3.3_Community Consultation 1st Barangay

DROM Operationalization Through
Accelerated CEAC
Stage 1-Social Preparation
Community Consultation/1st Barangay
Session Objectives:
• discuss the objectives of the community
consultation/1st Barangay Assembly;
• explain the preparatory, actual and post
activities, stakeholders involved, standards, key
decisions, outputs and tools in conducting
community consultation;
• identify the tasks of the ACT before during and
after the community consultation; and
• demonstrate facilitation of some portions of
the community consultation.
Objectives of Community Consultation (1st
Barangay Assembly)
1. Introduce KC-NCDDP and DROP in the
context of addressing needs for early
recovery and rehabilitation in the barangays.
2. Generate priority list of unaddressed needs,
for support by KC-NCDDP.
Major Steps in Community Consultation
A. Preparatory
1. Prior to the meeting, CEF familiarizes
him/herself on the situation in the
barangay by reviewing available secondary
data, conducting field visits, and KIIs.
2. CEF meets with the Barangay Chairperson
and the Validation Team to plan for the
consultation, and mobilizes the BLGU in
ensuring attendance and participation of
Major Steps in Community Consultation
B. Actual
1. The meeting is opened by the Barangay
Chairperson, and CEF is introduced.
2. CEF assisted by MCT counterpart and
members of the Community Validation Team,
presents and discusses an overview of the
3. Reactions, questions, and recommendations
of participants are solicited and addressed by
CEF, his/her municipal counterpart, and the
Validation Team.
Major Steps in Community Consultation
B. Actual
4. CEF facilitates identification and ranking of
remaining unaddressed needs based on
urgency and facilitates ranking of problems
and needs based on:
(i) number of HHs (including HHs from
vulnerable groups such as IPs, CAAs, and
GIDAs) who will immediately benefit if
the need is addressed, and;
(ii) risk/imminent danger to affected HHs if
the need remains unaddressed.
Major Steps in Community Consultation
B. Actual
5. Validation Team:
a. presents the matrix of agency PPA support
commitments, from all sources, for the
barangay resulting from the MDRRMC
b. cross-matches needs and resource support
commitments, and
c. identify remaining ranked unaddressed needs.
CEF facilitates discussion and agreement on the top
three (3) needs to be proposed for KC-NCDDP.
Remaining needs can be proposed to other NGAs
and/or MLGU for support.
Major Steps in Community Consultation
B. Actual
6. Validation Team :
a. explains the criteria, process, and results of
the ranking and grouping of barangays
based on severity of impact, and
b. announces the indicative grant available for
the barangay.
CEF facilitates discussion on the community
projects that may be implemented to address
top needs identified, using the negative and
positive list.
Major Steps in Community Consultation
B. Actual
7. Need to elect CVs for BRT and PPT is
discussed, criteria to be used for electing
CVs are agreed, and election of BRT and
PPT members is conducted.
8. GRS is explained, and the barangay GC is
Major Steps in Community Consultation
B. Actual
9. Resolution is passed on key agreements:
(i) ranked list of priority needs and
projects, and;
(ii) elected BRT and PPT members
10. CEF facilitates short reflection on the
11. Meeting is adjourned.
Considerations in Facilitating the Selection of
Community Members in the BRT and PPT
• EŸxplain the team composition and the
tasks of the teams
• Facilitate review, revision and
enhancement, and approval of the criteria
for selection
• Facilitate election of the volunteers for
BRT and PPT. Get nominations from
specific sectoral groups, rather than from
the plenary, but conduct final selection
and election in the plenary.
Considerations in Facilitating the Selection of
Community Members in the BRT and PPT
• Open the floor for questions and
discussion on the volunteer selection.
• Emphasize that the selection of volunteers
should give opportunity to barangay
residents other than elected or appointed
• Those interested to serve as volunteers
may nominate themselves subject to
confirmation by the BA.
Considerations in Facilitating the Selection of
Community Members in the BRT and PPT
• ŸIf the BA is undertaken at sitio, purok or
sectoral basis such as among IPs or poor
coconut farmers, the process shall generate
nominations and criteria for selection
• When organized groups such as women’s
organizations, IP’s council of elders,
irrigators’ farmers groups are present in the
area, criteria can include representation
from the most vulnerable groups and/or
Grievance Redress System
• system for community to address and
resolve grievances arising from the
• system is made functional by the
Grievance Committee elected from
among the community residents using
agreed criteria
• special BAs can be called from time to
time to hear and resolve grievances
Major Steps in Community Consultation
C. After Community Consultation
1. CEF and his/her municipal counterpart meet
with BRTs and PPTs and prepare them for the
municipal forum and succeeding activities.
2. BRTs and PPTs gather additional information
on proposed projects.
3. AC inform the SRPMO and RPMO of projected
TA and technical staff augmentation needs
based on project ideas being proposed by
Stakeholders Involved in Community
Barangay Chairperson
Sangguniang Barangay members
Validation Team
Community residents
In old KC areas, PSA or BRT CVs
NCIP or IP tribal leader, if the barangay is a
known Ancestral Domain
Standards in Community Consultation
1. CEF prepares key questions to focus
discussions on critical issues affecting
solutions prior to the consultation
a. Are there specific affected groups or areas which have
not received assistance, or for which no commitments
have been made?
b. Are you (the community members) aware of these
project commitments from NGAs?
This is informed by ocular visits, KIIs, and
integration by the CEF with community members
(cross-sectoral) prior to the meeting.
Standards in Community Consultation
2. CEF together with his/her counterpart
conduct dry-run/simulation and role-play
prior to the meeting to identify potential
issues and concerns, and refine the
meeting facilitation plan.
3. Assembly is chaired by the Barangay
Standards in Community Consultation
4. CEF facilitates the meeting.
5. CEF ensures that the discussion tackles
problems and needs FIRST, before solutions
and projects. Ensure that problems are
described (i.e. how it affects the life of
HHs), and not just listed/enumerated.
6. 80% of total HHs living in the barangay at
the time of the activity attends the meeting.
Standards in Community Consultation
7. Vulnerable groups (women, IP,
communities in GIDAs, Pantawid Pamilya
HHs, and CAAs) are adequately
8. Reactions to the presentation on the KCNCDDP are solicited, questions are
adequately answered, and
recommendations discussed.
Where needed, separate meetings are
conducted for vulnerable groups (women and
IPs) to solicit reactions, questions, and
Standards in Community Consultation
9. 2 CVs who are not elected public officials
are selected to join the BRT, one of which
shall be further designated as the BRT
head (BLGU chairperson is prohibited
from heading the BRT).
10. 3 CVs who are not elected public officials
are selected to compose the PPT.
11. Gender balance is observed in the
selection of CVs.
12.Where IPs is present, an IP CV is selected
to join the BRT and the PPT.
Standards in Community Consultation
13. Reflection follows the Observation-
Reflection-Internalization-Decision (ORID)
format of
(i) evoking observations, including feelings,
of participants on the proceedings, the
process of how decisions are made, and
the decisions themselves;
(ii) soliciting reflections and insights out of
what was observed/felt during the
Standards in Community Consultation
(iii) exploring (internalization) relevance of
the insights and reflections to the day-to-day
life of the community, including how new
insights and lessons will effect constructive
change in the community and;
(iv) generating resolve to (decisions)
undertake action and next steps.
14. Activity reports and other documents are
submitted within seven (7) days after the
Key Decisions in Community Consultation
1. Community validates damages and needs
described in the DANA.
2. Benefits to vulnerable groups are a key
consideration in the ranking of
unaddressed needs, and in the
identification of possible projects to
address these needs.
Outputs of Community Consultation
1. Agreed criteria for prioritizing unmet early
recovery and rehabilitation needs (based on
proportion of HHs affected over total
population, number of unmet needs, and
other criteria), and proposed
solutions/projects (based on proportion of
HHs who will benefit, and other criteria).
2. Concurred prioritized list of problems, needs,
and project ideas using the criteria, and the
matrix as basis for decision making.
Outputs of Community Consultation
3. BRT and PPT members are selected
based on agreed criteria, including
affirmative action criteria on women and
marginalized groups, citizens other than
elected public officials, etc.
Tools & Forms for Community Consultation
1. Activity Checklist
2. Template LGU-NGA Matrix of PPAs
3. Template BA Resolution on Priority
Problems and Needs and BRT and PPT
4. Activity Report Form
5. Attendance Sheets
Roles/Involvement of ACT in Community
Consultation/1st BA
A. Before the Community Consultation
1. CEF familiarizes him/herself on the situation
in the barangay by reviewing available
secondary data, conducting field visits, and
2. CEF meets with the Barangay Chairperson
and the validation team to plan for the
consultation, and mobilizes the BLGU in
ensuring attendance and participation of
3. CEF prepares key questions to focus
discussions on critical issues affecting
Roles/Involvement of ACT in Community
Consultation/1st BA
B. During the Community Consultation
1. Meeting is opened by the Barangay
Chairperson, and CEF is introduced.
2. CEF facilitates the meeting.
3. CEF assisted by his/her MCT counterpart and
other members of the Community Validation
Team, present and discusses an overview of
the NCDDP, and the DROP
4. CEF solicits and responds to reactions,
questions, and recommendations of
Roles/Involvement of ACT in Community
Consultation/1st BA
B. During the Community Consultation
5. CEF ensures that the discussion tackles
problems and needs FIRST, before solutions and
6. CEF facilitates identification and ranking of
remaining unaddressed needs based on urgency
and facilitates ranking of problems and needs.
7. CEF facilitates discussion and agreement on
the top 3 needs to be proposed for NCDDP
Roles/Involvement of ACT in Community
Consultation/1st BA
B. During the Community Consultation
8. CEF facilitates discussion on the community
projects that may be implemented to addressed
the top needs identified, using the negative and
positive list.
9. CEF facilitates short reflection on the
Roles/Involvement of ACT in Community
Consultation/1st BA
C. After the Community Consultation
1. CEF and his/her municipal counterpart meet
with BRTs and PPTs and prepares them for
the municipal forum and succeeding
2. AC informs the SRPMO and RPMO of
projected TA and technical staff
augmentation needs based on project ideas
being proposed by communities.
Key Message 1
Adequate preparation and coordination
with barangay officials and sector leaders
are crucial to the successful conduct of the
Community Consultation during the 1st
Barangay Assembly.
Key Message 2
Mobilization of at least 80% of community
households and sufficient representation
of vulnerable population to the
Community Consultation need to be
ensured by the CEF.
Key Message 3
Barangay Assembly is a major avenue for
direct participation of the people in local
governance agenda such as KC-NCDDP,
where issues are discussed and decisions
are documented and supported.
Key Message 4
CEF, in collaboration with the barangay
officials, is key to the recruitment and
criteria-based selection of Community
Volunteers as well as to the inspired
participation of community members.