FBMS Overview

Michael Sciortino
Chief, Financial Systems Division/
IA FBMS Bureau Lead
March 28, 2012
FBMS Vision
Monument Valley Panoramic 1 – ©2008-2011 by SeptSky
“The Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) is the
cornerstone of a fully integrated business management system,
supporting DOI as a world-class organization acknowledged for
management excellence and effective mission delivery.”
DOI FBMS Executive Steering Committee
FBMS Scope and Footprint
• FBMS is a comprehensive approach for improving DOI business functions.
• FBMS will integrate the department’s financial management and administrative systems across
all bureaus.
• FBMS will move DOI onto a single information system to manage a variety of business
functions, including:
Core Financials
Real & Personal
The Origins of FBMS
 Why does DOI need FBMS?
 Multiple, unconnected systems across bureaus (80+)
 Aging systems
 Obsolete architecture
 No longer supported by vendors
 Broad functionality, security and even hardware concerns due to
outdated code/architecture
 Frequent data calls necessary to get bureau data
 Multiple sign-ons and other efficiency obstacles
 Inconsistent business processes across bureaus
 Difficult for personnel to move from one bureau to another
 Difficult to redistribute administrative workload between bureaus
 Requirements gathering began in 1998 to replace legacy systems; planning
funding provided in 2002
FBMS Speedometer
FBMS Impact on Indian Affairs
 The impact on everyone at IA:
 New program, organization, and project accounting codes as defined in
the FBMS master data
 Quicktime Time & Attendance (T&A) System will be converted to use
new FBMS master data codes as of PP2012-20 (beginning September 9,
 The impact on IA offices:
 Requisitions will be more complex; require UPC (Uniform Product
Code), ABC codes, and other data that must be accurate for integrated
 Commitment accounting will be invoked meaning if an organization does
not have sufficient funds the requisition will not process
 Receiving reports must be entered into FBMS in order for payment to
 New processes for payroll and charge adjustments and funds inquiry
FBMS Impact on Indian Affairs (Cont’d.)
 The impact on current FFS, IDEAS, and FMIS system users:
 FFS and IDEAS will be retired and replaced by FBMS (SAP, Prism
Acquisitions, and Prism Grants).
 All but two modules of FMIS will be retired; FMIS will be replaced by
MAXIMO and parts of FBMS
 To be identified: which current FFS, IDEAS, and FMIS users will be role
mapped to functions in FBMS
 Other impacts:
 Current manual processes such as grants processing, receiving reports, and
additional property areas will be automated
 Still to be identified: what other BIE personnel who currently don’t have
access to FFS, IDEAS, or FMIS may need access to FBMS
 Financial assistance payments will be done through the Treasury ASAP
system; grantees will be able to draw down their funds quicker.
FBMS Impact on Indian Affairs (Cont’d.)
 Other impacts (Cont’d.)
 Vendor invoices will be processed through the Treasury Internet
Payment Platform (IPP)
 New fleet utilization reporting requirements
 Integrated and automated workflow in FBMS ties business processes
and personnel together via the system
 Separation of duties (SOD) is programmed into FBMS so users may not
be able to perform the same functions as they do now in FFS
 Many parts of FBMS will be controlled at the department level (vendor
 IA will be using same system as all of the DOI bureaus…processing
support is coordinated across all DOI
FBMS Impact on Tribes
 New IA Master Data - Will need to become familiar with new codes for organizations,
programs, funds, jobs numbers, etc.
 P-638 contracts and other grant funds will be drawn down through the Department of the
Treasury’s Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system
 Tribes and other Tribal grantees currently not registered in ASAP will need to be
registered and trained on ASAP system over the summer and into the fall
 The IA ASAP web site is to be made available and on-going customer assistance
provided to Tribes and grantees
 Tribes and Tribal grantees must be registered in Central Contract Registration System
(CCR) and have Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number in order to utilize ASAP
 Energy reporting may not be done through the Facilities Management Information
System (FMIS) since the system will be replaced by MAXIMO; procedure for energy
reporting by Tribes and Schools to be determined in conjunction with implementation of
 Fleet utilization information for both GSA and IA vehicles must be recorded monthly in
FBMS; procedure for Tribes and grant schools to provide information to IA is to be
Key Dates and Timeframes
Conversion – Started February 2 and continues
Role Mapping – Started February 29 to October 1
ASAP Registration (recipients) – April through October
Cycle 2 Testing – July 9 to August 17
User acceptance testing – August 27 to September 14
Pilot training – September 10 to September 21
End user training – October 15 to January 13 (and
 Go Live – November 5
 Blackout and Catch up – October 1 to November 30
 Post go-live support and operations and maintenance –
November 6 to….
For more information
 Michael Sciortino, IA FBMS Bureau Lead
 michael.sciortino@bia.gov
 703.390.6541
 Clarissa Kuennen, IA Change Management Lead
 Clarissa.kuennen@bia.gov
 505.563.3304