you are going to write about
what peace means to you.
 You will be writing using the letters in the word
Write sentences that use each of the these letters to state
the first word of your sentences.
You will prewrite your ideas on paper and then post
your draft to Edmodo by Friday, September 14th.
 P eople loving unconditionally and selflessly.
 E arth in harmony with an abundance of life.
 A state of calm and happiness.
 C aring for others and respect of diversity.
 E very action and thought motivated by love of
Pinwheels blowing in
the wind
What emotion do you feel
when you see Pinwheels
spinning in the breeze?
What memories do you
have that are linked to
Share your thoughts with
your neighbor.
International Day of Peace
 September 21st is
International Peace Day
 It is a day when individuals and organizations
participate in acts of peace.
 Anyone anywhere can participate and take the time to
make a gesture towards gaining Peace in the world.
 Our class will be creating Pinwheels to be displayed in
front of the school.
Pinwheels for Peace Project
How to make a Pinwheel
 On each blade you will write one letter
of your PEACE meaning before
putting it all together.
 Video
 Instructions
September 21st
 Place pinwheels in lawn in front of school to
show your commitment to Peace.
 Do something unselfish for another person
Give someone a hug that is sad.
Pay someone a compliment.
Help someone with out anything in return.
Tell someone how much you appreciate them.
 View other acts of peace around the world.
 Give your Pinwheels to someone that makes you
feel at Peace.
 Journal write about your feelings about this project
and reflect on the impact of the day on you.