1960`s Fun Facts

1960’s Fun Facts
Eva Greder
 Men’s belts, ties, and collars were wider.
 Men also had long hair.
 There was lots of different colors and patterns.
 Lots of bell bottomed pants and miniskirts.
 People expressed themselves in many ways.
 People loved British Fashion.
 Lots of different fabrics were used like plastic,
jean, and leather.
 There were lots of muscle cars.
 Lots of the cars had big engines and high horsepower.
 Lots of the cars were convertibles.
 The Mustang was a popular car.
The Beach Boys
 The 1960’s were as the decade for British
 In the first few years songs like the Twist and
the Swim.
 The Beach Boys and Beatles were popular
 In the later years of the 1960’s, rock and roll
and pop were popular.
World Events
 Martin Luther King Jr. spoke his “I have a Dream”
speech in 1963.
 John F. Kennedy, martin Luther King Jr., and
Robert F. Kennedy were assinated.
 In 1969, man lands on the moon.
 The first 911 call was called in 1968.
 The handheld calculator, video games, Star Trek,
smoke detectors, the mustang, the smiley face,
telephones, zip codes, lasers, and Etch-A-Sketch
were some of the inventions in the 1960’s.
 The people enjoyed French influenced food.
 Some popular foods were iceberg wedge salad, fondue,
Swedish meatballs, kiwis, salad bars, and buffalo wings.
 Tang is a popular drink that was invented as a breakfast
beverage. It was later brought into space and was used
in the Apollo missions. Tang provided a day’s worth of
vitamin C.
 Doritos, Sprite, Campbell's chunky soups, Red Lobster,
Diet Pepsi, Cool Whip, Gatorade, Pop Tarts, Bugles, Taco
Bell, Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup, and single serve ketchup
packets were new foods in the 1960’s.
 To Kill a Mockingbird, Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory, A Wrinkle in Time, Green Eggs and
ham, and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
were popular books of the time.
 Great Expectations, Gone With the Wind, and
Call of the Wild were some of the books
Ponyboy read in the Outsiders.
 Some Newbery award winning books of the 60’s
were Island of Blue Dolphins, A Wrinkle in
Time, and the Bronze Bow.
 Doris Day, Audrey
Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe,
Sandra Dee, John Wayne,
Tony Curtis, and Kim
Novak were popular movie
Marilyn Monroe
Kim Novak
 www.alicemarvels.com
 http://www.fiftiesweb.com
 www.the2weekwait.blogspot.com
 http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/371257main_Flag_full.jpg
 http://www.foodtimeline.org/fooddecades.html#tang
 www.savingwithshellie.com
 www.coolspottters.com
 www.genxmex.com
 http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/18.Best_Books_of_the_Decade_1960_s
 http://kclibrary.lonestar.edu/decade60.html
 www.portadaz.tumblr.com
 www.tower.com
 http://www.cinemaretro.com/index.php?/archives/400-AMERICAS-FAVORITEMOVIE-STARS-1960.html
 www.starfetch.com
 www.imagesexplore.info