Apply Self-Discipline and Time Management

Development and
Critical Thinking
LEAD 1200
CRN 25174
Chapter 10
Apply Self-discipline and Time Management
Professor Donald P. Linden
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
All great leaders have understood
that their number one responsibility
was for their own discipline and
growth. If they could not lead
themselves, they could not lead
John C. Maxwell
Self-discipline is not something one
either has or doesn’t have
 It is neither a gift nor a genetic trait
 Self-discipline is a skill, something
that can be learned and, once
learned, must be practiced
Self-Discipline Defined
Self-discipline is the ability to consciously
take control of your personal choices,
decisions, actions, and behavior
Ability – is important because it conveys the
message that self-discipline can be learned and
then developed through consistent practice
Conscious – is important because it conveys the
message that self-discipline is a choice, rather
than something one just has or doesn’t have
Self-Discipline Defined
The difference between those who do and
those who do not exercise self-discipline is
People who will not deny themselves the
luxury of the easy, comfortable, or expedient
option have not yet developed self-discipline
Why Self-Discipline Is Important
Often the key difference between success
and failure is self-discipline.
Benefits of Self-discipline:
Time Management – Self-disciplined
professionals make effective use of their time,
which in turn improves their performance.
Why Self-Discipline Is Important
Benefits of Self-discipline:
Execution – Even the best plans in the world are
just dreams until they are executed. This is critical
because in a competitive environment the
difference between winning and losing is often
how effectively plans are executed.
Followership – Self-discipline professionals are
better able to do the things necessary to win and
maintain followership (e.g., consistently set a
positive example, maintain a can-do attitude,
establish and maintain credibility, etc.)
Assignment for Chapter 10
Time Management Exercise