Teacher’s Page Created By: Melissa Shaw References Modified from a lesson created by: Stacy Baker & Tracy Trimpe Introduction Howdy, Partner! It’s time to hitch those oxen to your covered wagon and begin an adventure travelin’ down the Organ Trail! As you trek your trail, your job is to learn all about your organ and the body system it belongs to! You will also work with a partner to create a Wanted poster to post and share with the other cowboys and gals back at camp! Next Task • You have been assigned a partner, a job duty, and an organ. Here is how you will complete the Organ Trail and get back to camp: 1. 2. 3. 4. First, you will be given an Organ Trail Journal, where you will record important information you learn about your organ on each of the trail stops.(Each person will complete the Organ Trail Journal and turn it in at the end of the journey.) Second, you will proceed to the Process page (next), where you will click on your organ and visit each of the trail stops listed. Follow the instructions given to avoid extra reading and confusion. (Be sure to record important information in your journal!) After you have visited all of the trail stops and completed each section in your journal, you may click the sign that says “Head toward Camp” at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the evaluation page, where you will see the rubric and instructions for the poster you will create. After you have reviewed the rubric and instructions for creating the Wanted Poster, you may click the sign that says, “Camp”. Good luck on your journey, and I’ll see you back at camp! Next Process Select the map for your organ to begin your journey. Bones! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (read first 3 sections) Second Stop (read about diseases that affect your bones) Third Stop (complete uses of bones. Take quiz if time permits) Muscles! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (read first three pages-press next 2 times) Second Stop (read about the body system muscles belong to) Third Stop Read in the blue box about muscle disorders Fourth Stop (scroll down and use the picture to help you draw your picture.) Heart! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Read about what your heart looks like and what it does- first two headings.) Second Stop (read first page about the heart, and look at the picture to help you with your drawing. Third Stop (look at the animated heart beating.) Fourth Stop (Learn about heart diseases Brain! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Read about the Brain- click next to continue through the pages.) Second Stop (Read some interesting facts about your brain.) Third Stop (Read and learn about brain diseases and disorders.) Lungs! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Read about your lungs and how they help you breathe.) Second Stop (Read about the Respiratory System, and diseases and disorders of the lungs. You may also watch the video on the right if you have headphones.) Third Stop (If time permits, play the label the lungs game.) Stomach! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Read about the stomach’s role in the Digestive System (scroll down and read “Inside your stomach)) Second Stop (Read in the blue box about some stomach disorders.) Third Stop (Put together the Digestive system, then click “inside story” at the bottom. Click on the stomach. Lastly, click “food path” to learn how food is digested.) Fourth Stop (Read and click “next”. Then click on the stomach to learn more.) Small Intestines! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Read about the small intestines’ role in the Digestive System.) Second Stop (Read and click next to learn more about the small intestines and the Digestive System. You may take the quiz if time permits.) Third Stop (Put together the digestive system, then click “inside story” at the bottom. Click on the small intestine. Lastly, click “food path” to learn how food is digested.) Fourth Stop (Read in the blue box about intestinal diseases and disorders.) Kidneys! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Real all about our kidneys, and also learn some interesting facts!) Second Stop (Read about the kidneys’ role in the excretory system. Click the blue box in the diagram to see more!) Third Stop (Scroll down to learn about diseases of the kidneys.) Fourth Stop (Take the quiz about kidneys if time permits.) Bladder! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Learn about the bladder and its diseases and disorders. Second Stop (Learn more about the bladder and its role in the Excretory System.) Third Stop (Read about the bladder’s job.) Fourth Stop (View the picture of the bladder to help you with your drawing.) Mouth! •Click on each box under Trail Stops to visit the website. •Follow the instructions for each site. •Don’t forget to write important information in your journal. •When Finished click, “Head Toward Camp!” Trail Stops First Stop (Read about the mouth’s role in the digestive system.) Second Stop (Put the digestive system together, and then click on “inside story.” Click on the mouth to learn more.) Third Stop (Read and click next. Click on the teeth and salivary glands to learn more.) Fourth Stop (learn about some diseases of the mouth.) Evaluation • Wanted Poster Instructions: – You are to work together with your partner to create a poster describing why you want (need) your organ. After you have discussed what your poster will say and look like, you may begin working on it. You will be given the template for the poster, and a blank sheet of paper to create the organ drawing. The “artist” will create the picture of the organ, while the “recorder” will record the information discussed by the team onto the poster. The artist will then cut out the drawing and paste it onto the poster above the writing. Each person will write their name at the bottom of the poster and turn it in. – Your poster should address each of the following: • • • • • • A drawing of your organ under the “Wanted” heading Your Organ Name in large letters under the picture The organ’s main function (“Wanted for ____”) Which body system your organ belongs to Diseases or disorders that affect your organ Interesting Facts or other information. Next – Go to the next page to see the scoring guide that will be used to grade your poster. Evaluation Continued.. How Will I Be Graded? Item 100 80 60 40 Required Information Includes all required information. Accurate and well written. Includes 4 out of 5 of the required items. Information is accurate. Includes 3 out of 5 of the required items. Information is mostly accurate. Includes 2 or fewer of the required items. Some information is not accurate. Neatness Can easily read and understand what is written. Can read and understand most of what’s written. Can read and understand some of what’s written. Cannot read and understand what’s written. Organization Well Organized; all information is easy to find. Organized; most information is easy to find. Somewhat Organized; some information can be found. Not Organized; Information is hard to find. Congratulations, You have reached Camp! I hope you had a wonderful journey! Now, get with your partner and get your poster ready before the other folks get here! You can click on Evaluation to review the instructions and scoring guide if needed. Evaluation Early Finishers! Finished Already? Congratulations on completing your journey along the Organ Trail! • Here are a few fun websites for you to enjoy: http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/systems.html (Help the man find his organs by identifying the correct body systems.) http://www.quia.com/rr/269891.html (Play the game by identifying the body system the organs belong to.) Teacher’s Page • You will need the following materials for this lesson: – Computers for students – Blank paper for each team – Wanted Poster Templates for each team (http://sciencespot.net/Media/otwntdposter.pdf) – Organ Trail Journal sheet for each student – Markers/crayons – Glue Back Back References http://mrscienceut.net/TheOrganTrail.html http://sciencespot.net/Pages/otrail.html http://yucky.discovery.com/flash/body/pg000124.html http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/bonediseases.html http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/Science/HumanBody/BodyMuscles.h tm http://yucky.discovery.com/noflash/body/pg000123.html http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/muscledisorders.html http://www.encognitive.com/node/1127 http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=33 5&np=152&id=1446 http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/heart.html# http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/bodyblood.htm http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/heartdiseases.html http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/scienc e/brainandsenses/brain.asp http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=33 5&np=152&id=1528 http://library.thinkquest.org/5147/most_common_diseases_and_dis orde.htm http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=33 5&np=152&id=2406 http://www.helium.com/items/811513-how-does-the-respiratorysystem-work http://www.airplay.ie/label_lungs.html http://yucky.discovery.com/noflash/body/pg000126.html http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/stomachdisorders.html http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/digest/index.htm http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/interactiv e_fs.asp?swfpath=science/bodyandmedicine/digestive.swf http://yucky.discovery.com/noflash/body/pg000126.html http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/interactiv e_fs.asp?swfpath=science/bodyandmedicine/digestive.swf http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/digest/index.htm http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/smallintestinedisorders.html http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335 &np=152&id=2409 http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/kidneys.html http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/Kudiseases/pubs/yourkidneys/ http://interactivehuman.blogspot.com/2008/06/kidney-interactivegame-and-quiz-for.html http://www.mamashealth.com/organs/bladder.asp http://www.ehow.com/facts_5936295_role-bladder-excretorysystem.html http://www.gesa.org.au/digestive-system/mouth_throat.cfm ( http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/digest/index.htm ( http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/interactiv e_fs.asp?swfpath=science/bodyandmedicine/digestive.swf ( http://www.netwellness.org/healthtopics/mouthdiseases/mouthdiseas es.cfm (http://www.quia.com/rr/269891.html funfonix.com http://www.fotosearch.com/UNC116/u13812233/ http://www.wernerwagonworks.com/coveredwagon.htm