Syllabus principles Enquiry questions

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Applying the three Es to develop
understanding of a case study
The Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1956
Syllabus principles
• Learning about the past involves a process
of enquiry
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• The results of our enquiry will depend upon
the available evidence
• Historical study needs to consider different
interpretations of the evidence in an openminded spirit of exploration
Enquiry questions
• Give a clear focus to a series of lessons
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• Clarify the learning purposes
• Ensure that the sequence of lessons is
leading to improved understanding
Enquiry questions
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• Capture students’
• Be historically
• Give prominence to an
aspect of historical
• Allow a strong
learning focus
• Result in a substantial
outcome activity
• Excite curiosity
• Have puzzle element
Choosing an enquiry question
• What were the causes and consequences of the
Montgomery bus boycott?
• How important was the Montgomery bus boycott in
the history of the civil rights movement?
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• How did the Montgomery bus boycott help to make
Martin Luther King, Junior, a national figure?
• Why did Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her bus seat
spark a national controversy?
Enquiry question
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Why did Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat
spark a national controversy?
Exploring the enquiry question
• The story of Rosa Parks’ arrest
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• Why did her arrest lead to a bus boycott?
• Why did the bus boycott become a matter
of national controversy?
Interrogating the sources
• What do we learn from the police report
about the circumstances of Rosa Parks’
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• What can the report tell us about Rosa
Parks herself?
• Do the fingerprint card and bus illustration
add anything to our understanding of the
events of that day?
Exploring the enquiry question
• Why did the arrest of Rosa Parks lead to a
bus boycott in Montgomery?
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• Rationale for sorting exercises
Other people’s responses
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E.D. Nixon, whose
actions contributed to
the launch of the bus
Other people’s responses
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Jo Ann Robinson,
whose actions
contributed to the
launch of the bus
The Bus Boycott
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Exploring the enquiry question
• Why did this particular bus boycott become
a matter of national controversy?
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• “Definites” and “maybes”
• Supporting evidence
Segregation unconstitutional
After the Supreme
Court judgement
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Developing writing skills
• Bring it all together and write it up
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• Managing the general and the particular:
“big” points and “little” points
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