
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
• Describe Linux storage connectivity limits and guidelines
• Describe the implementation of Linux FC connectivity
• Describe the implementation of Linux iSCSI connectivity
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Lesson 1: Linux storage connectivity
This lesson covers the following topics:
• Linux system limits and guidelines
• Linux HBA utilities
• Linux data alignment
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Connectivity: Requirements
• One or more VNX storage systems
• One or more Linux hosts
• Supported HBAs, HBA drivers, switches and cables
• Correctly configured switch zoning
• Correctly configured network
• A management station in the environment
 Supported host and OS
 Supported browser
 Supported JRE
 Network connectivity to storage systems
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Operating System Limits and Guidelines
Host Initiators
• 16 Fibre Channel initiator ports per Linux host (Single or dual ported)
• No mixing of HBAs from different vendors or HBAs with different PCI-interfaces (PCI-Express with PCIX HBAs)
SAN connections used for multipathing must be homogenous
Logical Units
• The number of logical units seen by a host system is dependent on the OS SCSI scan algorithm and
HBA LUN scan limits
Supported Protocols: Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FC0E), and
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Host HBA Utilities
• Depending on the supported HBA one of the following utilities
can be used to view host connectivity
 Emulex HBAs: OneCommand Manager
 Qlogic: SANsurfer CLI or GUI
 Brocade: Host Connectivity Manager
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Emulex OneCommand Manager: Port Information
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
OneCommand Manager: Target Mapping tab
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Qlogic SANsurfer scli example
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Brocade Host Connectivity Manager
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Using fdisk to Align a Linux Partition
Create a new partition
Select the primary partition
Enter expert mode
Offset to the begin at 128
Write the changes to disk
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Lesson 1: Summary
During this lesson the following topics were covered:
• Linux system limits and guidelines
• Linux HBA utilities
• Linux data alignment
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Lesson 2: Linux FC and iSCSI Connectivity
This lesson covers the following topics:
• VNX FC connections to a Linux host
• VNX FCoE connections to a Linux host
• VNX iSCSI connections to a Linux host
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Viewing Block Storage Ports
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Initiator Registration Records: Fibre
Number of initiators is model dependent
An initiator is an HBA or CNA port that can access the
storage system
• Some HBAs and CNAs have two ports
• Each path consumes one initiator record
Access from a server to an SP in a storage system can be:
• Single path
• Multipath
• Alternate path
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Initiator Registration Records Format: Fibre Channel
• Hostname
• Host IP address
• Host HBA WWNs
 128 bit number - WWNN + WWPN
• VNX port WWNs
 128 bit number - WWNN + WWPN
• Operating system type
 Allows appropriate response to host SCSI commands
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Unisphere Host Initiators: Fibre
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Initiator Information: Fibre
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Emulex hbacmd listbas and targetmappings
VNX port numbers
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Qlogic SANsurfer scli example
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Viewing SP Fibre Channel Port Properties
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Servers and FCoE CNA Adapters
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Initiator Registration Records: iSCSI Names
• iSCSI address
 Uniquely identifies nodes
 Two variations
 iqn. – iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)
 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.fnm00130702376.a5
 iqn.1992-04.com.emc:cx.fnm00130702376.b5
 eui. – Extended Unique Identifier (EUI)
 eui.50060162AEA5574E
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux iSCSI NIC Initiator File and Target Discovery
• Each server connected to an iSCSI storage system must have a
unique iSCSI initiator name for its NICs
Linux iSCSI driver gives the same name to all NICs in a server
 Displays the host iscsi iqn initiator name
• /var/lib/iscsi/nodes
 Displays discovered iSCSI target ports and iqn identifier
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux initiator and target discovery commands
Display iscsi initiator name
Directory for iscsi node information
Display iscsi target port iqn
Displays iscsi network IP address
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Unisphere Host Initiators: iSCSI
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Initiator Information: iSCSI
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Viewing iSCSI Front-end Port Properties
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Lesson 2: Summary
During this lesson the following topics were covered:
• VNX FC connections to a Linux host
• VNX FCoE connections to a Linux host
• VNX iSCSI connections to a Linux host
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Lesson 3: Implementing Linux Connectivity
This lesson covers the following topics:
• Implementing Linux FC Connectivity
• Implementing Linux iSCSI Connectivity
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Connectivity Steps
Check and validate all
host to VNX
• OCManager utility (Emulex)
• SANsurfer (Qlogic)
• Unisphere Initiators
• naviseccli –h <SP IP
address> port –list –hba
• Unisphere Server Utility for
Create a storage
group, add LUNs and
connect your Linux
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Perform a LUN scan or
reboot the host to see
the newly provisioned
Run fdisk
• Partiton disk
• Create a file system
• Mount the file system
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
- 30
Host Registration
Registration makes a host known to the
storage system
• Automatically
• Manually
Connectivity depends on the protocol being
• Fabric logins tell the VNX which ports and HBAs are
• iSCSI logins tell the VNX which ports and initiators
(hardware or software based) are connected
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Unisphere Host Agent Installation
Download the latest software
• EMC Online Support website
Use rpm to install the software packages
• rpm -ivh <host agent package>.rpm
Verify that host agent is installed:
• rpm –qa | grep UnisphereHostAgent*
Same procedures are used to download and install
other packages (Navisphere CLI, Unisphere Server
Utility, admsnap)
Agent can be started and stopped
• /etc/init.d
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Configuring the Unisphere Host Agent
• Host agent configuration file must include an entry that defines
the user who will issue the CLI commands as a privileged user
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Hostagent Commands
• Hostagent can be:
 Started
 Stopped
 Verified
 Execute the ./hostagent command/s from the /etc/init.d directory
Verify agent status
Stop the agent
Verify the hostagent process is stopped
Start the agent
Verify the hostagent is running
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Verify Host Agent with Unisphere
Selecting the LUN Status tab and clicking on Update
produces a Error when the agent is not available.
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Naviseccli port and getagent Commands
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Unisphere Server Utility
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Creating a Storage Group
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Adding LUNs to a Storage Group
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Adding Hosts to a Storage Group
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
LUN Scanning
• Mechanisms for reconfiguring devices on a Linux host
 System Reboot
 # reboot
 HBA driver reload
 Echoing the SCSI device list in /proc
 Executing a SCSI scan function through attributes exposed to
 SCSI scan through HBA vendor scripts
 lun_scan for Emulex
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Verifying LUNs after a reboot or rescan: /proc/scsi
• After a reboot or bus rescan,
verify the LUN is available to
the OS by opening the scsi
file from the /proc/scsi
directory. LUN 60 is now
LUN as viewed in the storage group
Selected LUNs
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Create and mount a Linux File System
mkfs.ext3 to create a file system on the emcpower partiton
mkdir to make a directory and mount the file
on the directory
Use touch <data> to write data to the mounted file system
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux iSCSI CHAP Configuration
Initiator or Mutual CHAP
Enable CHAP security for the NIC or iSCSI HBA
before configuring CHAP on the storage system
CHAP data on the target must be the same on each
NIC initiator.
Linux/driver revisions use different utilities and/or
configuration files
iscsi.conf file (RH 4)
iscsiadm command for (RH 5 )
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Lesson 3: Summary
During this lesson the following topics were covered:
• Implementing Linux FC Connectivity
• Implementing Linux iSCSI Connectivity
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block
Key points covered in this module:
• Connectivity requirements include:
 Supported HBAs, HBA drivers, vendor management software, and
proper cabling to the fabric switches.
 Fabric switches properly configured and zoned
 Management station with supported OS, Web Browser, Java, and
network connectivity to the VNX.
• Several configuration are key to successful host integration, such
as initiator records and port properties
Steps to implement Linux connectivity in both a Fibre Channel
and iSCSI environment.
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Linux Host Installation and Integration for Block