AASHTOWARE BRIDGE DESIGN & RATING REPORTS TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP (RTAG) 2013 Design Rating User Group Presentation Virginia Beach, Virginia August 8, 2013 PURPOSE/GOAL Produce reports/results in AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Programs to satisfy Users’ needs RTAG MEMBERS 1 2 3 Beckie Cindy Arthur Curtis Wang D’Andrea Michigan DOT Ohio DOT Louisiana DOT 4 5 6 Todd Paul Jeff Thompson Campisi Olsen South Dakota DOT New York State DOT Montana DOT 7 Amjad Waheed Ohio DOT RTAG RESOURCES BrDR Users Support of Task Force BrDR RTAG Members RTAG Baker Corporation Enhancem ent List SCHEDULE Have the recommendations passed through TF Proposed Start of Implementation in FY 2014 Plan APPROACH Produce standardized reports to meet users’ demands Get feedback from the users Evaluate BETA TAG Enhancement requests Evaluate reports currently available in Design and Rating REPORT ENHANCEMENT REQUESTS Incident 2711 3205 5797 5830 Benefits Disposition Bridge ID, Bridge Alternate, Structure ID , Structure Alternate, Member ID and Member Alternate shall be entered on all reports. A summary report for all current Both and existing members shall be generated. One comprehensive report that contains input and output shall be created. Opis shall keep the last analysis results but as soon as an input value is changed, it should either indicate that the input has changed or Opis previous analysis results are deleted. OpisSub Add tabular report navigation OpisSub Include Wind data in the report input section REPORT ENHANCEMENT REQUESTS Incident Benefits 6269 Disposition Include girder reactions eccentricity in live load reaction OpisSub output 7471 Opis Generate flexure and shear analysis summary for RC members 7976 Include columns that state single lane, multilane, without Virtis impact and with full impact forces 8120 Opis Include forces at field splice locations for splice design; capacity and design ratios for steel; vertical and interface shear; longitudinal reinforcement at tenth points and at points of section change 8204 Virtis Generate LRFR report and add in the drop down menu REPORT ENHANCEMENT REQUESTS Incident Benefits 8443 Opis 8513 Opis 8894 Both 10481 Both 11050 Disposition In the RC slab report display deflection up to 4 decimal points everywhere; provide deflection due to sacrificial wearing surface separate; no BRASS related enhancements; separate dead load forces and deflections Dead loads on Superload shall be calculated in the report Need control to sort our reports by bridge ID, year or bridge name Generate analysis results in tabular form Controlling member be added in the rating results from Bridge Explorer along with material type, girder type, impact factor and controlling point location. User shall be able to select the Virtis columns to be shown REPORT ENHANCEMENT REQUESTS Incident Benefits 11232 Disposition Generate an LFD report for Girder-Floor beam-Stringers; option to ignore spec checks at certain locations for rating purpose; It will leave a note that the spec. check has been over-ruled at this Virtis location by the user ABC. Create a single file that contains input as well as output for Both QA/QC purpose. 11815 Virtis Report DC & DW separately 11995 For culverts, summaries moments, shears and axial loads for Both various members 12559 Opis Provide a Service I line to LRFD output graph screen 11219 REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 1. Analysis Results window (for printing only) a) Rating Results Summary b) Dead Load Actions c) Live Load Actions d) LFD Critical Loads e) LRFD Critical Loads f) Steel Limit State Summary g) Concrete Limit State Summary * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 2. Report Tool a) Bridge Explorer Report (XML or Crystal Report) b) BWS Report (XML or Crystal Report) c) LFD Analysis Output (XML) d) LRFD Analysis Output (XML) e) LRFR Analysis Output (XML) * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 3. Spec-Check Report for spec articles (XML) * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 4. Engine Output (Analysis Output window) a. AASHTO Truss Engine I. Dead Load Analysis (XML) II. Live Load Analysis (XML) III. Live Load Analysis Impact (TXT) IV. Member Section Property Report (XML) V. Rating Results Report (XML) * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 4. Engine Output (Analysis Output window) a. AASHTO Truss Engine VI. Panel Point Maximum Forces Report (XML) VII. Panel Point Concurrent Forces Report (XML) * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 4. Engine Output (Analysis Output window) b. AASHTO Engine i. Dead Load Analysis (XML) ii. Live Load Analysis (XML) iii. Spec Check Results (XML) iv. Beam Capacity Report (XML) v. Service II Stress Ranges (XML) vi. Fatigue Stress Ranges (XML) * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE * 4. Engine Output (Analysis Output window) c. AASHTO Culvert Detail and Summary Outputs (TXT) * List provided by Baker Corp. REPORT TAG WISH LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. Bridge ID/Bridge Alternate/Structure ID/Structure Alternate in the header PDF version of reports Create a summary of load ratings of all current and existing “Bridge Alternates” Create a comprehensive report of all bridge inputs and outputs to recreate a bridge data file from the report REPORT TAG WISH LIST 5. 6. 7. 8. A report to echo all the input parameters comprehensive enough to re-create a bridge data file (Enhance BWS Report) List dead loads in separate columns (e.g., DC & DW) Make detailed reports available at Bridge Explorer level too Provide a list of report parts at one place to create a la carte reports (“smart reports”) REPORT TAG WISH LIST 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Comprehensive report at Bridge Explorer Level Provide Spec. Check Report Provide all essential cross-section properties at critical points Summarize moments/shear/axial forces for various components Option to upload a logo file (jpg/png/gif) for report headers REPORT TOOL IN BR-DR VEHICLE RATING SUMMARY Show only controlling load for LFR SPECIFICATION CHECK VIEWER FILTER EXAMPLE OF REPORTS LIST Marlin-dash BARS-PC OUTPUT BARS-PC OUTPUT BRR REPORT SAMPLE BRR REPORT SAMPLE Give breakdown of Impact forces for Moment and shear Clarify if LL DF has been applied or not CULVERT DETAIL OUTPUT EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY Br-Rating EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY Basic Information about bridge EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY General Information about Load rating Br-Rating EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY Load Rater’s Information EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY Load Rating Summary Load Restriction Recommendations (optional) EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY Mississippi DOT EXAMPLE OF BRIDGE RATING SUMMARY Mississippi DOT CURRENT STATUS Started in FY 2013 • Work in progress Challenges • Have recommendations in on time • Have Scope of Enhancements finalized • Cost Estimate • Competing with other priority items on work plan • Mockups for TAG CONTACT INFORMATION